Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024
Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016
130 posts • Page 1 of 6 • 1 2 3 4 5 6
@ 2015-12-29 10:52 AM (#20414 - in reply to #20393) (#20414)Quote Reply Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2015-12-29 10:52 AM

So next couple of months be gonna fun :)
@ 2015-12-30 1:37 PM (#20439 - in reply to #20393) (#20439)Quote Reply Top


Posts: 170
Country : Germany

rob posted @ 2015-12-30 1:37 PM

There's a small bug with marking off clues: If you click a clue, there's no redraw until you move the mouse, so it feels like the click doesn't work. (This is on Mac OS.)
@ 2015-12-30 2:29 PM (#20442 - in reply to #20439) (#20442)Quote Reply Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2015-12-30 2:29 PM

rob - 2015-12-30 1:37 PM

There's a small bug with marking off clues: If you click a clue, there's no redraw until you move the mouse, so it feels like the click doesn't work. (This is on Mac OS.)
Same problem on Windows as well.
@ 2015-12-30 2:58 PM (#20443 - in reply to #20393) (#20443)Quote Reply Top


Posts: 13

Country : Slovakia

muhorka posted @ 2015-12-30 2:58 PM

When I finish solving the puzzle (date 29th december) say, it is correct, but it doesnt. I do not know, if it si problem only in this puzzle or general problem...
@ 2015-12-31 2:39 AM (#20452 - in reply to #20443) (#20452)Quote Reply Top


Posts: 102
Country : United States

ghirsch posted @ 2015-12-31 2:39 AM

muhorka - 2015-12-29 3:58 PM

When I finish solving the puzzle (date 29th december) say, it is correct, but it doesnt. I do not know, if it si problem only in this puzzle or general problem...

The same thing happened to me on today's puzzle.

Edited by ghirsch 2015-12-31 2:39 AM
@ 2016-01-01 1:58 AM (#20461 - in reply to #20393) (#20461)Quote Reply Top


Posts: 225
Country : Thailand

tamz29 posted @ 2016-01-01 1:58 AM

Are the standings available for those outside top 20?
@ 2016-01-01 6:06 AM (#20462 - in reply to #20461) (#20462)Quote Reply Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2016-01-01 6:06 AM

tamz29 - 2016-01-01 1:58 AM

Are the standings available for those outside top 20?
Not for the trial days. It will be available only after the contest starts tomorrow.
@ 2016-01-01 9:31 PM (#20469 - in reply to #20393) (#20469)Quote Reply Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2016-01-01 9:31 PM

Tapa Grid Sizes for Week 1

Here are the grid sizes for this week.

2nd Jan : 9x9
3rd Jan : 10x10
4th Jan : 8x8
5th Jan : 9x9
6th Jan : 10x10
7th Jan : 13x13
8th Jan : 9x9

@ 2016-01-02 5:18 PM (#20482 - in reply to #20469) (#20482)Quote Reply Top


Posts: 66
Country : Hungary

Valezius posted @ 2016-01-02 5:18 PM

I'm a bit confused.

Classic Tapa Contest (Day 0) ends at 1/2/2016 6:29:59 PM local time | 1/2/2016 5:29:59 PM GMT
Server current time 1/2/2016 12:45:13 PM local time | 1/2/2016 11:45:13 AM GMT

So the actual puzzle is official or not yet?
It's still day0.
@ 2016-01-02 5:28 PM (#20483 - in reply to #20482) (#20483)Quote Reply Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2016-01-02 5:28 PM

Valezius - 2016-01-02 5:18 PM

I'm a bit confused.

Classic Tapa Contest (Day 0) ends at 1/2/2016 6:29:59 PM local time | 1/2/2016 5:29:59 PM GMT
Server current time 1/2/2016 12:45:13 PM local time | 1/2/2016 11:45:13 AM GMT

So the actual puzzle is official or not yet?
It's still day0.
Fixed the message. It is Day 1.
@ 2016-01-02 7:44 PM (#20485 - in reply to #20393) (#20485)Quote Reply Top


Posts: 45
Country : India

Swagatam posted @ 2016-01-02 7:44 PM

When will be the full standings available?
@ 2016-01-02 7:46 PM (#20486 - in reply to #20485) (#20486)Quote Reply Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2016-01-02 7:46 PM

Swagatam - 2016-01-02 7:44 PM

When will be the full standings available?
Soon. We are working on it
@ 2016-01-03 5:59 AM (#20491 - in reply to #20393) (#20491)Quote Reply Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2016-01-03 5:59 AM

@ 2016-01-04 6:26 AM (#20505 - in reply to #20393) (#20505)Quote Reply Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2016-01-04 6:26 AM

You can now view others' solves in the score page.

