Sudoku Mahabharat & Puzzle Ramayan Finals
LMI Launches Puzzle Expo!
Shapes and Sizes — LMI January Sudoku Test — 7th and 8th January42 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 2
@ 2012-01-02 3:03 PM (#6337 - in reply to #6308) (#6337) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2012-01-02 3:03 PM

We are making a small change to the image of Sudokuro - the clue cells are made more gray. Here is how the new image looks like.

Updated IB uploaded, but this is the only change.

@ 2012-01-02 4:22 PM (#6339 - in reply to #6337) (#6339) Top


Posts: 66
Country : Hungary

Valezius posted @ 2012-01-02 4:22 PM

Is it possible the online solving in this test?
@ 2012-01-02 4:27 PM (#6340 - in reply to #6339) (#6340) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2012-01-02 4:27 PM

Valezius - 2012-01-02 4:22 PM

Is it possible the online solving in this test?
Yes. We'll put all examples online for practicing. May be in next 24 hours.
@ 2012-01-03 11:14 AM (#6347 - in reply to #6308) (#6347) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2012-01-03 11:14 AM

All examples can now be solved online.

This test has lot of non 9X9 sudokus. So we needed to tweak the flash interface a bit.
Request to online solvers : please report any issues while solving/testing the examples before the test starts. It is unlikely that we'll make any changes after the test starts.
@ 2012-01-04 11:36 AM (#6351 - in reply to #6308) (#6351) Top


Posts: 139
Country : Estonia

TiiT posted @ 2012-01-04 11:36 AM

Is it correct, that in Scattered non-consecutive sudoku, 0 and 1 ARE consecutive and 9 and 0 ARE NOT consecutive?
@ 2012-01-04 12:02 PM (#6352 - in reply to #6351) (#6352) Top


Posts: 191
Country : The Netherlands

Richard posted @ 2012-01-04 12:02 PM

@TiiT: Yes, that is correct.
@ 2012-01-04 6:13 PM (#6353 - in reply to #6308) (#6353) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2012-01-04 6:13 PM

hey can anyone help me out with scattered non-consecutive sudoku..
just got a "0" at r9c10..
and also with scattered sudoku with added clues...
in this got few numbers like 1 and 2 at few places but not able to proceed further..
@ 2012-01-04 9:29 PM (#6354 - in reply to #6353) (#6354) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2012-01-04 9:29 PM

swaroop2011 - 2012-01-04 6:13 PM
and also with scattered sudoku with added clues...
in this got few numbers like 1 and 2 at few places but not able to proceed further..

Check 13 = 6+7
After that in left grid, R2C2=4
and then R1C1 = 3, R6C4=5

It is really smooth solve, so I guess you are not focusing on all the given sums.

Edit : Wrong steps

Edited by debmohanty 2012-01-05 10:21 AM
@ 2012-01-04 9:52 PM (#6355 - in reply to #6308) (#6355) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2012-01-04 9:52 PM

how can left grid r2c2 be 4 ?

because it will make r2c2 = 6 in right grid.
that makes r3c3 = 7 and r2c6 =7 in right grid..
which in turn makes r3c3 = 6 and r2c6 = 6 in left grid. This contradicts that grey cells must contain 1-7 only once
@ 2012-01-04 9:57 PM (#6356 - in reply to #6308) (#6356) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2012-01-04 9:57 PM

i think after concentrating on what u said about 13..
the r2c2 should be 5.
then r1c1 = 3 as you said..

and i cant believe that i got the opening of scattered non-consecutive..IT was really very hard to find it out took literally more than 3-4 hours but got it just now..
thanks for the help.
@ 2012-01-04 10:04 PM (#6357 - in reply to #6356) (#6357) Top


Posts: 191
Country : The Netherlands

Richard posted @ 2012-01-04 10:04 PM

swaroop2011 - 2012-01-04 9:57 PM
and i cant believe that i got the opening of scattered non-consecutive..IT was really very hard to find it out took literally more than 3-4 hours but got it just now..
thanks for the help.

