Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024

Bathri Narayanan

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Real name Bathri Narayanan
Puzzle Blog
Country India
Date registered2012-07-02 11:14 AM
Last logon2024-05-13 5:30 PM
Total posts
LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 861 27.13911 437 143.0437 History

Sudoku Ratings HistoryRatingsRank
2023R4 (Neighbours & Converse) 27.13911 861
2023R3 (Irregular & Math) 67.88266 794
2023R2 (Outside & Hybrids) 78.44232 769
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 78.87422 767
2022R4 (Math & Irregular) 90.93113 627
2022R3 (Converse & Outside) 91.78268 622
2022R2 (Odd Even & Hybrids) 94.43773 600
2022R1 (Standard & Neighbours) 95.04762 612
Odd Even (SM 2021) 97.76412 548
Hybrids (SM 2021) 89.61515 589
Irregular and Twisted Classics (SM 2021) 91.56695 586
Converse (SM 2021) 100.0421 586
Math (SM 2021) 106.9664 580
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2021) 100.5663 599
Outside (SM 2021) 112.672 583
Standard (SM 2021) 113.9209 602
Lockdown Sudoku Test 112.5389 540
Quinze 2 111.776 530
Twisted Classics and Hybrids (SM2020) 115.2763 535
Mean Minis 130.3472 515
Converse and Odd Even (SM2020) 143.0437 514
Math (SM2020) 121.386 534
Irregular and Outside (SM2020) 117.6668 531
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 122.2374 519
Standard (SM 2020) 76.53244 559
Irregular Variations (SM 15/16) 8.28129 659
Triplets & Triangles 8.28129 662
Converse Variations (SM 15/16) 25.68807 665
Twisted Classics (SM 15/16) 25.78497 667
Outside Variations (SM 15/16) 25.78497 688
Math Variations (SM 15/16) 27.88615 698
Odd Even Variations (SM 15/16) 30.81328 728
Neighbours Variations (SM 15/16) 32.1989 719
Standard Variations (SM 15/16) 32.1989 709
Unlucky 13 33.73497 654
Converse Variations (SM 14/15) 33.73497 667
Neighbours Variations (SM 14/15) 35.21692 660
Math Variations (SM 14/15) 37.32467 657
Outside Variations (SM 14/15) 37.56025 676
Sudoku Surprise 45.10382 749
Odd Even Variations (SM 14/15) 45.10786 776
Irregular Variations (SM 14/15) 69.95277 766
Standard Variations (SM 14/15) 77.65487 735
Sudoku Day 87.32166 757
7X7 115.7425 708
Road To London 115.6498 707
Parallel Universe 118.3302 716
Special 8 111.3441 723
Best of LMI Sudoku Tests 111.8045 722
LMI Screen Test #4 112.4809 715
Sudoku Grand Prix - Italian Round 111.7829 693
Sudoku Grand Prix - Turkish Round 114.1644 685
Sudoku Grand Prix - Serbian Round 112.6789 678
V2V 102.3514 651
Sudoku Grand Prix - Indian Round 99.05051 664
LMI Screen Test #3 99.05051 437
Fugitive Warrant 35.08115 464
Killer Shootout 35.08115 462
Classics vs. Innovatives 35.08115 491
Indian ChampionshipsOfficial RankGBathri's ScoreMax (Official) Score
Indian Sudoku Championship 2021 157 0
Indian Sudoku Championship 2020 - Round 3 53 25
Indian Puzzle Championship 2013 62 30 977.5
Daily ContestsGBathri's RankGBathri's ScoreTest Max Score
Kakuro Kart 199 879.307 3058
Puzzle TestGBathri's RankGBathri's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2022R4 (Numbers & 262 0 120.383
Casual & Word (PR 2021) 197 2 135.95 15 5 12
OP (PR 2021) 242 2 157.5 14 4 12
April Contest 2021 67 8 0
Classics (PR 2020) 302 5 149 41 17 35
Puzzle Marathon 2015 323 0 757.097
Puzzle Marathon 2013 349 0 970.828
Best of LMI Puzzle Tests 145 0 487
forsmarts 10th Anniversary Contest 117 0 935
Word Show 116 0 163
Fillomino-Fillia 2 181 0 185.727
Di... 98 0 265
Sudoku TestGBathri's RankGBathri's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
Hybrids (SM 2021) 305 9 151.867 78 23 64 0.6
Irregular and Twisted Classics (SM 2021) 274 17 150.4 149 123 143
Converse (SM 2021) 326 13 158.35 94 62 86
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2021) 317 16 160.133 105 66 96
Twisted Classics and Hybrids (SM2020) 277 5 135.583 48 25 42
Mean Minis 217 4.9 135.9 66 40 60
Converse and Odd Even (SM2020) 272 19 140.583 257 146 229
Math (SM2020) 342 13.7 142.45 152 50 127
Irregular and Outside (SM2020) 318 10.9 155.7 88 16 70
Substitution and Neighbours (SM 2020) 306 14 128.417 179 106 161
Standard (SM 2020) 405 15.8 157.367 144 85 129
Neighbours Variations (SM 14/15) 296 3 153.933 24 7 19
Outside Variations (SM 14/15) 296 6 151.45 71 20 59
Standard Variations (SM 14/15) 334 3 150.533 33 27 31
Sudoku Grand Prix - Italian Round 336 47 558.133 116 75 106
Sudoku Grand Prix - Serbian Round 379 59 915.4 138 125 135
V2V 214 59 1092.9 89 41 77
Sudoku Grand Prix - Indian Round 641 0 559
LMI Screen Test #3 236 268.56 2849.14 175 177 175
Classics vs. Innovatives 170 14 416.7 58 62 59
Copy Paste 223 0 1446.95
SudoClones 185 0 1239.9

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0
Beginners' SudokuGBathri's RankGBathri's ScoreTest Max Score
July 2014 249 36 122.38
June 2013 181 30 115.72
March 2013 210 27 118
February 2013 220 32.5 122.93
December 2012 155 43.5 125.02
October 2012 196 19 118.38
August 2012 213 26 126.57
July 2012 204 6 120.78