Country : India | |
Posts: 4
Country : India | How to apply for puzzle ramayan? |
Posts: 268
Country : India | rvarun posted @ 2019-12-18 9:04 PM |
Posts: 1
| band posted @ 2020-01-13 11:03 AM how i can participating ? |
Posts: 1
Country : India | I am unable to get the puzzles after I logged & clicked start test. Timer is runnning but I am still unable to get the puzzles. Please help me |
Country : India | |
Country : India | |
Country : India | A mail has been sent to the Indian participants. Please check your spam if you did not receive it. |
Country : India | Indian Puzzle Championship 2020 and PR Finals
Date - 20th December, Sunday (see below announcement)
Venue - This competition will be held online.
The competition will be open to all participants from India. The base points from Puzzle Ramayan online episodes shall be carried forward to the finals.
Important dates:
Country : India | Postponement of Indian Championships
Dear participants,
Due to some unforeseen personal issues for one of the core organizers, we are having to postpone the Indian Championships. Both ISC and IPC will be postponed by two weeks each. The new dates are:
ISC - December 12th-13th
IPC - December 19th-20th.
More details will be announced soon.
We request you all not to look further into the matter out of respect for privacy.
On a positive note, we will use this extra time to continue testing our new non-flash submission page and results page and have those 100% ready in time for ISC.
Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we apologize for the inconvenience caused.
- LMI Team
Country : India | First Version of IB
The version 1 of Instruction Booklet for the finals is now available.
Points table, schedule, examples for rounds 1-3, answer key details shall be added in the next version.
Country : India | Since the IPC is happening online this year, it shall be open to foreign participants also (except Authors and Test-solvers).
All rounds of the contest shall be open till 23rd December 23:59.
However, only Indian participants who participate in the official window shall have their scores included in official rankings. |
Sukhvir Singh Chahal
Posts: 1
Country : India | How can i participate in IPC and ISC |
Posts: 1838
Country : India | |
Country : India | Version 2 of IB
The version 2 of Instruction Booklet for the finals is now available.
This includes points table, schedule on 20th December, examples and updated puzzle rules.
The total solving time is 325 minutes and you will need access to printer with enough pages.
Posts: 5
Country : Canada | Administrative question: I recruited non-IPC-participating initial test solvers for the puzzle(s) I authored; should I provide their names to ensure they are credited? |
Country : India | craigkasper - 2020-12-16 7:16 PM
Administrative question: I recruited non-IPC-participating initial test solvers for the puzzle(s) I authored; should I provide their names to ensure they are credited?
Sure. An email has been sent to you. |
Country : India | Version 2 of IB - Updated
The version 2 of Instruction Booklet has been updated.
The "Authors and Test Solvers" section has been updated.
Country : India | |
Posts: 542
Country : India | rajeshk posted @ 2020-12-18 9:39 PM One Question:
Round 5: Tapa-Nurikabe
1. Can Clue in Nurikabe extend in Tapa Region and include a given Tapa clue (sole or multiple number clue) as part of Island?
2. Can a Sole Tapa Clue act as Both Tapa as well as Nurikabe Clue?
Posts: 774
Country : India | rajeshk - 2020-12-18 9:39 PM
One Question:
Round 5: Tapa-Nurikabe
1. Can Clue in Nurikabe extend in Tapa Region and include a given Tapa clue (sole or multiple number clue) as part of Island?
- Extend in tapa region - Yes. The 3 in R5C6 extends in to the Tapa region in the example.
- include a given Tapa clue - ONLY if it is the sole clue for the Nurikabe island. Refer answer to 2.
2. Can a Sole Tapa Clue act as Both Tapa as well as Nurikabe Clue?
Yes. The rules specifically say - "the sole numbered cell for the island may be a Tapa clue" |
Posts: 3
Country : United States | I think there is a typo in IB, in Round 5 Puzzle 1-2, the Masyu section, "the path must not turn when it passes through a black pearl" should omit the 'not'? |
Posts: 542
Country : India | rajeshk posted @ 2020-12-19 11:21 AM Thanks, Rakesh for clarifying most of my doubts.
Hope my understanding is clear on this now. As per my understanding, a given Nurikabe clue cannot include Sole or Multiple Tapa clues in the Island. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.
Posts: 55
Country : India | |
Posts: 774
Country : India | mattender - 2020-12-19 2:39 AM
I think there is a typo in IB, in Round 5 Puzzle 1-2, the Masyu section, "the path must not turn when it passes through a black pearl" should omit the 'not'? Yes. You are right. The path must turn on a black circle like usual masyu rules. |
Country : India | Q&A session meeting recording
You can access the Q&A session recording here.
