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Sudoku Mahabharat 2025
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Sudoku Mahabharat - Junior 2025
Indian Sudoku Championship 2013192 posts • Page 8 of 8 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
@ 2013-09-13 8:31 PM (#12686 - in reply to #12685) (#12686) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-09-13 8:31 PM

vijaya_rajan - 2013-09-13 7:28 PM

Sorry to harp back to ISC challenge, but I need some help in solving smashed sums, deficit and shifted sudokus. I am unable to go beyond a point in deficit whereas in the other two, I don't even know where to start. I also need help with the 6x6 of which I could solve only two. The last one in the left side column and all three in the right side column have proved difficult for me.

Here are the steps for Top Right 6X6 Sudoku.

In the last image here, I use something called "Placeholder". It can be explained like this : Lets say R1C5=X. So X can be 2 or 3 or 5. Then R2C3 = X, and then R5C1=X. Now where does X go in box6, and what will be its value?

Placeholder can be used to solve some of the other 6X6 that you have found difficult. I will be posting steps for them, but it will take a while (to create the images.)
@ 2013-09-13 9:23 PM (#12687 - in reply to #12685) (#12687) Top


Posts: 1849
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2013-09-13 9:23 PM

vijaya_rajan - 2013-09-13 7:28 PM

Sorry to harp back to ISC challenge, but I need some help in solving smashed sums, deficit and shifted sudokus. I am unable to go beyond a point in deficit whereas in the other two, I don't even know where to start. I also need help with the 6x6 of which I could solve only two. The last one in the left side column and all three in the right side column have proved difficult for me.

Shifted Sudoku is as good as a classic, you just need to modify your region-wise reasoning, and concentrate on rows and columns too. At the start it is advisable to focus a lot more on rows and columns till you are able to adapt to the different ways the shifted regions come into consideration.

Smashed Sums becomes a lot easier if you mark (say by circle), the cells that must contain a number. Use the logic like "this sum is so big, it'll require at least 6 cells in between 2 shaded cells, so whatever way I look, some cells will always be between the sum, and so can't be shaded" and mark circles for wherever shaded cells can't be. That and sums will help you progress.

I won't tell you anymore for now, since you couldn't find where to start. Sometimes its just about grasping the rules and then you might be able to solve it yourself which is obviously the best way forward, but feel free to ask if still stuck.
@ 2013-09-14 12:22 PM (#12693 - in reply to #12686) (#12693) Top


Posts: 22
Country : India

vijaya_rajan posted @ 2013-09-14 12:22 PM

Thank you very much, this is amazing ! I will certainly try the other 6x6 too using similar logic. The hints for the shifted and smashed sums are slightly greek to me but will chew on it for a while. Thanks a lot for the prompt response.
@ 2013-09-17 8:48 AM (#12742 - in reply to #12693) (#12742) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-09-17 8:48 AM

Steps for bottom left 6X6. After usual solving, you can mark R1C5 as X, and then mark three other Xs in the grid. Then you can find two 4s in the grid. It should be easy after that. Click on "Show" below if you want to check the image.

Spoiler: show

@ 2014-03-16 3:37 AM (#14628 - in reply to #11788) (#14628) Top


Posts: 1

Country : Turkey

MUSTAFA posted @ 2014-03-16 3:37 AM

dp_94 - 2013-07-17 1:06 PM

is the event will be online
@ 2014-03-16 4:42 AM (#14630 - in reply to #14628) (#14630) Top


Posts: 668
Country : India

swaroop2011 posted @ 2014-03-16 4:42 AM

MUSTAFA - 2014-03-16 3:37 AM

dp_94 - 2013-07-17 1:06 PM

is the event will be online

its usually offline, like from past few years.
I think things are not yet fixed, once everything is fixed, it will be announced on this site.

Edited by swaroop2011 2014-03-16 4:43 AM
Indian Sudoku Championship 2013192 posts • Page 8 of 8 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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