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Riad Khanmagomedov's April Contest — 15th to 22nd April 202267 posts • Page 1 of 3 • 1 2 3
@ 2022-04-16 3:41 AM (#30536 - in reply to #30522) (#30536) Top


Posts: 11

Country : Germany

CJK posted @ 2022-04-16 3:41 AM

For Record Score, does the goal shot also count as part of the path? Especially, if one team has a player next to the opposite goalkeeper, can the same order of players count twice (since this player can kick the ball directly or diagonally into the goal) or is this counted as the same path?
@ 2022-04-16 10:24 AM (#30537 - in reply to #30522) (#30537) Top


Posts: 187
Country : New Zealand

kiwijam posted @ 2022-04-16 10:24 AM

I have some clarifications for the optimizers. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

10. Opti-Road:
There is an error with the example. The column digits should be 22212, not 21212.
Also there is an error with the example answer key: the score for the example is 8, not 9.

11. From 0 to 9:
Without parentheses, we will always do multiplication and division (x and /) before addition and subtraction (_PLUS_ and -). Also, dividing by 0 is not allowed.

12. Record Score:
Total score is number of white paths plus number of black paths. The example is simple so I attach another one.
In this, White has 1 path, 1235674 (this is from the previous question from Christian - I think it is not important which direction #4 scores?).
And Black has 2x2=4 paths, 1234567, 1234576, 1324567, 1324576. It is not possible to go from #4 to #6 directly.
And so the total score for this example is 5.

(Record Score Example.png)

Attachments Record Score Example.png (84KB - 2 downloads)
@ 2022-04-16 12:05 PM (#30538 - in reply to #30529) (#30538) Top


Posts: 2

Country : Germany

moeve posted @ 2022-04-16 12:05 PM

What about CJK's question:
CJK - 2022-04-14 10:07 PM
Is it allowed to use programs or similar things, especially for the optimization puzzles?

Of course, programming is usually not allowed in puzzle contests -- but ususally there are no optimization puzzles and especially for No. 11 it is obviously quite tempting to do some... ;)
@ 2022-04-16 1:25 PM (#30539 - in reply to #30536) (#30539) Top

Riad Khanmagomedov

Posts: 238
Country : Russia

Riad Khanmagomedov posted @ 2022-04-16 1:25 PM

CJK - 2022-04-16 3:41 AM

For Record Score, does the goal shot also count as part of the path? Especially, if one team has a player next to the opposite goalkeeper, can the same order of players count twice (since this player can kick the ball directly or diagonally into the goal) or is this counted as the same path?

This counts as the same path.
@ 2022-04-16 1:39 PM (#30540 - in reply to #30537) (#30540) Top

Riad Khanmagomedov

Posts: 238
Country : Russia

Riad Khanmagomedov posted @ 2022-04-16 1:39 PM

kiwijam - 2022-04-16 10:24 AM

I have some clarifications for the optimizers. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

10. Opti-Road:
There is an error with the example. The column digits should be 22212, not 21212.
Also there is an error with the example answer key: the score for the example is 8, not 9.

11. From 0 to 9:
Without parentheses, we will always do multiplication and division (x and /) before addition and subtraction (_PLUS_ and -). Also, dividing by 0 is not allowed.

12. Record Score:
Total score is number of white paths plus number of black paths. The example is simple so I attach another one.
In this, White has 1 path, 1235674 (this is from the previous question from Christian - I think it is not important which direction #4 scores?).
And Black has 2x2=4 paths, 1234567, 1234576, 1324567, 1324576. It is not possible to go from #4 to #6 directly.
And so the total score for this example is 5.

Thanks James:
10. You're right, I'll correct the example and the meaning of the expression in the answer format.
11. Yes.
12. Yes.
@ 2022-04-16 9:50 PM (#30541 - in reply to #30522) (#30541) Top


Posts: 5

Country : France

Christian posted @ 2022-04-16 9:50 PM


For optimizer 11, is 2_PLUS_3=5 an equality, or must there be an arithmetic sign on both sides of the equality sign = ?
@ 2022-04-16 10:26 PM (#30542 - in reply to #30540) (#30542) Top


Posts: 1845
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2022-04-16 10:26 PM

I've uploaded a new PB with these changes.
@ 2022-04-17 12:20 AM (#30544 - in reply to #30541) (#30544) Top

Riad Khanmagomedov

Posts: 238
Country : Russia

Riad Khanmagomedov posted @ 2022-04-17 12:20 AM

Christian - 2022-04-16 9:50 PM


For optimizer 11, is 2_PLUS_3=5 an equality, or must there be an arithmetic sign on both sides of the equality sign = ?