Country : India | Clarifications from the Q&A session:
1) "Official" round timings: The official start timings for each round will be strictly followed for each round as in IB page 2.
2) Adobe Flash Player will be needed to participate in this contest.
3) Round 4 - Mark My Puzzles - The rules for the three puzzle types will be included on the page.
4) Round 4 - Numerical Jigsaw - Same font as in the IB shall be used for the vertical strips.
5) Round 5 - Ayeheya - The symmetry shall be with respect to the central point in the region.
6) Round 5 - Tapa+Nurikabe - Tapa clues can double up as nurikabe clues if that is the only clue in the island and if it is a single number.
7) Round 3 - Aquarium - Every region behaves as if we are pouring water from the top. So any two cells in a region (even if separated by other regions) either both have water or are both empty.
8) Round 5 - Tapa+Nurikabe - There cannot be two clues in a nurikabe island. There must be at least one "white" cell from nurikabe area to call it an island.
9) Round 1 - Rassi Silai and Tents - If the leftmost column is the 10th column, enter 0.
10) Round 1 - Battleships - Fleet shall be given and given ship segment cells will contain same shape as in given fleet.
11) Round 4 - Numerical Jigsaw - Change the wording to "Rotate and/or rearrange some or all of the given vertical strips"
12) Round 4 - IPC Criss Cross - There shall be validation for minimum length of the answer.
13) Round 4 - Numerical Jigsaw - Puzzle numbering shall be 10 and 11 for the two puzzles.
14) Round 3 - Products (Off by one) - Specific range of numbers shall be given in the PB.
15) Round 4 - Meteor Showers - Validation shall be added to the length of the answer
16) Round 3 - Top Heavy - The rules apply only for vertical neighbours (number at the top shall be bigger). There are no constraints for horizontal neighbours.
17) Round 4 - Banners - All words shall be listed vertically.
18) Round 5 - Masyu rule - The text "the path must not turn when it passes through a black pearl" should omit the 'not' |
Country : India | No of pages in Puzzle Booklet:
Round 1: 5
Round 2: 5
Round 3: 6
Round 4: 8
Round 5: 6 |
Country : India | |
Country : India | IPC 2020
Indian Puzzle Championship 2020 has started. Good luck to all participants!
Country : India | Results
Rankings after Round 1 are now available.
These are visible only to participants currently.
Please do not share the results with others.
Posts: 50
Country : India | What a Compass puzzles, absolutely brilliant :D |
Posts: 22
Country : India | Nityant posted @ 2020-12-20 11:16 AM I agree.
The compass puzzle was really a brilliant one! |
Country : India | |
Country : India | |
Country : India | Official Results
Final results (after including Round 4 and Round 5 scores) shall be declared together shortly after Round 5 ends for all official participants.
Posts: 542
Country : India | rajeshk posted @ 2020-12-20 5:25 PM Awesome puzzles. Thanks to Puzzle authors and organisers for such a delightful IPC 2020.
Posts: 349
Country : India | A big thanks to the organizers for putting together the five rounds for this IPC. Each and every round was very enjoyable and had loads of memorable puzzles.
The points and time allocation for each round was spot on.
Special thanks to Rakesh, Priyam and Deb for putting in so many hours of effort and for the perfect execution even with limited support. (I hope I am not missing anyone out.)
Also thanks to all the authors for the fantastic puzzles. I will share my thoughts on the puzzles after solving the ones that I missed out during the contest.
Posts: 2
Country : India | Sally posted @ 2020-12-20 5:37 PM Thanks to everyone involved for the amazing contest and puzzles! I had a lot of fun with this! :) |
Posts: 668
Country : India | Beautiful Set of puzzles. Thanks to Testers, Authors, and Organizers (Priyam, Rakesh and Deb, and whoever else I might be missing). It was a day well spent.
Favorite among the puzzles I solved:
Round 1) Rassi Silai - That 6 was pretty tricky
Round 2) Compass
Round 3) Double Choco and Fuzuli
Round 4) IPC CrissCross
Round 5) Tapa Nurikabe (155 Pointer)
Thank you. |
Posts: 52
Country : India | Enjoyed puzzles a lot. Will be doing left overs soon. We should have 5th round kind of monthly contest, it will help guys like me.
Big thanks to all organizers and authors and test solvers. |
Posts: 1838
Country : India | Brilliant puzzles, very well organized. I absolutely loved Round 5, and other rounds were great too. Like ISC, another great experience that gets as close as we can to mimicking an offline event.
Like Amit said, special thanks to Rakesh, Priyam and Deb for putting this together.
Lastly thanks to the authors for providing such a high quality of puzzles throughout the event.
