Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024

Michael Tang

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Real name Michael Tang
Puzzle Blog
Country United States
Date registered2016-06-19 9:49 AM
Last logon2024-04-13 10:28 AM
Total posts74 202020
LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Puzzle Ratings 65 715.7196 48 773.4238 History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 106 651.7068 84 684.2046 History

Sudoku Ratings HistoryRatingsRank
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 651.7068 106
2023R3 (Irregular & Math) 653.5801 109
2023R2 (Outside & Hybrids) 654.6427 110
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 654.3375 105
2022R4 (Math & Irregular) 684.2046 85
2022R3 (Converse & Outside) 680.2715 93
2022R2 (Odd Even & Hybrids) 677.5079 92
2022R1 (Standard & Neighbours) 679.4045 90
Odd Even (SM 2021) 674.0684 94
Hybrids (SM 2021) 652.9745 106
Irregular and Twisted Classics (SM 2021) 633.6992 111
Converse (SM 2021) 631.6331 113
Math (SM 2021) 623.8765 113
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2021) 623.692 115
Outside (SM 2021) 605.0052 118
Standard (SM 2021) 596.7962 128
Lockdown Sudoku Test 595.0696 126
Quinze 2 608.2719 117
Twisted Classics and Hybrids (SM2020) 613.7155 114
Mean Minis 624.767 115
Converse and Odd Even (SM2020) 645.4535 107
Math (SM2020) 653.8796 102
Irregular and Outside (SM2020) 650.8373 103
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 648.6181 96
Standard (SM 2020) 635.5004 92
Quinze 624.5137 84
Pentakaideca 611.4528 88
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 19) 614.3458 94
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 19) 593.8207 105
Math (SM 19) 576.5001 117
Substitution & Odd Even (SM 19) 550.8923 134
Outside & Neighbours (SM 19) 514.8597 142
Standard (SM 19) 472.1942 178
Deja Vu 464.8619 190
Enthralling Sudoku 435.8151 224
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 18) 410.2149 256
Math (SM 18) 388.855 270
Odd Even & Substitution (SM 18) 393.0248 278
R19 - WSC Playoffs 390.577 281
Outside & Neighbours (SM 18) 407.6264 277
Standard (SM 18) 416.7077 289
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 18) 379.1218 307
Irregular & Converse (SM 16/17) 350.9577 331
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 352.9577 325
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 328.0458 331
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) 259.0893 374
Wacky Slovak Classics 138.6569 495
Nuovo Cinema Sudoku 117.5286 519
Daily Contestsmstang's Rankmstang's ScoreTest Max Score
Nurimisaki Nomad 76 2054.86 3147
Yajilin Yacht 292 242.349 3148
Kakuro Kart 288 77.7812 3058
Kurotto Kingdom 21 2631.35 3149
Rassi Silai Race 206 1202.17 3085
Tapa Train 104 1624.91 3151
Puzzle Testmstang's Rankmstang's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2024R1 (Classics) 71 71 0
April Contest 2023 55 16 0
2023R5 (Casual & Word) 33 74.5 107.517 740 871 773 1
2023R4 (NP & OP) 78 70.6 128.967 616 709 639 1
2023R3 (Shading & MII) 41 79.3 134.45 694 849 733 0.8
2023R2 (Evergreens & Rule Pool) 72 63.8 127.767 637 774 671 0.8
PANFOPCWHTTAPA 3 33 139.683 149.6 849 881 857 0.7
2022R4 (Numbers & 102 41 120.383 546 598 559 0.6
2022R2 (Casual & Word) 68 49.1 109.25 596 754 635
2022R1 (Classics) 72 108.333 143.133 763 804 774
PANFOPCWHTTAPA 2 36 138.083 148.717 880 917 889
2023R1 (Classics) 60 88.8 131.483 747 830 768 0.7
SSC 2021 32 99 0
MII & Evergreens (PR 2021) 53 72.7 148.45 603 673 621
Shading (PR 2021) 47 123.833 168.15 751 755 752
Casual & Word (PR 2021) 16 116.717 135.95 860 923 876
OP (PR 2021) 55 113.083 157.5 746 770 752
April Contest 2021 34 33 0
Regions (PR 2021) 25 101.483 149.3 762 895 795
Number Placement (PR 2021) 75 84 155.017 606 712 632