Hello Christian,
2_PLUS_3=5 is accepted as an answer.
@ 2022-04-17 3:32 PM (#30545 - in reply to #30522) (#30545) Top


Posts: 172
Country : ITALY

forcolin posted @ 2022-04-17 3:32 PM

For Mechanical Sudoku: Can any of the fragments overlap with one of the existing givens?
For LMI road: can two shaded cells (or half cells (share a side?
@ 2022-04-17 6:30 PM (#30546 - in reply to #30545) (#30546) Top

Riad Khanmagomedov

Posts: 238
Country : Russia

Riad Khanmagomedov posted @ 2022-04-17 6:30 PM

forcolin - 2022-04-17 3:32 PM

For Mechanical Sudoku: Can any of the fragments overlap with one of the existing givens?
For LMI road: can two shaded cells (or half cells (share a side?

Hi Stefano,
1. It is not forbidden, but the fragments do not overlap each other.
2. Yes.
@ 2022-04-19 12:02 AM (#30547 - in reply to #30545) (#30547) Top


Posts: 6

Country : France

Barbitos posted @ 2022-04-19 12:02 AM

Hi, what about -2*-4=8? it would give more points but i guess it could also be forbidden since in that case the "-" sign is not really used as an operator
@ 2022-04-19 11:55 AM (#30549 - in reply to #30529) (#30549) Top


Posts: 8

Country : France

Carlos posted @ 2022-04-19 11:55 AM

If I am not mistaken, CJK's question doesn't have an answer yet. It would be convenient to know if we have to work only with paper/pencil for the optimization problems or not, in order to be rated with the same criteria.
Thank you very much!
@ 2022-04-19 3:57 PM (#30551 - in reply to #30538) (#30551) Top


Posts: 2

Country : Germany

moeve posted @ 2022-04-19 3:57 PM

moeve - 2022-04-16 9:05 AM
What about CJK's question:
CJK - 2022-04-14 10:07 PM
Is it allowed to use programs or similar things, especially for the optimization puzzles?

Of course, programming is usually not allowed in puzzle contests -- but ususally there are no optimization puzzles and especially for No. 11 it is obviously quite tempting to do some... ;)

@ 2022-04-19 5:43 PM (#30552 - in reply to #30522) (#30552) Top


Posts: 172
Country : ITALY

forcolin posted @ 2022-04-19 5:43 PM

puzzle 11: only integer numbers or decimal allowed?
@ 2022-04-19 10:20 PM (#30553 - in reply to #30552) (#30553) Top

Riad Khanmagomedov

Posts: 238
Country : Russia

Riad Khanmagomedov posted @ 2022-04-19 10:20 PM

forcolin - 2022-04-19 5:43 PM

puzzle 11: only integer numbers or decimal allowed?

The intermediate result can be fractional, but it is forbidden to construct numbers using a dot or comma.
@ 2022-04-20 12:45 PM (#30554 - in reply to #30551) (#30554) Top


Posts: 1

Country : The Netherlands

MastrclaySeine posted @ 2022-04-20 12:45 PM

moeve - 2022-04-19 3:57 PM

moeve - 2022-04-16 9:05 AM
What about CJK's question:
CJK - 2022-04-14 10:07 PM
Is it allowed to use programs or similar things, especially for the optimization puzzles?

Of course, programming is usually not allowed in puzzle contests -- but ususally there are no optimization puzzles and especially for No. 11 it is obviously quite tempting to do some... ;)


Another request then to get an answer to this question. Not sure why this question has been ignored three times?
@ 2022-04-20 3:50 PM (#30555 - in reply to #30522) (#30555) Top


Posts: 8

Country : France

Carlos posted @ 2022-04-20 3:50 PM

It would be convenient to know if we have to use only paper/pencil for optimization problems, in order to be rated on the same criteria...
@ 2022-04-20 4:36 PM (#30556 - in reply to #30546) (#30556) Top


Posts: 12

Country : Denmark

Nizz posted @ 2022-04-20 4:36 PM

Riad Khanmagomedov - 2022-04-17 2:30 PM

forcolin - 2022-04-17 3:32 PM

For Mechanical Sudoku: Can any of the fragments overlap with one of the existing givens?