Since there are not much given digits in the grid and they are concentrated in four areas, one of those areas must provide the start.
After the 0 you found in R9C10 the real start of the puzzle can be found in R1C8 + R1C10. What digits can go there?

Since I am the author, I hesitate to give more detailed answers.

Best regards, Richard
@ 2012-01-04 10:26 PM (#6358 - in reply to #6308) (#6358) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2012-01-04 10:26 PM

thanks for it
@ 2012-01-05 8:32 PM (#6362 - in reply to #6357) (#6362) Top


Posts: 30
Country : Canada

figonometry posted @ 2012-01-05 8:32 PM

After the 0 you found in R9C10 the real start of the puzzle can be found in R1C8 + R1C10.
After several attempts, that zero is the only digit I have as well. However, only now, after reading here, do I realize that the puzzle is non-consecutive. That may have been the source of my problem.
@ 2012-01-06 10:55 PM (#6366 - in reply to #6308) (#6366) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2012-01-06 10:55 PM


1. Password protected pdf is uploaded. It has 9 pages. There is no cover page.
2. Note about Twin chaos sudoku, for online solvers. Although the row and column is marked only on the left grid, points will not be awarded if right side grid has different digits . (It is fine if some cells in right side grid are not filled, but if a cell is not empty, then digits must be same in both grids).
3. As usual, if you are solving online, no need to submit again using paper mode.
4. Paper only link -

@ 2012-01-07 1:38 PM (#6367 - in reply to #6308) (#6367) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2012-01-07 1:38 PM

So yeah, I should really enter answer keys when i finish a puzzle. after not leaving enough time last sudoku test, this time I just totally forget to put in an answer key of the cylindrical, which was one of the first I finished.
@ 2012-01-07 1:41 PM (#6368 - in reply to #6367) (#6368) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2012-01-07 1:41 PM

Para - 2012-01-07 1:38 PM

So yeah, I should really enter answer keys when i finish a puzzle. after not leaving enough time last sudoku test, this time I just totally forget to put in an answer key of the cylindrical, which was one of the first I finished.

What I observe over many tests is that, many players submit as soon as they are done with a 'page'. So typically 2 puzzles or so.
@ 2012-01-07 3:30 PM (#6369 - in reply to #6308) (#6369) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2012-01-07 3:30 PM

It was nice test..
Just missed to submit an answer. Only 10sec were left..
I loved to solve the low digits sudoku..
i am happy even though with low score because i solved each puzzle without guessing.
Hope this will improve in next test.
@ 2012-01-07 8:06 PM (#6370 - in reply to #6308) (#6370) Top


Posts: 170
Country : Germany

rob posted @ 2012-01-07 8:06 PM

On my Macbook, Preview (version 5.0.3 (504.1)) fails to open the encrypted puzzle booklet. Can anyone else with a Mac confirm this? I've recently reinstalled the OS, so it might be a problem on my end, but I can open the encrypted PDF of this weekend's contest just fine.
@ 2012-01-07 8:23 PM (#6371 - in reply to #6370) (#6371) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2012-01-07 8:23 PM

@rob, check your email please.

ETA : rob confirmed that this pdf file works. So if anyone else with Mac faces problem, use this pdf instead.

Edited by debmohanty 2012-01-07 9:59 PM
@ 2012-01-08 2:27 AM (#6373 - in reply to #6371) (#6373) Top


Posts: 1801
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2012-01-08 2:27 AM

Wonderful Sudokus there.

On a personal note, probably not a good idea to solve scattered and toroidal sudokus when you're half asleep and all but unfortunately this is the only time I'll be getting this weekend :| Considering that, I'm quite happy with my score for a type I'm weak at.

Will surely go through the rest of them later.
@ 2012-01-09 3:17 AM (#6381 - in reply to #6370) (#6381) Top


Posts: 152
Country : United Kingdom

detuned posted @ 2012-01-09 3:17 AM

Mine opened the puzzle book just fine - although my version of preview is 5.5.1 (719.11).

