Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024

Krystian Swiderski

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Real name Krystian Swiderski
Puzzle Blog
Country Poland
Date registered2011-01-06 3:03 AM
Last logon2025-01-15 11:31 PM
Total posts
LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Puzzle Ratings 118 584.9863 32 788.0477 History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 194 542.5764 29 838.8298 History

Daily Contestskarzym's Rankkarzym's ScoreTest Max Score
Nurimisaki Nomad 44 2257 3147
Yajilin Yacht 187 1067.09 3148
Kakuro Kart 77 2063.19 3058
Kurotto Kingdom 35 2400 3149
Voxas Vacation 128 1736.8 3089
Rassi Silai Race 44 2171 3085
Tapa Train 28 2419.34 3151
Classic Tapa Contest - 2016 24 422.5 606.4
Classic Tapa Contest - 2013 24 304.6 407.8
Classic Tapa Contest - 2012 55 297.44 501.944
Puzzle Testkarzym's Rankkarzym's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
PANFOPCWHTTAPA 3 60 134.683 149.6 773 780 775 0.7
2022R5 (Loops & Shading) 67 52.5 129.217 597 716 627 0.6
2022R4 (Numbers & 37 63 120.383 672 857 718 0.6
2022R3 (Regions & Evergreens) 48 76.6 128.517 693 808 722
2022R1 (Classics) 70 109.183 143.133 769 810 779
PANFOPCWHTTAPA 2 62 133.75 148.717 831 855 837
PANFOPCWHTTAPA 44 132.733 147.133 813 845 821
Regions (PR 2021) 63 70.8 149.3 609 728 639
Number Placement (PR 2021) 31 120.35 155.017 807 883 826
Loops (PR 2021) 70 74.6 159.9 633 737 659
Classics (PR 2021) 57 95 160.633 668 785 698
PZ 129 0 1061.67
Typed Logic 150 0 1290.67
MII and Regions (PR 2020) 59 99.8 160.15 654 691 663
Evergreens (PR 2020) 62 74 136.933 640 756 669
April Contest 2020 75 32 85
Shading and Loops (PR 2020) 55 122.017 169.483 723 753 731
Classics (PR 2020) 49 101.683 149 733 841 760
PuzzlersClub 1 46 471 1396.3 521 579 536
Number & Object Placement (PR 2019) 31 89 137.85 722 814 745
MII & Regions (PR 2019) 47 72 139.15 613 685 631
Shading & Loops (PR 2019) 60 94.8 162.05 625 663 634
Connected Puzzles (PR 2019) 36 104.467 149.167 738 788 750
Classics (PR 2019) 53 99.45 160.05 641 696 655
Kaleidoscope 2018 60 0 330.7
Loops & Shading (PR 2018) 15 130.617 156.933 839 896 853
Evergreens (PR 2018) 159 0 155.3
MII & Regions (PR 2018) 35 76.4 144.2 653 778 684
Classics (PR 2018) 48 128.417 168.3 746 747 747
Number Placement & Evergreens (PR 2016/17) 29 77.6 128.2 681 797 710
Object Placement & Pentomino (PR 2016/17) 31 72.1 124.917 677 800 707
Shading and Loops (PR 2016/17) 32 121.117 169.817 752 820 769
Classics & Regions (PR 2016/17) 25 122.767 156.1 823 890 840
Moscow Puzzle Cup 2016 38 613 1314.9
Hex Slitherlink 31 100 100
Puzzle Marathon 2016 55 686.934 976.528 678 799 708
Object Placement (PR 2015/16) 37 82.7 137.65 702 776 721
Loop pooL 31 100 100
Loops (PR 2015/16) 39 134.367 165.6 801 822 807
Shading (PR 2015/16) 32 130.033 159.05 831 850 836
WCPN 51 490 1279.77 579 702 610
forsmarts 13th Anniversary Contest 123 0 811.5
LMI Screen Test #5 64 1477.6 2175.2 688 761 706
Regions (PR 2015/16) 34 118.617 157.683 778 853 797
Snake Variations Contest - 2015 48 235.8 694.833
Evergreens (PR 2015/16) 226 0 130.2
Numbers (PR 2015/16) 248 0 150
Classics (PR 2015/16) 63 87.5 157.633 640 744 666
April Contest 2015 37 36 99
Puzzle Marathon 2015 63 500.741 757.097 627 786 667
forsmarts 12th Anniversary Contest 35 294.8 838.5
Pento Parade 153 0 1592.22
September Magic Contest 80 0 423
World Practice Championship - Day 2 120 0 1719
World Practice Championship - Day 1 31 1210 2014
