PR 2025 R1 - Classics (7th - 13th Feb) Score Discuss
SM 2025 R1 - Standard & Converse (14th - 20th Feb) has started Discuss
Sudoku Mahabharat 2025
Puzzle Ramayan 2025
Sudoku Mahabharat - Junior 2025

Jorge Robledo

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Real name Jorge Robledo
Puzzle Blog
Country Argentina
Date registered2010-10-04 2:06 AM
Last logon2022-08-27 4:56 AM
Total posts
Puzzle Testjaroble's Rankjaroble's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
Evergreens (PR 2015/16) 225 0 130.2
Numbers (PR 2015/16) 208 17 150 185 130 171
Classics (PR 2015/16) 228 12 157.633 100 70 92
Kakuro 156 85 1353 100 84 96
Japanese Puzzle Land 2 186 50 1103.4 82 51 74
Puzzle Marathon 2013 361 0 970.828
akil oyunlari magazine competition 128 70 1455.3 64 46 59
Puzzle Marathon 2012 350 0 1310.25
Forsmarts 3² Anniversary 159 0 835
Puzzle Fusion 189 20 499 69 26 58
Japanese Puzzle Land 200 15 550 47 20 40
Nikoli Selection 2011 161 30 492 100 48 87
Puzzle Jackpot 125 76.9 1273.2 95 61 86
Puzzles & Chess 77 9 123 115 62 102
Screen Test #1 104 596 1477 472 437 463
FLIP 95 60 644 150 41 123
Nikoli Selection 2010 180 0 1119
Sudoku Testjaroble's Rankjaroble's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
Outside & Math (SM 16/17) 278 22.9 139.05 327 176 289
Odd Even & Twisted Classics (SM 16/17) 261 22.9 141.283 294 275 289
Nuovo Cinema Sudoku 124 25 611.75 88 62 81
Irregular Variations (SM 15/16) 217 26 145.15 246 163 225
Converse Variations (SM 15/16) 186 31 142.083 384 372 381
Twisted Classics (SM 15/16) 282 27 155.083 185 125 170
Outside Variations (SM 15/16) 277 7 135.533 90 52 80
Math Variations (SM 15/16) 304 4 136.083 47 23 41
Odd Even Variations (SM 15/16) 300 0 156.233
Neighbours Variations (SM 15/16) 286 20 144.667 192 112 172
Standard Variations (SM 15/16) 263 22 156.767 196 177 191
Converse Variations (SM 14/15) 287 10 156.467 94 41 81
Outside Variations (SM 14/15) 265 22 151.45 262 122 227
Sudoku Surprise 141 40 1810.33 53 14 43
Odd Even Variations (SM 14/15) 283 17.5 145.167 236 154 216
Irregular Variations (SM 14/15) 144 53 150.05 508 528 513
Standard Variations (SM 14/15) 318 10 150.533 109 74 100
Sudoku Day 160 5.4 111.884 116 6 89
7X7 156 97.5 1403.84 182 180 182
Parallel Universe 215 50 1462.14 66 28 56
Best of LMI Sudoku Tests 167 136.7 1298 226 172 213
LMI Screen Test #4 152 633.381 2982.38 318 327 320
Match (WSC Practice) 133 0 907.78
Sudoku Grand Prix - Italian Round 300 99.2 558.133 246 175 228
Sudoku Grand Prix - Turkish Round 297 45 656 161 85 142
Sudoku Grand Prix - Serbian Round 280 171 915.4 401 355 390
V2V 199 125 1092.9 188 110 169
Sudoku Grand Prix - Indian Round 516 38 559 157 151 155
LMI Screen Test #3 215 348.17 2849.14 226 251 233
Fugitive Warrant 122 17 182 144 129 140
Killer Shootout 133 14 373.46 56 57 57
Classics vs. Innovatives 165 24.5 416.7 102 90 99
Copy Paste 191 84 1446.95 98 60 89
SudoClones 169 40 1239.9 62 18 51
Sudoku 8X8 159 111 871.8 184 196 187
Killing Time 122 95 985.458 148 92 134
Diagonal Vision 148 45 860 83 39 72
Shapes and Sizes 151 32 902 57 7 45
Fivefold Sudoku Test 157 134.8 1061.8 231 218 228
LOGIDOKU 120 30 348 146 85 131
Something is Missing 95 35 437 121 21 96
LMI Spring Sudoku Test 122 90 954 173 129 162
Double Delight 98 200 1035 244 265 249
Prime Exotica 121 69 660 211 167 200
X'Mas Special Sudoku 90 275 1260 382 374 380
Renban Grouped Sudokus 127 131 592 279 246 270
Beginners' Sudokujaroble's Rankjaroble's ScoreTest Max Score
July 2014 178 60.95 122.38
May 2014 218 26 117.3
February 2014 228 40 124.78
December 2013 147 47 116.92
August 2013 238 38 122.17
June 2013 163 36 115.72
March 2013 183 38.5 118
February 2013 177 46.5 122.93
January 2013 153 49.5 123.42
December 2012 123 56.05 125.02
November 2012 172 16.5 110.65
October 2012 235 5.5 118.38
September 2012 206 23 126
August 2012 166 38 126.57