Loops (PR 2021) 43 90.6 159.9 702 840 736
Classics (PR 2021) 53 95.5 160.633 671 800 703
25Y 48 975 0
PU III 28 615 1309.1 656 837 701
Typed Logic 35 576 1290.67 599 762 640
MII and Regions (PR 2020) 28 125.733 160.15 803 856 816
Evergreens (PR 2020) 102 57.1 136.933 543 596 557
April Contest 2020 78 29 85
Shading and Loops (PR 2020) 57 121.15 169.483 718 744 725
Number and Object Placement (PR 2020) 41 84.3 134.9 718 832 746
Classics (PR 2020) 56 98.35 149 714 817 740
PuzzlersClub 1 52 447 1396.3 509 523 512
Number & Object Placement (PR 2019) 42 71 137.85 620 745 651
MII & Regions (PR 2019) 56 64.8 139.15 572 623 585
April Contest 2019 47 23 99
Casual & Word (PR 2019) 38 75.8 122.467 666 738 684
Shading & Loops (PR 2019) 87 73.9 162.05 508 514 510
Connected Puzzles (PR 2019) 48 88.8 149.167 646 715 663
Classics (PR 2019) 54 98.05 160.05 633 690 647
Kaleidoscope 2018 44 50.5 330.7
Loops & Shading (PR 2018) 74 70 156.933 466 455 463
Casual & Word (PR 2018) 14 71.8 93.9 802 911 829
Number Placement & Evergreens (PR 2016/17) 58 54.6 128.2 535 587 548
April Contest 2017 62 11 99
Object Placement & Pentomino (PR 2016/17) 95 36.6 124.917 423 380 412
Shading and Loops (PR 2016/17) 123 46.1 169.817 323 297 316
Snowmen 33 241.5 596.667 569 644 588
Classics & Regions (PR 2016/17) 109 62.8 156.1 504 511 506
Moscow Puzzle Cup 2016 87 122 1314.9
Kaleidoscope 40 84 318.298 444 449 446
Sudoku Testmstang's Rankmstang's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2024R1 (Standard & Irregular) 185 46 0
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 100 51 126.7 598 739 633 1
2023R3 (Irregular & Math) 71 55 121.783 636 820 682 1
2022R1 (Standard & Neighbours) 111 60 138.383 598 713 626 0.6
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 178 48 140.617 566 663 590 0.8
Odd Even (SM 2021) 40 85 149.333 680 845 722 0.6
Hybrids (SM 2021) 69 83 151.867 633 779 670 0.6
Irregular and Twisted Classics (SM 2021) 78 81.2 150.4 630 751 660
Converse (SM 2021) 94 102.3 158.35 686 730 697
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2021) 80 116.033 160.133 738 762 744
Outside (SM 2021) 90 80 145.05 643 749 670
Standard (SM 2021) 103 85 153.25 618 714 642
Lockdown Sudoku Test 105 335 1032.33 511 525 514
Quinze 2 73 405 1017.03 538 591 551
Mean Minis 112 37 135.9 500 507 502
Math (SM2020) 81 73 142.45 644 777 677
Irregular and Outside (SM2020) 96 80.9 155.7 602 707 628
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 70 65.2 128.417 647 799 685
Standard (SM 2020) 140 83.3 157.367 639 683 650
Quinze 54 73 130.73 640 677 649
Pentakaideca 48 57 130.1 580 638 595
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 19) 89 56.7 147 542 596 555
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 19) 74 72.7 152.317 595 687 618
Math (SM 19) 56 63 129.033 641 779 676
Get Overlapped! 65 59.8 232.067
Substitution & Odd Even (SM 19) 75 62 137.517 602 725 633
Outside & Neighbours (SM 19) 66 80.7 148.467 655 743 677
Standard (SM 19) 107 54.9 147.383 525 567 536
Deja Vu 49 74 146.817 585 622 595
Enthralling Sudoku 76 57 150.233 385 380 384
Standard (SM 18) 158 45.6 157.1 439 447 441
Converse & Twisted Classics (SM 18) 125 47.6 143.6 517 547 525
September Sudoku Contest 2017 24 249 596.633
Irregular & Converse (SM 16/17) 179 39.4 150.3 347 310 337
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 227 32.3 139.05 461 327 428
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 176 39.9 141.283 504 510 506
Standard & Neighbours (SM 16/17) 149 48.5 151.533 466 458 464
Wacky Slovak Classics 138 25 259.25 156 55 131
September Sudoku Contest 2016 67 110 502.8
Nuovo Cinema Sudoku 104 55 611.75 193 215 198

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0