Sudoku Mahabharat & Puzzle Ramayan Finals
LMI Launches Puzzle Expo!
Round 19 (WSC PlayOffs) - LMI March Sudoku Test - 9th to 13th March32 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 2
@ 2018-03-09 8:11 AM (#24465 - in reply to #24419) (#24465) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2018-03-09 8:11 AM

Instruction Booklet is available now
@ 2018-03-09 12:02 PM (#24467 - in reply to #24465) (#24467) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2018-03-09 12:02 PM

Puzzle Booklet

The password protected Puzzle Booklet is available for download now:

The Test starts at 1300 hrs IST (0730 GMT) on 9th March.

@ 2018-03-09 12:44 PM (#24468 - in reply to #24419) (#24468) Top


Posts: 46
Country : India

aashay posted @ 2018-03-09 12:44 PM

What's the time duration of this test?
@ 2018-03-09 12:49 PM (#24470 - in reply to #24468) (#24470) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2018-03-09 12:49 PM

aashay - 2018-03-09 12:44 PM

What's the time duration of this test?

100 Minutes. This has now been added on the submission page.
@ 2018-03-09 1:05 PM (#24474 - in reply to #24467) (#24474) Top


Posts: 739
Country : India

vopani posted @ 2018-03-09 1:05 PM

Why these Sudokus were rejected for WSC

Variant: Alphabet Sudoku
Round: Welcome
Author: Prasanna Seshadri
Reason: This was initially to be the first sudoku of WSC. But when we decided to theme the first round with 1 Classic and 1 Variant, we decided to drop this since it is just a Classic in its raw form.

Variant: Classic Sudoku
Round: Welcome
Author: Rajesh Kumar
Reason: The theme was too similar to the 'Hash'-themed Classic in WSC, which had a better solving path.

Variant: Group Sum Sudoku
Round: The Duets
Author: Prasanna Seshadri
Reason: Math variants contributed to a higher proportion of total points, so we replaced this with a much easier non-Math variant to balance it out.

Variant: Group Product Sudoku
Round: The Duets
Author: Rohan Rao
Reason: Math variants contributed to a higher proportion of total points, so we replaced this with a much easier non-Math variant to balance it out.

Variant: Trio Sum Frame Sudoku
Round: Two To Tango
Author: Rohan Rao
Reason: We chose not to include any variant with outside clues in this round.

Variant: Classic Sudoku
Round: The Originals
Author: Ashish Kumar
Reason: We had two equally good Odd-Even themed Classics for this round, and picked the one which was created first for WSC.

Variant: Symmetric Dots Sudoku
Round: Think Different
Author: Rohan Rao
Reason: There were a lot of ideas and sudokus for this round, and this didn't make the cut.

Variant: Hamle Sudoku
Round: Is It A Sudoku?
Author: Prasanna Seshadri
Reason: The variant was too puzzlish in nature and the theme seemed a bit too cool even for a WSC.

Variant: Instructionless Sudoku
Round: What Is It?
Author: Prasanna Seshadri
Reason: We decided to avoid any non-9x9 variants for this round.

Variant: Killer Joker Sudoku
Round: The Joker
Author: Prasanna Seshadri
Reason: We felt the rule of the Joker digit assuming a digit already present in a cage a bit ambiguous with regard to Killer rules in this round. Incidentally, this was the sudoku that actually ignited the idea of this round.

Variant: Touchy Sudoku
Round: The Usual Suspects
Author: Rajesh Kumar
Reason: We could pick only 12 variants for this round, and this one had the least interesting theme.

Variant: Just That Cell Sudoku (Extra Region)
Round: Do Not Blink
Author: Deb Mohanty
Reason: We reduced the number of sudokus in this round, and this one didn't have a particularly good appeal.

@ 2018-03-09 2:41 PM (#24476 - in reply to #24474) (#24476) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2018-03-09 2:41 PM

Feedback page

In the feedback page, please ignore the question and the options for "3 most favorite puzzles of the contest". Instead you can mention your favourite puzzle in the comments box.

@ 2018-03-09 9:18 PM (#24477 - in reply to #24419) (#24477) Top


Posts: 8

Country : Japan

SP1 posted @ 2018-03-09 9:18 PM

Nice problems! I enjoyed very much.
By the way, I submitted the correct answers of 11,12 in last 5 minutes, but their points are not reflected now...
@ 2018-03-10 1:57 AM (#24478 - in reply to #24419) (#24478) Top


Posts: 5

Country : The Netherlands

sojaboon posted @ 2018-03-10 1:57 AM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I somewhat liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice

So many mathsy sudokus! I suck at math. Was so happy to solve the instructionless sudoku in the last minute, but it doesn't show up on the score page. :-(
@ 2018-03-10 1:58 AM (#24479 - in reply to #24419) (#24479) Top


Posts: 1

Country : Denmark

CSteinhardt posted @ 2018-03-10 1:58 AM

I also submitted a correct answer in the last 5 minutes, for 9 (first try) and for 12 (not first try). However, neither is reflected in the final score, even though the online form marked both as correct. Did I do something wrong in submission?
@ 2018-03-10 10:33 AM (#24480 - in reply to #24479) (#24480) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2018-03-10 10:33 AM

The scoreboard will be corrected. It is a known issue and is currently reflecting submissions till 90 minutes. However, all submissions have been captured and there is no reason to worry. We shall let you know once the scoreboard issue is resolved.
@ 2018-03-12 6:32 AM (#24485 - in reply to #24419) (#24485) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2018-03-12 6:32 AM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I somewhat liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice

@ 2018-03-12 6:51 AM (#24486 - in reply to #24419) (#24486) Top


Posts: 65
Country : United States

WA1729 posted @ 2018-03-12 6:51 AM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice

Thank you!