Also, I think the score page is fully functional now. If you notice any oddities, please post here.
@ 2016-01-05 12:20 AM (#20514 - in reply to #20393) (#20514)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-05 12:20 AM

Comments on 2016-01-02's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-02 12:04:17
Damn that was too slow for me. But was trying to avoid mistakes. Excellent Puzzle to start with.
tamz29 commented at 2016-01-02 23:02:39
tough start :/
@ 2016-01-06 12:21 AM (#20526 - in reply to #20393) (#20526)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-06 12:21 AM

Comments on 2016-01-03's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-03 00:41:03
ah. did bad again. Back to back tough ones.
hinowbye commented at 2016-01-03 01:27:29
guess I'm the only one that couldnt do NEARLY any of the others but did this in the shortest time? guess I'm alone...
thesubro commented at 2016-01-03 01:51:48
For those of us who must be missing the top 20, when do the full standings come out and will we be able to see how we did vis-a-vis the rest of the competitiors? Thx.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-03 04:41:19
I think they are still working on Full scoreboard (as posted in forum), it will be available soon.
debmohanty commented at 2016-01-03 06:00:18
Full Standings -
@ 2016-01-07 12:01 AM (#20532 - in reply to #20393) (#20532)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-07 12:01 AM

Comments on 2016-01-04's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-04 23:46:09
decent. easy puzzle.
easonrevant commented at 2016-01-05 04:28:19
easy, but a good test of speed solving ability
@ 2016-01-08 12:02 AM (#20553 - in reply to #20393) (#20553)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-08 12:02 AM

Comments on 2016-01-05's Tapa
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-05 04:58:20
This is the first one where I couldn't see a logical path. I did after proving that the middle 3 clue had to have its right shaded, but proving that needed a fair bit of trial on its left. After that though this had very nice logic with connectivity prevented through certain areas.
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-05 09:08:31
Tough one. Not my day i guess.
I started out correctly, but kept making same mistake every time in the top. But anyways this is just getting started, hoping to catch up score on other days.

Grizix commented at 2016-01-05 09:31:44
Same as Prasanna.
And I never thought I'd say that about a puzzle ^^
Para commented at 2016-01-05 15:04:48
I couldn't see the path in the solve, but figured it out now.
rob commented at 2016-01-05 16:03:54
My best argument so far is: The only way to connect the two halves of the 33 clue locally leaves the 2 of the 24 clue stranded on the right, so regardless, we have to loop from the top of the 33 clue all the way around the top right to the bottom middle. This implies that R5C3 is shaded, among others. Since the 24 clue takes one of the 13's shaded cells, as does the central 3 clue, R7C3 can't be shaded.

rob commented at 2016-01-05 16:04:38
The best bet for solving quickly still seems to be a case distinction on the central 3 (and don't mess it up...).
xevs commented at 2016-01-05 19:50:46
tough...t'was bad day for me too...
@ 2016-01-08 12:17 AM (#20554 - in reply to #20393) (#20554)Quote Reply Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2016-01-08 12:17 AM

Tapa Grid Sizes for Week 2

Here are the grid sizes for this week.

9th Jan : 10x10
10th Jan : 11x11
11th Jan : 12x12
12th Jan : 9x9
13th Jan : 10x10
14th Jan : 11x11
15th Jan : 12x12

@ 2016-01-09 12:25 AM (#20570 - in reply to #20393) (#20570)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-09 12:25 AM

Comments on 2016-01-06's Tapa
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-06 02:27:26
Uff. Finally avoided the mistake. back to back hard ones. :)
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-06 02:31:42
and yeah forgot to mention, there is nice uniqueness trick in top left :)
rob commented at 2016-01-07 14:15:14
Besides the uniqueness, what I learnt here is that if two corners of a 113 clue are shaded, then all four must be shaded. Still not a smooth solve for me.
Para commented at 2016-01-07 19:00:01
@Rob: Same goes for the cells orthogonally adjacent to the clue cell around a 113.
Rohan Rao commented at 2016-01-08 17:18:16
Liked the flow of this puzzle. Though, took me a while to get things going. And completely missed the break-ins, ended up guessing throughout.
Rohan Rao commented at 2016-01-08 17:20:13
Sorry, posted the comment on wrong day :-) The above comment was supposed to be for 7th-Jan.
@ 2016-01-10 12:26 AM (#20591 - in reply to #20393) (#20591)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-10 12:26 AM

