Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024

Soji Kubota

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Real name Soji Kubota
Puzzle Blog
Country Japan
Date registered2015-11-06 3:31 PM
Last logon2025-01-07 2:01 PM
Total posts
LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Puzzle Ratings 21 859.7518 19 862.4006 History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 165 587.0314 68 731.0304 History

Indian ChampionshipsOfficial Rankfff1015's ScoreMax (Official) Score
Indian Puzzle Championship 2020 110 2748.17
Daily Contestsfff1015's Rankfff1015's ScoreTest Max Score
Nurimisaki Nomad 109 1878.07 3147
Yajilin Yacht 51 2231.21 3148
Kakuro Kart 311 0 3058
Kurotto Kingdom 208 831.094 3149
Voxas Vacation 287 0 3089
Tapa Train 229 348.639 3151
Classic Tapa Contest - 2016 39 366.8 606.4
Puzzle Testfff1015's Rankfff1015's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2024R6 (Snake & Casual) 11 115.917 0
2024R5 (Shading & Regions) 26 102.767 0
2024R4 (Word & OP) 32 98.1667 0
2024R3 (Evergreens & MII) 13 105.567 0
2024R2 (Loops & Numbers) 15 104.717 0
2023R6 (Regions & Loops) 11 122.267 137.983 910 957 922 1
2023R5 (Casual & Word) 36 73.7 107.517 734 859 765 1
2023R4 (NP & OP) 21 106.117 128.967 850 923 868 1
2023R3 (Shading & MII) 9 112 134.45 876 970 899 0.8
2023R2 (Evergreens & Rule Pool) 15 102.05 127.767 854 955 879 0.8
PANFOPCWHTTAPA 3 15 143.233 149.6 903 948 914 0.7
2022R6 (MII & Object Placement) 41 65.7 125.05 648 810 689 0.6
2022R5 (Loops & Shading) 16 91.6 129.217 802 935 836 0.6
2022R4 (Numbers & 34 65.9 120.383 688 869 733 0.6
2022R1 (Classics) 11 130.567 143.133 915 972 929
2023R1 (Classics) 61 88.6 131.483 746 827 766 0.7
Moscow Puzzle Cup 2022 - Part 2 39 298.8 0
Moscow Puzzle Cup 2022 - Part 1 19 322.6 0
MII & Evergreens (PR 2021) 18 112.033 148.45 809 893 830
OP (PR 2021) 7 143.3 157.5 919 974 933
Regions (PR 2021) 28 99.1833 149.3 751 882 783
Number Placement (PR 2021) 41 109.95 155.017 750 844 773
Loops (PR 2021) 12 126.067 159.9 854 958 880
Classics (PR 2021) 32 112.817 160.633 758 881 789
MPC2020 20 1609 0
PU III 26 618.7 1309.1 658 849 706
Typed Logic 29 605 1290.67 615 804 662
MII and Regions (PR 2020) 13 134.533 160.15 853 936 874
Casual and Word (PR 2020) 17 104.817 132.783 828 914 850
Evergreens (PR 2020) 23 106.017 136.933 823 912 845
Shading and Loops (PR 2020) 3 160.583 169.483 948 991 959
Number and Object Placement (PR 2020) 21 98.9833 134.9 800 916 829
Classics (PR 2020) 81 82.8 149 626 738 654
PuzzlersClub 2 52 368 1162 438 452 441
PuzzlersClub 1 15 765 1396.3 673 869 722
Number & Object Placement (PR 2019) 58 62.1 137.85 569 646 588
MII & Regions (PR 2019) 18 99.6333 139.15 772 884 800
Shading & Loops (PR 2019) 5 153.5 162.05 952 977 959
Connected Puzzles (PR 2019) 38 103.234 149.167 730 776 742
Classics (PR 2019) 9 140.017 160.05 881 953 899
Kaleidoscope 2018 17 165.4 330.7
Loops & Shading (PR 2018) 21 122.967 156.933 792 851 807
Casual & Word (PR 2018) 129 14.7002 93.9 193 123 176
Evergreens (PR 2018) 33 85.7 155.3 632 791 672
Shading and Loops (PR 2016/17) 84 72.7 169.817
Hex Slitherlink 9 100 100
Puzzle Marathon 2016 232 138.97 976.528 132 145 135
Object Placement (PR 2015/16) 47 68.2 137.65 623 714 646
Loop pooL 26 100 100
Loops (PR 2015/16) 109 86.4 165.6 497 495 496
Toketa? Selection 23 599 1103.67 688 815 720
Snakes (PR 2015/16) 31 79.7 137.867 668 792 699
WCPN 76 365 1279.77 512 554 522
Snake Variations Contest - 2015 83 70 694.833
Sudoku Testfff1015's Rankfff1015's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2024R4 (Outside & Converse) 32 71 0
2024R3 (Math & Neighbours) 99 62.7 0
2024R2 (Odd Even & Hybrids) 110 60.8 0
2024R1 (Standard & Irregular) 135 57.4 0
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 127 44.6 126.7 564 666 590 1
2023R2 (Outside & Hybrids) 168 41.9 136.25 529 572 540 1
2022R4 (Math & Irregular) 125 58.9 145.7 558 636 577 0.8
2022R3 (Converse & Outside) 83 80 153.967 655 799 691 0.7
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 287 31 140.617 456 457 456 0.8
Odd Even (SM 2021) 38 85.9 149.333 685 853 727 0.6
Converse (SM 2021) 110 95 158.35 645 683 655
Math (SM 2021) 76 72.1 146.983
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2021) 37 132.117 160.133 833 892 848
Outside (SM 2021) 79 82.2 145.05 655 780 687
Standard (SM 2021) 59 104.4 153.25 726 838 754
Welcome 2021 65 69 0
Lockdown Sudoku Test 60 445 1032.33 588 733 624
Quinze 2 71 410 1017.03 542 602 557
Twisted Classics and Hybrids (SM2020) 51 85.2 135.583 699 822 729
Mean Minis 31 75.4 135.9 694 865 737
Converse and Odd Even (SM2020) 71 62.2 140.583 622 778 661
Math (SM2020) 137 54.9 142.45 551 620 568
Irregular and Outside (SM2020) 107 78 155.7 586 673 608
Standard (SM 2020) 173 71.5 157.367 581 610 588
Quinze 69 62 130.73 572 585 575
Pentakaideca 50 55 130.1 569 623 582
SSC2019 40 170 585
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 19) 67 75 152.317 607 717 634
Math (SM 19) 44 69.4 129.033 676 827 714
Get Overlapped! 73 51 232.067
Substitution & Odd Even (SM 19) 151 37.8 137.517 443 442 443
Outside & Neighbours (SM 19) 103 61.4 148.467 557 597 567
Standard (SM 19) 97 58 147.383 541 608 558
Deja Vu 53 66 146.817 540 591 553
Enthralling Sudoku 54 81 150.233 546 562 550
September Sudoku Contest 2018 59 79 569.467
Irregular & Hybrids (SM 18) 85 46 126.7 529 574 540
Math (SM 18) 65 62.6 142.1 595 731 629
Odd Even & Substitution (SM 18) 120 51.3 141.1 507 522 511
Outside & Neighbours (SM 18) 153 33 131.3 403 392 401
Wacky Slovak Classics 115 50 259.25 312 214 288
X-Killer 132 0 2400

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
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