Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024

Ko Okamoto

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Real name Ko Okamoto
Puzzle Blog
Country Japan
Date registered2010-10-20 12:02 PM
Last logon2024-06-16 1:56 PM
Total posts43 2020
Rank[auth] Toketa? Selection Author [/auth]
LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 203 537.6723 13 871.1038 History

Daily Contestsxevs's Rankxevs's ScoreTest Max Score
Rassi Silai Race 348 0 3085
Tapa Train 240 233.525 3151
Classic Tapa Contest - 2016 165 125.1 606.4
Classic Tapa Contest - 2013 14 332.8 407.8
Classic Tapa Contest - 2012 8 405.073 501.944
Puzzle Testxevs's Rankxevs's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
SSC 2021 13 146 0
MII & Evergreens (PR 2021) 13 116.233 148.45 831 925 855
Shading (PR 2021) 25 137.483 168.15 827 872 839
Puzzle Marathon 2016 6 910.777 976.528 927 981 940
Toketa? Selection Author
LMI Screen Test #5 13 1885 2175.2 870 955 891
Puzzle Marathon 2015 20 629.44 757.097 814 934 844
World Practice Championship - Day 2 8 1245 1719
World Practice Championship - Day 1 6 1655 2014
Parallel Universe II 6 1273.31 2152.05 736 958 792
FAST 2 29952.9 38510.9
LMI Puzzle Marathon 2014 5 754.015 773.675 973 987 977
Kakuro 15 950 1353 782 916 816
forsmarts 11th Anniversary Contest 8 920 1000
Japanese Puzzle Land 2 3 956.583 1103.4 908 990 928
DWBH 3 833.833 946.667 916 990 934
WPC Practice Test Author
Classics : Hexed & Remixed 5 795 885 920 965 931
WPMM 2 907.559 929.468 977 995 981
DTGT 7 890 1208.8 820 958 855
Deception 3 1068.22 1123.24 965 981 969
April Contest 2013 7 82 92
Puzzle Marathon 2013 3 957.388 970.828 986 993 988
Best of LMI Puzzle Tests 21 274 487 713 852 748
forsmarts 10th Anniversary Contest 30 470 935 592 724 625
Word Show 27 72 163 611 757 648
Fillomino-Fillia 2 5 122.794 185.727
123 GO 21 122.949 203.926 728 893 769
Borders & Beyond 4 644.4 861.292 836 979 872
Di... 13 142 265
Logirace 9 872 1665.26 702 947 763
Seven Samurais 7 708 815.63 906 961 920
No Numbers Author
Puzzle Marathon 2012 8 1242.92 1310.25 907 973 924
Best of LMI Puzzle Tests 2 1159 1382 889 992 915
Forsmarts 3² Anniversary 18 521.8 835
Snake Variations Contest 2011 4 1071.8 1348
Puzzle Fusion 3 420 499 888 990 914
Screen Test #2 1 1428 1428 1000 1000 1000
2011 Double Decathlon 3 1094.89 1182.46 951 989 961
LMI Sprint Test 3 336 348 975 991 979
Japanese Puzzle Land 6 421 550 835 975 870
Magic Cube 2 1085 1226 909 993 930
Fillomino Fillia 17 80 148 676 887 729
Twist 12 442.2 736 703 910 755
Sudoku Testxevs's Rankxevs's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
Odd Even (SM 2021) 27 107.383 149.333 792 897 818 0.6
Hybrids (SM 2021) 33 112.717 151.867 791 896 818 0.6
Unlucky 13 53 1582.53 1882.62 789 772 785
Math Variations (SM 14/15) 39 123.15 158.417 796 826 803
Outside Variations (SM 14/15) 18 122.8 151.45 869 943 887
Sudoku Day 8 69 111.884 758 956 808
Parallel Universe 11 1258.31 1462.14 906 953 918
Special 8 13 740 1004.8 804 929 835
LMI Screen Test #4 32 2074.14 2982.38 771 859 793
Match (WSC Practice) 13 722 907.78
September Sudoku Contest 2013 6 305 390
Sudoku Grand Prix - Italian Round 7 480 558.133 890 983 914
Sudoku Grand Prix - Turkish Round 10 428 656 779 972 827
Sudoku Grand Prix - Serbian Round 23 664 915.4 821 951 853
V2V 16 823 1092.9 823 940 852
Sudoku Grand Prix - Indian Round 22 431 559 854 965 882
LMI Screen Test #3 16 2095.1 2849.14 819 947 851
Fugitive Warrant 11 139 182 825 928 851
Killer Shootout 14 272.9 373.46 798 907 826
Copy Paste 26 870 1446.95 717 876 757
SudoClones 26 685 1239.9 697 854 736
Sudoku 8X8 21 562 871.8 728 897 770
Killing Time 25 510 985.458 643 817 686
Diagonal Vision 18 605 860 783 888 809
Shapes and Sizes 4 775.4 902 898 980 919
Best of LMI Mocks 9 775 1080 804 953 841
Sudoku A or B 25 96 147.7 697 857 737
Crazy Arrows 29 495 925 639 786 676
Sudoku City 50 34 93 543 611 560
Fivefold Sudoku Test 15 678.7 1061.8 751 929 796
LOGIDOKU 32 149 348 594 767 637

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0
Beginners' Sudokuxevs's Rankxevs's ScoreTest Max Score
May 2014 25 94.88 117.3
February 2014 15 111.32 124.78
December 2013 26 94.25 116.92
August 2013 12 114.97 122.17
March 2013 25 96.82 118
January 2013 26 106.17 123.42
July 2012 10 110.6 120.78
Beginners' Puzzlexevs's Rankxevs's ScoreTest Max Score
Yin-Yang 6 130.9 136.333
Minesweeper 31 121.067 135.967
Tetrominoes 13 116.733 128
Spiral Galaxies 6 127.267 137.067
LITS 14 120.867 137.333
Skyscrapers 41 109.8 135.167
Slitherlink 13 136.367 142.367
Star Battle 25 121.7 139.367
Masyu 21 432.58 549.92