Favorite Puzzles:

03 Group Sum
06 Classic
08 Hamle
10 Killer Joker
@ 2018-03-12 10:55 AM (#24487 - in reply to #24419) (#24487) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2018-03-12 10:55 AM


The scoreboard issue is resolved and it now reflects all submissions till 100 minutes.

@ 2018-03-12 11:41 AM (#24488 - in reply to #24419) (#24488) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2018-03-12 11:41 AM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Group Sum Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Instructionless Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Trio Sum Frame Sudoku

I don't like math variants in usual.
So apart from leaving that, i was able to solve most of it.
Definitely hard set of puzzles. But nonetheless excellent quality and wonderful puzzles.
@ 2018-03-12 12:14 PM (#24489 - in reply to #24419) (#24489) Top


Posts: 183
Country : Turkey

yureklis posted @ 2018-03-12 12:14 PM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Killer Joker Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Instructionless Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Group Sum Sudoku

@ 2018-03-12 12:21 PM (#24490 - in reply to #24419) (#24490) Top


Posts: 83
Country : Czech Republic

Gotroch posted @ 2018-03-12 12:21 PM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Killer Joker Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Touchy Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Group Sum Sudoku

@ 2018-03-12 2:02 PM (#24491 - in reply to #24419) (#24491) Top


Posts: 139
Country : Estonia

TiiT posted @ 2018-03-12 2:02 PM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Instructionless Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Symmetry Dots Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Touchy Sudoku

In some cases I got the idea why they were not included in WSC. Few of them were quite tricky to solve and rather required some other skills than sudoku. Few of them on the other hand were really nice and such a pity they didn't appear in WSC.
But this is the idea of having this competition. Still a chance to try them. And generally all the puzzles were interesting.

-Personal favourite was instructionless. Wonderful idea. But I kind of understand the reason why it wasnt included.
-What I don't understand is why extra region wasn't included. It's 10 times better puzzle than this coded sudoku which was ridiculous just to see by looking it. ER was perfect to see the solution in 1 minute.
-Hamle would have been a better sudoku than battleship. But that is just my opinion. The idea of having digits in second grid is a good idea because it turns it closer to sudoku.
-Group sum and product included a bit more serious math than it would be appropriate. Good to see them here. Also just my thoughts. In some way trio frame felt also a bit frustrating but maybe I just don't feel well with these math puzzles.
Joker would have fit well also in wsc same weay as clock faces or battenburg. I actually liked the killer more and at the same time I liked it less. It was one controversial round for me then.
-In symmetry dots it was difficult to get the rules at first. I think I got the rules after 4-th reading. But I have never said that I am very good at english.
-Touchy was tricky and challenging, but very nicely and logically solvable.
@ 2018-03-12 3:35 PM (#24492 - in reply to #24419) (#24492) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2018-03-12 3:35 PM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many medium difficult puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Trio Sum Frame Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Instructionless Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Symmetry Dots Sudoku

@ 2018-03-12 5:07 PM (#24493 - in reply to #24419) (#24493) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2018-03-12 5:07 PM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Group Sum Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Instructionless Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Group Product Sudoku

@ 2018-03-12 8:18 PM (#24495 - in reply to #24419) (#24495) Top


Posts: 11

Country : Germany

misko posted @ 2018-03-12 8:18 PM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Killer Joker Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Instructionless Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Trio Sum Frame Sudoku

@ 2018-03-12 9:51 PM (#24497 - in reply to #24419) (#24497) Top


Posts: 43
Country : United States

davep posted @ 2018-03-12 9:51 PM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Group Product Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Killer Joker Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Trio Sum Frame Sudoku

Tough puzzles, very well designed. Cheers!
@ 2018-03-13 2:00 AM (#24498 - in reply to #24419) (#24498) Top


Posts: 17

Country : Poland

udoroh posted @ 2018-03-13 2:00 AM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Classic Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Alphabet Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Touchy Sudoku

@ 2018-03-13 2:39 AM (#24499 - in reply to #24419) (#24499) Top


Posts: 152
Country : United Kingdom

detuned posted @ 2018-03-13 2:39 AM

Whilst I feel the concept of "is it a sudoku" is a little too experimental for a world championship, I find its exclusion because it was too puzzle-ish to be a little strange. If you were erring on the side of caution here, the best thing would have been to can the entire round - but given that didn't happen I felt that the Hamle clues resolved very quickly using simple sudoku-like logic scanning rows and columns, and would have been perfect for the concept of the round.

I imagine its evil "logidoku" twin could also have been made sufficiently awful to solve too!

Can't say I much enjoyed the Touchy puzzle (these are in general not particularly fun to solve), so I'm glad that didn't make the cut. The instructionless also looks pretty tricky, but I haven't yet started to solve it.
@ 2018-03-13 10:54 AM (#24502 - in reply to #24419) (#24502) Top


Posts: 42
Country : United States

Ziti posted @ 2018-03-13 10:54 AM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Trio Sum Frame Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Killer Joker Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Group Sum Sudoku

@ 2018-03-13 9:51 PM (#24504 - in reply to #24419) (#24504) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2018-03-13 9:51 PM

 How well did you like the theme of the contest? I really liked the theme
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Hamle Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Trio Sum Frame Sudoku
 Your 3 most favorite puzzles of the contest. Symmetry Dots Sudoku

Round 19 (WSC PlayOffs) - LMI March Sudoku Test - 9th to 13th March32 posts • Page 1 of 2 • 1 2
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