@ 2013-12-07 11:25 AM (#13728 - in reply to #13727) (#13728) Top | |
Country : India | Administrator posted @ 2013-12-07 11:25 AM swaroop2011 - 2013-12-07 11:13 AM Fixed.on my page due to screen problem penalty is showing as : NaN. so i didnt knew how much it was |
@ 2013-12-07 1:49 PM (#13729 - in reply to #13619) (#13729) Top | |
Posts: 241 Country : Indonesia | chaotic_iak posted @ 2013-12-07 1:49 PM I finished Sudoku (Bottom) with -48 on penalty, but that's not including entering the answer keys... D: (So I decided to ditch it.) My favorites among those solved are Sudoku (Top) and Fillomino (Top). Fillomino (Bottom), Domino Castle, and Snake (Bottom) follow. A nice test, using those 11-areas effectively. Perhaps a few minor complaints are the rapid penalty (but then you already have 120 minutes), quite some puzzles being mostly trial and error, and the dominoes not forming an easier-to-inspect shape: You have 00 11 22 01 12 02 I prefer 00 01 11 02 12 22 |
@ 2013-12-07 2:24 PM (#13730 - in reply to #13729) (#13730) Top | |
Posts: 80 Country : Canada | achan1058 posted @ 2013-12-07 2:24 PM This was so bad...... I managed to botch the domino castle multiple times, and somehow not being able to figure out the fillominos. Worst still, by the time I fixed the castle wall, the penalty is already -59, so I said screw it. On the other hand I am proud to say I got the both kropkuro and the Japanese sums. The penalty is a bit steep, seeing how the highest point question is 140 and the maximum penalty is 180. By the way, out of curiosity. If I submitted a question worth 60 points when the penalty is -65, will that lower my score? Edited by achan1058 2013-12-07 2:31 PM |
@ 2013-12-09 3:14 AM (#13751 - in reply to #13619) (#13751) Top | |
Country : United States | MellowMelon posted @ 2013-12-09 3:14 AM Thanks for the test. Despite finding the IB and its examples somewhat terrifying, I enjoyed this test more than I enjoyed the previous anniversary competitions. Fillomino Top was my last solve. That was the hardest puzzle on the test for me. :( |
@ 2013-12-09 9:34 PM (#13761 - in reply to #13751) (#13761) Top | |
Posts: 225 Country : Thailand | tamz29 posted @ 2013-12-09 9:34 PM I found the fillomino a bit dreadful too. Were they that easy?? I spent 20+ minutes on both of them for only 45 points. |
@ 2013-12-10 7:31 AM (#13767 - in reply to #13761) (#13767) Top | |
Posts: 241 Country : Indonesia | chaotic_iak posted @ 2013-12-10 7:31 AM I took 3/6 minutes for the 15/30 points. Definitely undervalued. |
@ 2013-12-10 7:36 AM (#13768 - in reply to #13619) (#13768) Top | |
Posts: 16 Country : United States | anderson posted @ 2013-12-10 7:36 AM This was really fun. Thanks for the puzzles! The domino castle, in particular, was really cool. And looking at the results, I typoed the arrows. Darn! |
@ 2013-12-10 11:30 AM (#13769 - in reply to #13768) (#13769) Top | |
Posts: 1837 Country : India | prasanna16391 posted @ 2013-12-10 11:30 AM I intuitively solved the top Fillomino pretty quickly, and communicated the same to Vladimir. I suppose the intuitive ones are easier when you're solving one at a time. Also, approaching such puzzles with an open mind is probably better than approaching them expecting them to be really easy. For the smaller one, I just figured out it'll be two 8 shapes, two 3 shapes, so the middle shape has to be 8, 2, 1. This covers all the cells, knowing that the 1 and 2 shape will be used to separate the 8s. Then it's all about whether both 3s are involved in the separation or just the bottom left one. |
@ 2013-12-11 9:32 AM (#13780 - in reply to #13769) (#13780) Top | |
Country : India | Administrator posted @ 2013-12-11 9:32 AM |