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Sprint Test — LMI Sep Puzzle Test — 3rd and 4th September80 posts • Page 3 of 4 • 1 2 3 4
How frequently you would want to see Sprint tests at LMI?
The aim of the Sprint test is to have relatively easier and less number of puzzles so that many more players can complete the full set. Please let us know if we should have more Sprint tests at LMI.
Once in a month22 Votes - [47.83%]
Once in a quarter18 Votes - [39.13%]
Once in 6 months5 Votes - [10.87%]
Once in a year1 Votes - [2.17%]
Never. This should be the last Sprint Test.0 Votes - [0%]
View Results

@ 2011-09-06 9:08 PM (#5557 - in reply to #5455) (#5557) Top


Posts: 739
Country : India

vopani posted @ 2011-09-06 9:08 PM

Since a lot of beginners/new-comers/leisure-solvers participate at LMI and many of them do not submit answers due to 'low scores', we can possibly have more tabs on the Results Page. Apart from the complete results, we could have (say) 5 different tabs showing results of only those participants belonging to a certain category (which can be probably based on LMI ratings). So, all players with a rating below 200 can see results of all participants whose rating is below 200. Players whose rating is between 200 and 400 can see results of all participants whose rating is below 400. And so on.
(The number and section of tabs can be discussed).

I dont know how useful it would be, but it could certainly be an interesting part of the Results page. Players can compare their scores with players 'of similar level'.
@ 2011-09-06 9:33 PM (#5558 - in reply to #5552) (#5558) Top


Country : United States

MellowMelon posted @ 2011-09-06 9:33 PM

swaroop2011 - 2011-09-06 6:14 AM

and how to solve the Galaxies puzzle (i am finding it hard to solve it)

I found the Galaxies puzzle pretty nontrivial myself. Here is a text-only logical walkthrough for it.

1. The two bottom right galaxies can be finished first
2. R2C3 has to be part of the galaxy with R4C4; hence R7C6 also is
3. R5C2 has to be part of the galaxy with R4C4; hence R4C7 also is
4. R2C2, R2C1 are both part of galaxy with R3C2; hence R4C2, R4C3 also are
5. The above means R5C6, R5C7 can't be part of the R4C4 galaxy; it can easily be checked only the R6C7 galaxy can contain them
6. This means R8C7, R8C8 are part of that galaxy also
7. The large galaxy in R4C4 has to contain R6C5 to reach R7C6, and symmetrically has to have R3C4 also
8. That means R7C4 can't contain R6C5, hence symmetrically can't contain R8C3
9. Then only the R9C2 galaxy can contain R8C3
10. Notice it also has to contain R9C4, so symmetrically it contains R9C1, R10C2
11. Since the bottom R10C4 galaxy can't contain R10C2, it can't contain R10C6 either, leaving only one galaxy that can (R9C6)
12. This seals off R8C6; that gives more info about the R4C4 galaxy and finishes the R6C7 galaxy
13. Note R5C8 can only be contained by the R4C9 galaxy, so it symmetrically contains R4C10
14. This boxes in a bunch of space on the bottom, so we can actually finish the R4C9 galaxy here
15. R3C10 is hard to get to; only the R2C7 galaxy can contain it, also needing R2C9, R2C10
16. Drawing in the symmetric squares, we can easily finish all of the R1C4, R1C8, R2C7 galaxies
17. This gives us a lot of boxed in space in rows 3 and 4, as well as R2C4 which the R4C4 galaxy has to contain; draw in the symmetric squares
18. As a result, the R7C2 galaxy can't reach R8C2, so R9C2 has to reach it
19. This finishes R9C2, R8C1, R10C4, R9C5
20. From R4C4 containing R2C4, we get R7C4 is a single cell, which finishes off R7C4, R7C2, R6C1, R4C1
21. The remaining three galaxies are easy

If this isn't clear enough (likely), I can try to whip up some images. Broadly speaking, the important thing to recognize is that there are relatively few galaxies that are not on the edge, so that means that there are relatively few options for which galaxies can contain which non-edge squares, and you should focus on this to move forward. For example, step 2 is motivated by seeing the top left corner has almost no one nearby except R3C2 and R4C4, and so you pick a square R3C2 can't reach, such as the one symmetrically opposite the R4C1 galaxy, and the result (R2C3) is probably forced to be a part of the larger one - it is.
@ 2011-09-06 11:41 PM (#5561 - in reply to #5455) (#5561) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2011-09-06 11:41 PM

Hmmm, I worked right to left in that puzzle. Mainly on the fact that cells like R3C10 and R6C910 can only belong to one galaxy, which helps you fill out the whole right top instantly.
@ 2011-09-07 12:03 AM (#5562 - in reply to #5455) (#5562) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2011-09-07 12:03 AM

Thank you rohan and mellowmelon..
can u post the final image of galaxies.
if you can tell where i can find few practice puzzles for galaxies and horse snake.

Edited by rakesh_rai 2011-09-07 11:08 AM
@ 2011-09-07 1:00 AM (#5563 - in reply to #5455) (#5563) Top


Posts: 170
Country : Germany

rob posted @ 2011-09-07 1:00 AM

There's a ton of Galaxies puzzles at Otto Janko's site:
@ 2011-09-07 2:17 PM (#5570 - in reply to #5562) (#5570) Top

Ours brun

Posts: 148
Country : France

Ours brun posted @ 2011-09-07 2:17 PM

swaroop2011 - 2011-09-06 8:03 PM

Thank you rohan and mellowmelon..
can u post the final image of galaxies.
if you can tell where i can find few practice puzzles for galaxies and horse snake.