Hi Stefano,
1. It is not forbidden, but the fragments do not overlap each other.

OK. Back to square one on that one.
@ 2022-04-20 11:18 PM (#30557 - in reply to #30522) (#30557) Top


Posts: 8

Country : France

Carlos posted @ 2022-04-20 11:18 PM

It would be convenient to know if we have to use only paper/pencil for the optimization problems, in order to be rated on the same criteria...

Edited by Carlos 2022-04-20 11:43 PM
@ 2022-04-21 12:20 AM (#30558 - in reply to #30557) (#30558) Top

Riad Khanmagomedov

Posts: 238
Country : Russia

Riad Khanmagomedov posted @ 2022-04-21 12:20 AM

Carlos - 2022-04-20 11:18 PM

It would be convenient to know if we have to use only paper/pencil for the optimization problems, in order to be rated on the same criteria...

I always use only paper and pencil, because I am not a programmer.
@ 2022-04-21 12:28 AM (#30559 - in reply to #30522) (#30559) Top

Riad Khanmagomedov

Posts: 238
Country : Russia

Riad Khanmagomedov posted @ 2022-04-21 12:28 AM

I see errors in some answers to 12. Record score. Two white players cannot pass to each other if there is a black player on the line between them. And two black players cannot be connected by a straight line if there is a white player between them.
@ 2022-04-21 12:50 PM (#30560 - in reply to #30558) (#30560) Top


Posts: 11

Country : Germany

CJK posted @ 2022-04-21 12:50 PM

Riad Khanmagomedov - 2022-04-20 7:20 PM
I always use only paper and pencil, because I am not a programmer.

Hello Riad,
I have to admit that it is a little bit frustrating that this simple question cannot be clearly answered by you, even after being repeated five times. I do not really understand why it is that difficult to just say "yes, programming is allowed" or "no, programming is not allowed".
To be clear: I have no clear opinion about whether it should be allowed or not (I haven't programmed yet and I probably won't have time for it anymore), but I dislike the fact that you ignore one specific question for a whole week while answering every other question just a few hours later. For this contest it may be too late, but please don't do this in future contests again.
@ 2022-04-21 7:10 PM (#30561 - in reply to #30522) (#30561) Top


Posts: 1

Country : France

jo97 posted @ 2022-04-21 7:10 PM

@ 2022-04-21 7:36 PM (#30562 - in reply to #30560) (#30562) Top

Riad Khanmagomedov

Posts: 238
Country : Russia

Riad Khanmagomedov posted @ 2022-04-21 7:36 PM

CJK - 2022-04-21 12:50 PM

Riad Khanmagomedov - 2022-04-20 7:20 PM
I always use only paper and pencil, because I am not a programmer.

Hello Riad,
I have to admit that it is a little bit frustrating that this simple question cannot be clearly answered by you, even after being repeated five times. I do not really understand why it is that difficult to just say "yes, programming is allowed" or "no, programming is not allowed".
To be clear: I have no clear opinion about whether it should be allowed or not (I haven't programmed yet and I probably won't have time for it anymore), but I dislike the fact that you ignore one specific question for a whole week while answering every other question just a few hours later. For this contest it may be too late, but please don't do this in future contests again.

Hello Christian,
If I knew the answers to all the questions, of course I would have suggested it. I don't program and participate in all tournaments without resorting to this process. Let's leave this question to the discretion of each puzzler.
@ 2022-04-21 8:15 PM (#30563 - in reply to #30522) (#30563) Top


Posts: 45
Country : India

Swagatam posted @ 2022-04-21 8:15 PM

A couple of questions: For optimizer puzzles, any optimizer puzzle

1. How do you approach to final solution from your initial guess/solution?
2. How do you become aware of that you have reached to the optimum solution?
Riad Khanmagomedov's April Contest — 15th to 22nd April 202267 posts • Page 1 of 3 • 1 2 3
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