Comments on 2016-01-07's Tapa
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-07 00:05:00
That was really cool. :)
Igor_Aipkin commented at 2016-01-07 01:33:18
Lovely puzzle
john_reid commented at 2016-01-07 05:06:39
Excellent puzzle - I wish it hadn't taken me so long to see the break-in point. I don't remember ever having seen that clever use of a mostly surrounded 3-1-1 clue before!
rob commented at 2016-01-07 14:19:35
This one was really fun, thank you!
Para commented at 2016-01-07 18:58:19
That was really nice.
rajeshk commented at 2016-01-07 23:23:12
Really fun puzzle. Learned to use uniqueness to solve the Tapa :)
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-08 02:35:38
I went pretty slow on this one. but nice solve
Rohan Rao commented at 2016-01-08 17:19:31
Liked the flow of this puzzle. Though, took me a while to get things going. And completely missed the break-ins, ended up guessing throughout.
@ 2016-01-11 12:27 AM (#20611 - in reply to #20393) (#20611)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-11 12:27 AM

Comments on 2016-01-08's Tapa
debmohanty commented at 2016-01-08 00:28:03
It looks like today's is going to be a mistake gallery.
rob commented at 2016-01-08 00:42:19
I don't get it, it wasn't even that hard. But the batch of unsolvable puzzles at the start has put me into this guess early mode, and experimental solving just doesn't work for me with the applet...
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-08 03:01:43
nice easy one. I guess i did one mistake with 2-2-1 combination clue, apart from that went smooth.
Para commented at 2016-01-08 09:57:08
Not sure why, but I kept clicking the wrong button. Still a good time though.
rajeshk commented at 2016-01-08 15:32:08
Nice puzzle
@ 2016-01-12 12:28 AM (#20627 - in reply to #20393) (#20627)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-12 12:28 AM

Comments on 2016-01-09's Tapa
hinowbye commented at 2016-01-09 01:52:39
now that was fun!
bram28 commented at 2016-01-09 03:00:52
Ugh! I perceived the 13 as a 113. Stared at it for 2 whole minutes before I saw my mistake.
sayan commented at 2016-01-09 07:08:57
from where you started to begin?
hinowbye commented at 2016-01-09 12:43:40
i started from the bottom right
Para commented at 2016-01-09 14:46:47
@Sayan: Think about how the 33 interacts with the 6's next to it.
Rohan Rao commented at 2016-01-09 15:27:15
That was indeed fun!
rajeshk commented at 2016-01-09 20:27:23
Nice puzzle. once I was able to put some boxes in bottom right everything went very easy.
@ 2016-01-13 12:29 AM (#20635 - in reply to #20393) (#20635)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-13 12:29 AM

Comments on 2016-01-10's Tapa
rob commented at 2016-01-10 01:01:46
Really happy I didn't make a mistake on this one, it's so hard to look at adjacent clues independently...
swaroop2011 commented at 2016-01-10 02:54:20
nice one. I went pretty fast. but took time to interpret adjacent 2 , 3 clue cells. nice one.
rajeshk commented at 2016-01-10 19:22:11
Nice puzzle. Made mistake in lower corner for 1,2 hint. Very good puzzle
@ 2016-01-14 12:00 AM (#20648 - in reply to #20393) (#20648)Quote Reply Top

CTC Comments

CTC Comments posted @ 2016-01-14 12:00 AM

Comments on 2016-01-11's Tapa
Prasanna16391 commented at 2016-01-11 00:06:52
This one is beautiful. Figured out some new patterns here.
john_reid commented at 2016-01-11 09:57:29
Another 3-1-1 clue that got me started on this one. Great puzzle!
anderson commented at 2016-01-11 19:16:08
The 3-1-1, 3-2, 5-1 combination was great, I've never seen that before.
Classic Tapa Contest — 2nd January - 20th February 2016Reply 130 posts • Page 1 of 6 • 1 2 3 4 5 6
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