April Contest 2014 56 35 99
FAST 161 51 38510.9
LMI Puzzle Marathon 2014 53 590.204 773.675 751 833 772
Kakuro 56 568.2 1353 576 671 600
forsmarts 11th Anniversary Contest 45 553.1 1000
Japanese Puzzle Land 2 50 470 1103.4 603 749 640
DWBH 103 252 946.667 458 471 461
WPC Practice Test 29 513 972.95
Classics : Hexed & Remixed 35 410 885 580 699 610
WPMM 124 412.591 929.468 452 424 445
DTGT 29 630 1208.8
Deception 23 568 1123.24 650 788 685
April Contest 2013 30 55 92
Puzzle Marathon 2013 158 462.56 970.828 465 485 470
Best of LMI Puzzle Tests 158 0 487
8th Open Moscow Puzzle Cup 2012 47 167 439
forsmarts 10th Anniversary Contest 100 75 935
Fillomino-Fillia 2 52 62.72 185.727
123 GO 60 79 203.926 581 690 608
Borders & Beyond 64 236 861.292 527 568 538
Di... 107 0 265
akil oyunlari magazine competition 132 33 1455.3
Logirace 37 527 1665.26 573 760 620
Seven Samurais 59 300 815.63 552 630 571
Puzzle Marathon 2012 71 1059.62 1310.25 655 730 674
Best of LMI Puzzle Tests 77 340 1382 452 415 443
Forsmarts 3² Anniversary 66 289.6 835
Puzzle Fusion 60 205 499 584 693 611
Screen Test #2 105 850 1428 600 684 621
2011 Double Decathlon 57 420 1182.46 573 705 606
LMI Sprint Test 68 140 348 563 682 593
Japanese Puzzle Land 151 101.8 550 319 257 304
Magic Cube 97 332 1226 371 304 354
Nikoli Selection 2011 69 160 492 515 588 533
Fillomino Fillia 93 35 148 407 359 395
MAYnipulation 68 115 758 215 183 207
Twist 81 171.8 736 356 344 353
Puzzle Hybrids 88 236 1265 305 223 285
Puzzle Jackpot 149 0 1273.2
Sudoku Testkarzym's Rankkarzym's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2022R3 (Converse & Outside) 23 112.733 153.967 808 945 842 0.7
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 342 23.8 140.617 350 351 350 0.8
Odd Even (SM 2021) 264 0 149.333
Hybrids (SM 2021) 49 101.7 151.867 733 844 760 0.6
Converse (SM 2021) 54 124.883 158.35 813 845 821
Math (SM 2021) 16 120.85 146.983 871 950 891
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2021) 27 139.55 160.133 878 922 889
Outside (SM 2021) 29 115.233 145.05 837 920 857
Standard (SM 2021) 64 103.633 153.25 722 824 747
Lockdown Sudoku Test 17 685 1032.33 756 926 799
Quinze 2 25 575 1017.03 666 864 716
Twisted Classics and Hybrids (SM2020) 291 0 135.583
Converse and Odd Even (SM2020) 325 0 140.583
Math (SM2020) 29 104.917 142.45 807 922 836
Irregular and Outside (SM2020) 24 128.333 155.7 854 928 873
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 103 54 128.417 584 702 613
Standard (SM 2020) 30 130.283 157.367 868 933 884
Quinze 24 102.75 130.73 826 860 834
Pentakaideca 25 73.1 130.1 673 815 708
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 19) 48 79 147 655 784 687
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 19) 23 116.933 152.317 820 909 842
Math (SM 19) 32 82 129.033 744 876 777
Substitution & Odd Even (SM 19) 276 0 137.517
Outside & Neighbours (SM 19) 44 90.9 148.467 707 830 738
Standard (SM 19) 50 86 147.383 685 800 714
Deja Vu 13 126.45 146.817 884 906 889
Enthralling Sudoku 32 105.817 150.233 709 744 717
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 18) 17 97 126.7 827 919 850
Math (SM 18) 26 101.567 142.1 794 895 819
Odd Even & Substitution (SM 18) 48 87.4 141.1 705 810 731
Outside & Neighbours (SM 18) 24 90 131.3 772 908 806
Standard (SM 18) 59 104.517 157.1 750 796 762
"What Is It?" - Sudoku Contest 13 215 420
Irregular & Converse (SM 16/17) 30 121.767 150.3 847 888 857
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 19 114.917 139.05 884 946 900