On a personal note it would have been great to finish round 4, I was so close and I don't usually finish the casual round. Other than that, it was largely a smooth and enjoyable run. |
Country : India | Official Results
There was a second valid answer in the puzzle "Three Steps". Anyone who has submitted any of the correct answers has been given complete points for this puzzle. Also, almost everyone who did not get it right in Instant Grading submitted the correct answer for this puzzle later. Pro-rata compensation has been provided to such cases depending on their performance in the round and the time lost. (This pro-rata compensation shall be included in the Official results but not in the Unofficial results.)
This was discussed in detail and is the final decision of the organisers with regard to Round 4.
Country : India | |
Country : India | IPC + PR 2020 Results
Congratulations to the IPC Top 4
1. Prasanna Seshadri
2. Swaroop Guggilam
3. Rohan Rao
4. Amit Sowani
Congratulations to the PR Top 3
1. Jayant Ameta
2. Gaurav Kumar Jain
3. Nityant Agarwal
Posts: 739
Country : India | vopani posted @ 2020-12-20 6:14 PM Thanks to Rakesh, Priyam, Deb and all the foreign contributors for this fantastic IPC. High quality puzzles and just like the ISC, very well organized.
Really appreciate all the efforts in making these championships happen during a difficult year.
Congratulations to Prasanna and Swaroop for the podium and to Jayant, Gaurav and Nityant for topping PR.
Favourite puzzles:
R1: Pentominous
R2: Araf
R3: Double Chocolate
R4: Banners
R5: Ayeheya Yajikazu 2
Country : India | International participants and Unofficial participants
International participants and Unofficial participants from India can now take the test - They can take the rounds in any order till 23rd December 23:59 IST.
Posts: 55
Country : India | Thanks a lot to the Organizers and Authors for such a wonderful puzzle rounds. It could not have been better quality puzzles. Enjoyed every puzzle.
Congrats to all the winners. |
Posts: 25
Country : United Kingdom | That was incredibly enjoyable, many thanks to all authors and organisers! A few comments on each round:
Round 1: All of the puzzles were very nice. Especially liked the Yajilin, Kakuro and Pentominous.
Round 2: The compass was a really stunning puzzle. Statue Park felt over-valued.
Round 3: Tough round; had quite some difficulty with numerous puzzles, including the domino search which I ended up effectively brute-forcing. The Kurotto was excellent and I also enjoyed the Aquarium quite a bit.
Round 4: A fun, different round. Hard to pinpoint favourites here. Was rather lucky to solve the 'three steps' puzzle in about 30 seconds.
Round 5: A bit annoying to solve on paper; ended up having to resort to coloured pens, which ended up working ok. Perhaps it's fortunate that the puzzles here weren't too difficult... I really loved the concept though! |
Posts: 421
Country : India | kishy72 posted @ 2020-12-21 11:42 AM Thank you to organizers Priyam, Rakesh and Deb for putting together IPC ! Fantastic set of puzzles ! Can't imagine the amount of work that must have gone in the background to organize another week of contest and special applause for that. Thank you to all authors too for creating amazing puzzles !
My story of the day was wasting the last 10-15 mins of each and every round by jumping from puzzle to puzzle or getting stuck on a puzzle. It started with Rassi Silai in Round 1 where I had 17 mins when I approached the leftmost region having 6 turns and could never get it to work . Spent about 15 mins on that and still couldn't see how to place it.
My favourite of the day was Ayeheya Yajikazu (100 points) from Round 5. I simply loved how the logic unfurled in that. Will look to solve the leftout ( and that's quite a few) in the coming days.
Country : India | Score Table
Scores for each round are now available in the "Results" link.
Country : India | LMI thanks all the international authors and test solvers for their valuable contribution to IPC 2020.
Thanks Cedomir Milanovic, Craig Kasper, Ivan Koswara, Nikola Zivanovic, Tawan Sunathvanichkul, Walker Anderson, Bram De Laat, Branko Ceranic, Deyan Razsadov, Ken Endo, Matej Uher, Rob Vollmert, Taus Brock-Nannestad, Wang Weifan, Yanzhe Qiu and Yuhei Kusui! |
Posts: 50
Country : India | Gratitude to every individual who made IPC 2020 happen :) |
Country : India | |
Country : India | Best Author 2020
Congratulations to Swaroop Guggilam for being declared the Best Author for PR3 (Shading and Loops).
Posts: 668
Country : India | Wow, that's surprise news, this year keeps on delivering. Thanks, LMI. |
Posts: 3
Country : United States | rhdoud posted @ 2021-01-06 3:51 AM Is there an archive for the passwords for already completed tests? In aprticular I hope to access the tests from the recently completed IPC 2020.
Thanks. |