I really enjoyed the set - the low digits type is easily my favourite sudoku variation of recent times. I'd be interested to know whether my assumed "logic" for the overlapping puzzle actually does hold in full generality as well...
@ 2012-01-09 6:32 AM (#6383 - in reply to #6381) (#6383) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2012-01-09 6:32 AM

With no player participating now, Shapes and Sizes is over. A rather difficult Sudoku set to begin the year, but I guess, most players expected that.
janoslaw came close to solving all, but missed the last puzzle with 10 minutes to spare. He takes the 1st position.
deu finished 13 puzzles too, and takes the 2nd position. KrtekHonza is 3rd with some margin from deu.

Rohan, Rakesh and Prasanna take the top Indian spots.

A total of 192 players, out of which 151 players got 0+ scores. Thank you everyone for participating.

Thanks Richard for the challenging set of puzzles. Please share your thoughts on your first LMI test.
@ 2012-01-09 9:44 AM (#6384 - in reply to #6308) (#6384) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2012-01-09 9:44 AM

@ 2012-01-09 12:40 PM (#6386 - in reply to #6383) (#6386) Top


Posts: 191
Country : The Netherlands

Richard posted @ 2012-01-09 12:40 PM

Administrator - 2012-01-09 6:32 AM
Thanks Richard for the challenging set of puzzles. Please share your thoughts on your first LMI test.

Here are my thoughts:

Let me start telling that I was very honored when Deb asked me if I was interested to write a sudoku test for LMI, especially when I noticed the majority of the world top players participates every month. I had a few doubts, because so far I have only contributed my puzzles to championships, leaving it to the organiser which puzzles can be used and which not. Now it was up to me to do the whole lot: creating the puzzles, deciding how the set is assembled, the points distribution and the solution codes.
One of my major problems is that I am not among the worlds best solvers. I consider myself somewhere in the Dutch subtop, but that’s it. This gave me a hard time on deciding how hard the test had to be and how much puzzles it should contain. Fortunately every potential pre-tester I asked to help me testing responded positive to my request, so I had a lot of feedback from them. Three of the testers ended in places 40~50 at the last WSC. After the testing I thougt it would be just possible for the World top to finish all 14 puzzles, or it would be very close. The latter became true. Congratulations to janoslaw, deu and KrtekHonza!

I am very fond of irregular grids. I think they are not often enough in magazines or contests. (Or are they just not popular enough by puzzlers?) For that reason I was very eager to make this test with all irregular grids. I realise that irregular grids might scare off people, because these grids are more error-sensible while solving. I hope the popularity of irregular grids didn’t drop during the test! :) At least I am happy that nearly 200 players participated, and that about 25% did not submit any solution does not surprise me either.

Quite a lot of people submitted only 1, 2 or 3 solutions. All in all I think I can conlude this test was a little bit too hard. Nevertheless I hope you had fun with it. I really enjoyed creating the puzzles, and also looking behind the screens this weekend to see the players making progress. ;)

Once again I would like to thank LMI for the opportunity to write the test and all participants for taking part!

I hope to read how you all liked it.
@ 2012-01-09 1:31 PM (#6387 - in reply to #6308) (#6387) Top


Posts: 123
Country : India

macherlakumar posted @ 2012-01-09 1:31 PM

A very good set of Sudokus. Though I am not good at solving regular Sudoku's, at first I thought of not giving the test, but since this is the first test of 2012 I decided to give, now I am saying that I am looking forward for another one.
I had a lot of trouble in starting off with the Toroidal Sudoku, even though it is the one with lowest points (which I think is an easier one), then I left it and went for Toroidal in Large Grid and it went smoothly and finally caught the trick in Toroidal sudoku to complete it.
I liked Toroidal concept a lot.

Thanks to Richard and LMI for the wonderful contest.

Shapes and Sizes — LMI January Sudoku Test — 7th and 8th January42 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 2
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