Sudoku Mahabharat & Puzzle Ramayan Finals
LMI Launches Puzzle Expo!
World Puzzle Championship
Since 1992 the World Puzzle Federation is supervising a yearly World Puzzle Championship (WPC). The first one took place in New York. The last WPC was held in Senec, Slovakia in 2016. The 26th WPC will be held in Bangalore in 2017. Each national team for the WPC will consist of four members.

Each country organizes its own national championship to select the top four candidates to represent their respective countries. The Indian National Puzzle Championship used to take place every year in August - September. But from 2011, with new rules into effect, the National Championship will be held in May-June. More details regarding the National Puzzle Championship can be found at the following link.

Year Location World Champion Winning team
2017 Bangalore, India ??? ???
2016 Senec, Slovakia Ulrich Voigt (Germany) Germany
2015 Sofia, Bulgaria Ken Endo (Japan) Germany
2014 London, UK Ulrich Voigt (Germany) Germany
2013 Beijing, China Ulrich Voigt (Germany) USA
2012 Kraljevica, Croatia Ulrich Voigt (Germany) Germany
2011 Eger, Hungary Palmer Mebane (USA) USA
2010 Warsaw, Poland Taro Arimatsu (Japan) USA
2009 Antalya, Turkey Ulrich Voigt (Germany) Germany
2008 Minsk, Belarus Ulrich Voigt (Germany) USA
2007 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Pal Madarassy (Hungary) USA
2006 Borovets, Bulgaria Ulrich Voigt (Germany) USA
2005 Eger, Hungary Ulrich Voigt (Germany) Germany
Year Location World Champion Winning team
2004 Opatija, Croatia Niels Roest (Netherlands) USA
2003 Arnhem, Netherlands Ulrich Voigt (Germany) Germany
2002 Oulu, Finland Niels Roest (Netherlands) Japan
2001 Brno, Czech Republic Ulrich Voigt (Germany) USA
2000 Stamford, USA Ulrich Voigt (Germany) USA
1999 Budapest, Hungary Wei Hwa Huang (USA) USA
1998 Istanbul, Turkey Wei Hwa Huang (USA) USA
1997 Koprivnica, Croatia Wei Hwa Huang (USA) Czech Republic
1996 Utretch, Netherlands Robert Babilon (Czech Republic) USA
1995 Poiana Brasov, Romania Wei Hwa Huang (USA) USA
1994 Cologne, Germany Ron Osher (USA) Czech Republic
1993 Brno, Czech Republic Robert Babilon (Czech Republic) Czech Republic
1992 New York, USA David Samuel (Canada) USA

Last edited by Administrator @ 6/19/2023 8:01:26 PM.