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Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests"364 posts • Page 12 of 15 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
@ 2013-12-30 10:46 PM (#13974 - in reply to #13971) (#13974) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-12-30 10:46 PM

suryadevi - 2013-12-30 10:28 PM

I am Surya Devi from India in Tamilnadu at Chennai and i am a member and to play competition and after that my sister also register with this website in this same system, but its not open like as different user and it opens like same user. How can it possible. kindly give me reply. Have we unsubscribe any one of membership or anything solution for that. reply me.

You can logout from the beginners page and login as a different player
See image below for location of the logout button.
@ 2013-12-31 12:07 PM (#13977 - in reply to #13972) (#13977) Top


Posts: 14

Country : India

suryadevi posted @ 2013-12-31 12:07 PM

Thanks for reply I done that same rule but its opening like as a same user and its not opening like as a different user. Kindly give me solution for that because i have completed classic but my sister has not been completed even classic also, but when i was open in my username it shows me you have not completed classic and you have not submit answer for even classic because i have completed classic. this is the problem kindly give me good solution.
@ 2013-12-31 1:16 PM (#13979 - in reply to #13977) (#13979) Top


Posts: 542
Country : India

rajeshk posted @ 2013-12-31 1:16 PM

suryadevi - 2013-12-31 12:07 PM

Thanks for reply I done that same rule but its opening like as a same user and its not opening like as a different user. Kindly give me solution for that because i have completed classic but my sister has not been completed even classic also, but when i was open in my username it shows me you have not completed classic and you have not submit answer for even classic because i have completed classic. this is the problem kindly give me good solution.

I don't think that there should be such problem which you mentioned. Anyway to solve this problem immediately you can try using different browsers.

@ 2013-12-31 1:27 PM (#13982 - in reply to #13900) (#13982) Top


Posts: 158
Country : India

akash.doulani posted @ 2013-12-31 1:27 PM

Whats the passwords for the beginners test?
@ 2013-12-31 1:35 PM (#13983 - in reply to #13982) (#13983) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-12-31 1:35 PM

akash.doulani - 2013-12-31 1:27 PM

Whats the passwords for the beginners test?
Passwords removed and solutions appended now to the booklets.
@ 2014-01-21 6:22 PM (#14152 - in reply to #7911) (#14152) Top

vikas boddupalli

Posts: 1

Country : India

vikas boddupalli posted @ 2014-01-21 6:22 PM

when is this months sudoku championship ?
@ 2014-01-22 4:14 AM (#14154 - in reply to #14152) (#14154) Top


Posts: 1847
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2014-01-22 4:14 AM

vikas boddupalli - 2014-01-21 6:22 PM

when is this months sudoku championship ?

Do you mean the Beginners' Contest or any contest? If Beginners' Contest, nothing is planned at this moment. If something is, it'll be announced here on this same topic.

If you mean any Sudoku contest, look to the top right, you'll see the link for Special 8 Sudoku Test which is scheduled on 25th January.
@ 2014-02-05 5:40 PM (#14249 - in reply to #7911) (#14249) Top


Posts: 1

Country : India

vinu55 posted @ 2014-02-05 5:40 PM

Dear Administrator,
I happen to land on to this web site while surfing if there is any activity going on in India for people intersted in SUDOKU.
I tried searching some online test to qualify or to play and see where I stand, unfortunately I coudlnot .
Can someone guide me in this connection? please.
@ 2014-02-05 9:50 PM (#14251 - in reply to #14249) (#14251) Top


Posts: 1847
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2014-02-05 9:50 PM

vinu55 - 2014-02-05 5:40 PM

Dear Administrator,
I happen to land on to this web site while surfing if there is any activity going on in India for people intersted in SUDOKU.
I tried searching some online test to qualify or to play and see where I stand, unfortunately I coudlnot .
Can someone guide me in this connection? please.

It so happens that we will be announcing the next contest on this very thread shortly. You can start with that one and see where things go.
@ 2014-02-05 10:00 PM (#14252 - in reply to #7911) (#14252) Top


Posts: 1847
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2014-02-05 10:00 PM

February Beginners' Sudoku Contest


Here are the types for the February Edition of LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contest -

We are continuing with 2 variants from last time (Arrow Sudoku and Inequality Sudoku)
We are introducing 1 new variant (Kropki Sudoku)
We are revisiting No Knight Step Sudoku


8th - 13th February (including both dates)

Author :

All 8 Sudokus are written by Sina Hedayati. He has written some good quality Sudokus for the Daily League group as well as Sudokucup's Daily variants.

@ 2014-02-05 10:06 PM (#14253 - in reply to #7911) (#14253) Top


Posts: 1847
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2014-02-05 10:06 PM

Please note that the dates were changed around 3 minutes after posting. Slight confusion here. Anyway, it's accurate now, 8th is when it will start.
@ 2014-02-05 11:35 PM (#14255 - in reply to #7911) (#14255) Top


Posts: 146
Country : France

auroux posted @ 2014-02-05 11:35 PM

But presumably not *December* 8th as stated in your post since it's the February contest :-)
@ 2014-02-08 7:06 AM (#14266 - in reply to #7911) (#14266) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2014-02-08 7:06 AM

