PR 2025 R1 - Classics (7th - 13th Feb) Score Discuss
SM 2025 R1 - Standard & Converse (14th - 20th Feb) has started Discuss
Sudoku Mahabharat 2025
Puzzle Ramayan 2025
Sudoku Mahabharat - Junior 2025
08 Kashmir Carpet9 posts • Page 1 of 1 • 1
@ 2017-10-04 10:42 PM (#23476) (#23476) Top


Posts: 1849
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2017-10-04 10:42 PM

Round 8: Kashmir Carpet

Please post your questions about this round here.
@ 2017-10-05 4:36 AM (#23499 - in reply to #23476) (#23499) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2017-10-05 4:36 AM

Just some general questions.

If I understand correctly, for the row strips either all circled cells are visible or all uncircled cells are visible. The reverse would be true for all column strips. Can the weaving differ between puzzles, meaning that in one puzzle the rows are visible in the circles, while in another the columns are visible in the circles?

Can we see examples of the strips for each puzzle type? I'm just wondering whether the strip will contain merely clues or could they also contain loop segments(in Castle Wall and Railroad Tracks) or filled triangles (in Shakashaka)?

Are the base grids completely empty (except for the shading in Neighbours) or can there already be clues in there? If there are clues, how do they behave regarding to the weaving strips?
@ 2017-10-05 4:44 AM (#23502 - in reply to #23499) (#23502) Top


Posts: 1849
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2017-10-05 4:44 AM

Para - 2017-10-05 4:36 AM

Just some general questions.

If I understand correctly, for the row strips either all circled cells are visible or all uncircled cells are visible. The reverse would be true for all column strips. Can the weaving differ between puzzles, meaning that in one puzzle the rows are visible in the circles, while in another the columns are visible in the circles?

Can we see examples of the strips for each puzzle type? I'm just wondering whether the strip will contain merely clues or could they also contain loop segments(in Castle Wall and Railroad Tracks) or filled triangles (in Shakashaka)?

Are the base grids completely empty (except for the shading in Neighbours) or can there already be clues in there? If there are clues, how do they behave regarding to the weaving strips?

Answering your questions in order:
- The weaving can differ in the way you say. I guess another way of putting it is that if puzzle 1 has all rows visible in the circles, puzzle 2 may have all columns visible in the circles.

- I'll get back to this one after a little internal discussion. I can answer the second part of it though by saying that in general, parts of the solution elements may be part of the strips, just like digits are technically a 'solution element' for Neighbours.

- Completely empty with the exception of neighbours. No complications about clue behaviour.
@ 2017-10-05 1:37 PM (#23521 - in reply to #23499) (#23521) Top


Posts: 1849
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2017-10-05 1:37 PM

Para - 2017-10-05 4:36 AM

Can we see examples of the strips for each puzzle type?

The second version of the IB will have an example for strips of each of the remaining three puzzle types, with all possible elements shown.
@ 2017-10-06 7:19 PM (#23548 - in reply to #23476) (#23548) Top


Posts: 34
Country : Turkey

bskbri posted @ 2017-10-06 7:19 PM

Is it possible that all clues on a strip may be unvisible?
@ 2017-10-07 5:35 AM (#23553 - in reply to #23548) (#23553) Top


Posts: 1849
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2017-10-07 5:35 AM

bskbri - 2017-10-06 7:19 PM

Is it possible that all clues on a strip may be unvisible?

Yes. As long as the checkerboard pattern of visibility of cells is maintained, the 'visible' cells could all be blank.
@ 2017-10-08 8:44 PM (#23586 - in reply to #23476) (#23586) Top


Posts: 172
Country : ITALY

forcolin posted @ 2017-10-08 8:44 PM

how will we express the result, will we be asked to write the solution on the base grid? Will we have to complete the yarns as well? Will we be allowed to make markings, candidates etc on the base grid?

@ 2017-10-10 2:15 PM (#23649 - in reply to #23586) (#23649) Top


Posts: 1849
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2017-10-10 2:15 PM

forcolin - 2017-10-08 8:44 PM

how will we express the result, will we be asked to write the solution on the base grid? Will we have to complete the yarns as well? Will we be allowed to make markings, candidates etc on the base grid?

Solution on base grid is all that is required for credit for the puzzle. However if that is incorrect or incomplete, partial points will be awarded as specified in the IB for any yarn correctly marked with the row or column it goes into for the base grid.
Any markings and candidates and so on are allowed as in any normal round.
08 Kashmir Carpet9 posts • Page 1 of 1 • 1
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