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 371 0 141.283
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) 29 119.05 151.533 837 897 852
Wacky Slovak Classics 20 189.8 259.25 806 869 822
September Sudoku Contest 2016 16 267 502.8
Nuovo Cinema Sudoku 150 0 611.75
Irregular Variations (SM 15/16) 39 92 145.15 712 852 747
Converse Variations (SM 15/16) 296 0 142.083
Twisted Classics (SM 15/16) 101 93.9 155.083 628 688 643
Outside Variations (SM 15/16) 302 0 135.533
Math Variations (SM 15/16) 284 12.9 136.083 151 87 135
X-Killer 45 2400 2400
Odd Even Variations (SM 15/16) 32 123.833 156.233 833 896 849
September Sudoku Contest 2015 27 244 679.167
Neighbours Variations (SM 15/16) 314 7 144.667 67 28 57
Unlucky 13 196 533 1882.62 228 149 208
Converse Variations (SM 14/15) 27 130.8 156.467 876 912 885
Neighbours Variations (SM 14/15) 36 130.2 153.933 869 881 872
Math Variations (SM 14/15) 25 135.6 158.417 868 890 873
Outside Variations (SM 14/15) 234 27 151.45 321 223 297
Sudoku Surprise 174 0 1810.33
Odd Even Variations (SM 14/15) 124 50 145.167 560 633 578
Irregular Variations (SM 14/15) 24 125.167 150.05 874 924 886
Standard Variations (SM 14/15) 22 132 150.533 911 938 918
Sudoku Day 236 0 111.884
7X7 208 0 1403.84
Road To London 130 0 695.436
Parallel Universe 28 955 1462.14 766 879 794
Special 8 53 470 1004.8 604 690 626
Best of LMI Sudoku Tests 47 542.3 1298 621 768 657
LMI Screen Test #4 54 1607.39 2982.38 654 759 680
Match (WSC Practice) 137 0 907.78
September Sudoku Contest 2013 44 150 390
Sudoku Grand Prix - Italian Round 93 284 558.133 615 744 647
Sudoku Grand Prix - Turkish Round 358 0 656
Sudoku Grand Prix - Serbian Round 43 546 915.4 737 904 779
V2V 54 545 1092.9 640 766 671
Sudoku Grand Prix - Indian Round 49 333 559 742 921 787
LMI Screen Test #3 55 1505.42 2849.14 677 813 711
Fugitive Warrant 57 69 182 541 597 555
Killer Shootout 46 144 373.46 540 679 575
Classics vs. Innovatives 45 189.5 416.7 617 753 651
Copy Paste 111 387 1446.95 452 453 452
SudoClones 69 410 1239.9 546 602 560
Sudoku 8X8 56 410 871.8 595 716 625
Killing Time 79 265 985.458 414 405 412
Diagonal Vision 169 0 860
Shapes and Sizes 106 181 902 323 297 317
Best of LMI Mocks 75 345 1080 527 565 537
Sudoku A or B 86 59 147.7 472 494 478
Crazy Arrows 161 0 925
Sudoku City 117 8 93 140 87 127
Fivefold Sudoku Test 102 289.4 1061.8 496 492 495
LOGIDOKU 49 121 348 537 636 561
Something is Missing 31 190 437 577 688 605
LMI April Sudoku Test 103 160 650 503 512 505
LMI Spring Sudoku Test 100 150 954 288 288 288
Prime Exotica 171 0 660

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0
Beginners' Sudokukarzym's Rankkarzym's ScoreTest Max Score
July 2014 224 49.98 122.38
May 2014 81 69.43 117.3
February 2014 52 98.12 124.78
December 2013 25 94.35 116.92
August 2013 54 93.88 122.17
June 2013 24 92.4 115.72
March 2013 31 91.48 118
February 2013 24 103.5 122.93
January 2013 43 98.73 123.42
December 2012 46 94.75 125.02
November 2012 79 52.08 110.65
October 2012 48 87.72 118.38
September 2012 45 100.27 126
August 2012 33 103.57 126.57
July 2012 42 87.95 120.78
Beginners' Puzzlekarzym's Rankkarzym's ScoreTest Max Score
Cave 59 87.3667 131.4
Yajilin 103 53 136.6
Yin-Yang 8 130 136.333
Minesweeper 34 118.033 135.967
Tetrominoes 67 82.2 128
Spiral Galaxies 17 111.567 137.067
LITS 11 123.567 137.333
Skyscrapers 27 116.8 135.167
Slitherlink 38 122.5 142.367
Star Battle 50 111.033 139.367
Masyu 99 300 549.92