@ 2014-02-11 6:59 PM (#14282 - in reply to #7911) (#14282) Top


Posts: 35
Country : India

mathcrazy posted @ 2014-02-11 6:59 PM

For Kropki Sudoku, does the reverse rule also apply? That is, if there is no white/black dot between 2 cells, does it mean that the numbers are neither consecutive nor half/double of the other?
@ 2014-02-11 7:00 PM (#14283 - in reply to #14282) (#14283) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2014-02-11 7:00 PM

mathcrazy - 2014-02-11 6:59 PM

For Kropki Sudoku, does the reverse rule also apply? That is, if there is no white/black dot between 2 cells, does it mean that the numbers are neither consecutive nor half/double of the other?
@ 2014-02-11 7:37 PM (#14284 - in reply to #7911) (#14284) Top


Posts: 35
Country : India

mathcrazy posted @ 2014-02-11 7:37 PM

I'm unable to solve the Kropki Sudoku. When will the solutions be available?
@ 2014-02-11 8:07 PM (#14285 - in reply to #14284) (#14285) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2014-02-11 8:07 PM

mathcrazy - 2014-02-11 7:37 PM

I'm unable to solve the Kropki Sudoku. When will the solutions be available?
Solutions will be available only after the test. Check your inbox for solution to this one.
@ 2014-02-13 11:43 AM (#14304 - in reply to #7911) (#14304) Top

Barun Gupta

Posts: 4

Country : India

Barun Gupta posted @ 2014-02-13 11:43 AM

I am unable to submit the result. it is showing disqualified inspite of having a correct answer. please help
@ 2014-02-13 11:44 AM (#14305 - in reply to #7911) (#14305) Top

Barun Gupta

Posts: 4

Country : India

Barun Gupta posted @ 2014-02-13 11:44 AM

I am unable to submit the result. it is showing disqualified inspite of having a correct answer. please help
@ 2014-02-13 2:33 PM (#14307 - in reply to #14305) (#14307) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2014-02-13 2:33 PM

Barun Gupta - 2014-02-13 11:44 AM

I am unable to submit the result. it is showing disqualified inspite of having a correct answer. please help
I'm glad that you know D means disqualified.
But do you really not know why you are disqualified ?
@ 2014-02-13 9:50 PM (#14308 - in reply to #14252) (#14308) Top

Barun Gupta

Posts: 4

Country : India

Barun Gupta posted @ 2014-02-13 9:50 PM

Thanks a lot for your reply. I am really not aware of the submission process and that is the sole reason of my post. Once given the proper direction, will submit in the shortest span of time. ;)
@ 2014-02-13 10:15 PM (#14309 - in reply to #14308) (#14309) Top


Posts: 1847
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2014-02-13 10:15 PM

Barun Gupta - 2014-02-13 9:50 PM

will submit in the shortest span of time. ;)

In case you've misunderstood the point of these contests, it isn't to just submit answers you already know quickly. You're supposed to actually solve the Sudokus manually. and logically, for the first time once the timer starts. Not just go on making new profiles and submitting answers you already know. Not sure why this needs to be explained, but now that it is, please solve in the spirit of competition like everyone else does. Its for your own "solving" enjoyment, we're not giving out trophies here.
@ 2014-02-15 12:51 PM (#14320 - in reply to #14252) (#14320) Top

Barun Gupta

Posts: 4

Country : India

Barun Gupta posted @ 2014-02-15 12:51 PM

I think you have misunderstood my query and that is the reason you have played with your words in an offensive way. Being rejected all the time, I tried submitting through different names. I have actually solved the puzzles manually and that is the reason I was trying to enlist my name. Anyways, I have understood why I was disqualified and let me clarify with you as well because I feel you do not know the reason yourself. The reason of my disqualification is that I was submitting the paper and the online mode simultaneously. I feel pity for you for not having the appropriate answer. I have nothing to say but to wish you best of luck as a support administrator. hahahaha.....
@ 2014-02-15 1:50 PM (#14321 - in reply to #14320) (#14321) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2014-02-15 1:50 PM

Barun Gupta - 2014-02-15 12:51 PM

I think you have misunderstood my query and that is the reason you have played with your words in an offensive way. Being rejected all the time, I tried submitting through different names. I have actually solved the puzzles manually and that is the reason I was trying to enlist my name. Anyways, I have understood why I was disqualified and let me clarify with you as well because I feel you do not know the reason yourself. The reason of my disqualification is that I was submitting the paper and the online mode simultaneously. I feel pity for you for not having the appropriate answer. I have nothing to say but to wish you best of luck as a support administrator. hahahaha.....

I am not sure what is not clear in Prasanna's post above, but I will get it straight now. You were disqualified in December as well (for which you didn't protest). Here is the snapshot of your submission details from December test.

I don't know what others read from this table, but I read it as "it is not possible to solve 4 classics sudokus in 216 seconds, in a fair way. More so, about solving 3 variants in 135 seconds. And apart from solving, this time also includes time to get the password, print it in a printer, and entering the answer keys". Refer to the archive page for December for timings of world's best sudoku players.

Please note the word "fair" there. And we have every right to disqualify players, if we think they are not playing fair.

Once a player is disqualified, they will remain so until we manually change it back. That was the reason you got disqualified in Feb. In any case, I have enough reasons to believe that your Feb timings are not fair as well.
@ 2014-02-15 2:04 PM (#14322 - in reply to #7911) (#14322) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2014-02-15 2:04 PM

Passwords removed and solutions appended to the puzzle booklets.
Announcing "LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contests"364 posts • Page 12 of 15 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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