I will publish a file with all solutions soon.
Regarding Horse Snake, the only such puzzles I know come from Oguz Atay Puzzle Contest 3, organized by Serkan and Gulce. I have some connection problems, so I do not have a link to give you right now.

Some very interesting comments from beginners/average solvers here. I will answer to all this later in the day.
@ 2011-09-07 3:17 PM (#5577 - in reply to #5455) (#5577) Top


Posts: 774
Country : India

rakesh_rai posted @ 2011-09-07 3:17 PM

I noticed that the number of participants in Sprint Test was a new high at LMI. Congratulations to all involved with the test !!!

For the record, here are the Top 5 "Box Office" numbers so far at LMI (excluding ISC/IPC):

Test NameWhen?Total participantsNonzero participants
Sprint TestSeptember 2011264(1)211(1)
Japanese Puzzle LandAugust 2011258(2)203(2)
Fivefold Sudoku TestJuly 2011221(4)199(3)
20/10 Puzzle DecathlonOctober 2010226(3)191(4)
Nikoli Selection IIJuly 2011215(5)
Screen TestDecember 2010183(5)

Edited by rakesh_rai 2011-09-07 4:36 PM
@ 2011-09-07 3:28 PM (#5578 - in reply to #5577) (#5578) Top


Posts: 1868
Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2011-09-07 3:28 PM

we probably shouldn't including ISC 2011
@ 2011-09-07 4:09 PM (#5579 - in reply to #5455) (#5579) Top


Posts: 774
Country : India

rakesh_rai posted @ 2011-09-07 4:09 PM

OK. ISC/IPC excluded now from the list.
@ 2011-09-07 6:39 PM (#5586 - in reply to #5570) (#5586) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2011-09-07 6:39 PM

Ours brun - 2011-09-07 2:17 PM

swaroop2011 - 2011-09-06 8:03 PM

Thank you rohan and mellowmelon..
can u post the final image of galaxies.
if you can tell where i can find few practice puzzles for galaxies and horse snake.

I will publish a file with all solutions soon.
Regarding Horse Snake, the only such puzzles I know come from Oguz Atay Puzzle Contest 3, organized by Serkan and Gulce. I have some connection problems, so I do not have a link to give you right now.

Some very interesting comments from beginners/average solvers here. I will answer to all this later in the day.

I tried but then i didnt found anything.
if you can post the link later also its fine.
@ 2011-09-08 1:25 AM (#5590 - in reply to #5586) (#5590) Top


Posts: 1868
Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2011-09-08 1:25 AM

swaroop2011 - 2011-09-07 6:39 PM

I tried but then i didnt found anything.
if you can post the link later also its fine.

Swaroop, it is very simple. Try again.

Open the IB and go to the last page. It is printed that Horse Snake appeared in "O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest 3"
Now google for "O?uz Atay Puzzle Contest 3"
The first link you get, you will see the IB and PB.
Puzzle booklet has 4 puzzles of Horse Snake type.
@ 2011-09-09 5:37 PM (#5599 - in reply to #5455) (#5599) Top

Ours brun

Posts: 148
Country : France

Ours brun posted @ 2011-09-09 5:37 PM

Sorry for the delay, I have big difficulties to get a connection these days.


Apart from this, the puzzle set was good (I like particularly the FORTRESS), but in my opinion the puzzles were not exactly "EASY" as defined somewhere (I had a debate with Deb on a different forum). Easier than usual, OK; the contest was solvable in the 75 minutes time, OK, (although my target seemed to me unrealistic, other players of similar level have achieved it), but if the target was to attract new players I believe only a few 5 or 10 points diagrams were simple enough for beginners.


I agree with Forcolin too, about this test was not so "easy" for newbie. The time is not sufficient for who of us that have tried periodically some puzzle on magazines, considering that many of them never appeared on magazines, and the difficult is absolutely not easy for other of new puzzler that have never tried this kind of game, or done it too few time.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Stefano, I don't know to what "somewhere" you are referring, but I was careful to say "rather easy" in the Instruction Booklet, since I knew that no two people agree on the definition of "easy".
One precision first : the idea was not to have puzzles that beginners may find easy. It was to have puzzles which would be easy enough so that beginners may be able to solve them, which is not exactly the same thing. However your point is still valid ; not all the puzzles were solvable in a reasonable time by beginners, and some were simply too tough for such a test. It is always hard to determine this, in particular for types such as Fortress or Galaxies that never appear in competitions. That is why we were attached to the fact of having some feedbacks : they will certainly be useful to the organizers of future such tests.

I think that the main thing for me is that there was to many different puzzles if you consider that the goal is to introduce new players to puzzles.

Very interesting remark. My idea was that, with many puzzle types, a beginner would always find some puzzles to his likes. The weakness of this choice is obvious indeed : adapting to these 15 types in a very short time is out of reach of a beginner. Certainly something to keep in mind. One idea that comes to my mind is a series of tests each dedicated to a theme : loop puzzles, latin squares, etc. In each test, 5 puzzle types, 3 puzzles per type. Maybe there is an idea to dig, here.

Here is a file with all solutions : Link
Sprint Test — LMI Sep Puzzle Test — 3rd and 4th September80 posts • Page 3 of 4 • 1 2 3 4
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