Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
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Parallel Universe — April Sudoku Test — 19th-21st April70 posts • Page 3 of 3 • 1 2 3
@ 2014-04-25 1:35 AM (#15092 - in reply to #14944) (#15092) Top


Posts: 7

Country : United States

BTroisi posted @ 2014-04-25 1:35 AM

Nice puzzles - good for mid-level players like myself. Didn't get the parallel universe part but that didn't seem to be significant.

Anyone else have trouble with Linked Consecutive? I wasted a lot of time on it and came up with an ambiguity that I couldn't overcome.
@ 2014-04-25 1:47 AM (#15093 - in reply to #15092) (#15093) Top


Posts: 1837
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2014-04-25 1:47 AM

BTroisi - 2014-04-25 1:35 AM

Anyone else have trouble with Linked Consecutive? I wasted a lot of time on it and came up with an ambiguity that I couldn't overcome.

Actually, one of my testers had this problem, and I had to show them the next step too, so yeah, it can be a bit difficult to spot. I assume the image they sent me covers the portion you're stuck with. In the bottom left grid, use coloring to prove that R1C1=R5C2=R2C3 and you should be able to finish things from there.


Attachments LinkedCons.png (25KB - 1 downloads)
@ 2014-04-25 2:04 AM (#15094 - in reply to #14944) (#15094) Top


Posts: 7

Country : United States

BTroisi posted @ 2014-04-25 2:04 AM

I don't know what "coloring" means. Perhaps this is the short-cut that I'm missing? Please explain.
I solved it both ways and had initially thought both worked tho' now I see the mistake in my "other" solution.
@ 2014-04-25 2:21 AM (#15096 - in reply to #15094) (#15096) Top


Posts: 1837
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2014-04-25 2:21 AM

BTroisi - 2014-04-25 2:04 AM

I don't know what "coloring" means. Perhaps this is the short-cut that I'm missing? Please explain.
I solved it both ways and had initially thought both worked tho' now I see the mistake in my "other" solution.

Coloring is basically a way to set placeholders meaning that certain cells will contain the same digit X. R1C1 is 3/6, so are R5C1 and R5C2. So if digit X is in R1C1, it'll be in R5C2 by eliminating itself from R5C1. This same digit will now eliminate itself from R1C5 (because its in R1C1) and R2C2 (because its in R5C2) and will therefore be in R2C3. Coloring's just a simple way of getting to this because you can color (or mark in some way like circling) the cells I mentioned instead of going 3/6 in your mind for each one.
Parallel Universe — April Sudoku Test — 19th-21st April70 posts • Page 3 of 3 • 1 2 3
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