WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Indian Round — 9th - 11th February 2013
@ 2013-01-25 7:23 AM (#9566) (#9566) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-01-25 7:23 AM

@ 2013-01-28 10:05 AM (#9587 - in reply to #9566) (#9587) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-01-28 10:05 AM

Logic Masters India announces WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Indian Round

Dates : 09th — 11th February

Instructions Booklet and Submission : here

@ 2013-01-28 9:02 PM (#9593 - in reply to #9566) (#9593) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-01-28 9:02 PM

The instructions are available online here as text for easy translations.
@ 2013-01-28 10:31 PM (#9596 - in reply to #9587) (#9596) Top


Posts: 191
Country : The Netherlands

Richard posted @ 2013-01-28 10:31 PM

In IB in 'Coded Pair' the letter C is either redundant or there is a C missing in Row 8, between columns 4 and 5.
@ 2013-01-29 1:48 AM (#9598 - in reply to #9566) (#9598) Top


Posts: 4

Country : Czech Republic

tojejedno posted @ 2013-01-29 1:48 AM

But in the IB there is NOT written, that all possible locations of pairs are marked, so I think, that the puzzle is correct.
@ 2013-01-29 5:00 AM (#9599 - in reply to #9566) (#9599) Top


Posts: 164
Country : Slovakia

greenhorn posted @ 2013-01-29 5:00 AM

In the 17th puzzle - Outside or Skyscraper - it seems that both possible choices may be used at once (the clue "1" in 8th column). Am I right? It is not so obvious from the instructions.
@ 2013-01-29 5:28 AM (#9600 - in reply to #9599) (#9600) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-01-29 5:28 AM

tojejedno - 2013-01-29 1:48 AM

But in the IB there is NOT written, that all possible locations of pairs are marked, so I think, that the puzzle is correct.
You are right. All possible locations of pairs are not marked. (There are several other places where A/B/C/D could have been marked)
greenhorn - 2013-01-29 5:00 AM

In the 17th puzzle - Outside or Skyscraper - it seems that both possible choices may be used at once (the clue "1" in 8th column). Am I right? It is not so obvious from the instructions.
Yes, one clue can act as both Outside clue and Skyscraper clue. So, at least, one type of clue must be satisfied.
@ 2013-01-29 8:20 AM (#9601 - in reply to #9600) (#9601) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-01-29 8:20 AM

Same is true for for Odd Even Frame as well. For example, if 4 is the clue outside, the first 3 digits could be 1,3,4 in any order.
@ 2013-01-29 10:55 AM (#9602 - in reply to #9600) (#9602) Top


Posts: 191
Country : The Netherlands

Richard posted @ 2013-01-29 10:55 AM

debmohanty - 2013-01-29 5:28 AM

tojejedno - 2013-01-29 1:48 AM

But in the IB there is NOT written, that all possible locations of pairs are marked, so I think, that the puzzle is correct.
You are right. All possible locations of pairs are not marked. (There are several other places where A/B/C/D could have been marked)
greenhorn - 2013-01-29 5:00 AM

Sorry for bothering you, I was just wondering what is the use of one single C in the whole grid?
Unless the instructions mean that 'if a 5 is used for pair D, it can't be used for pair C'. But that is not how I read the instructions; I interpreted it as 'if 56 is usded for pair D, the combination 56 can't be used for C. But 15 is possible for C, or 26.
So maybe I interpret the instructions not correct.

@ 2013-01-29 11:28 AM (#9603 - in reply to #9602) (#9603) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-01-29 11:28 AM

Richard - 2013-01-29 10:55 AM

I interpreted it as 'if 56 is usded for pair D, the combination 56 can't be used for C. But 15 is possible for C, or 26.
Hi Richard, this is correct interpretation. If D represents 56(or 65), C cannot be 56. C can however be 15 or 26 (or 34).

Richard - 2013-01-29 10:55 AM
Sorry for bothering you, I was just wondering what is the use of one single C in the whole grid?
You have answered that yourself. If you determine that D is 56(or 65), C can never be 56. It does not matter how many times C is present in the grid. It could be once or more than once.

Hope that rules in the pdf are clear and they state the same thing.
@ 2013-01-29 9:09 PM (#9606 - in reply to #9566) (#9606) Top


Posts: 69
Country : Germany

Realshaggy posted @ 2013-01-29 9:09 PM

Is the hole monday included or only til noon? Or yet to be determined?
@ 2013-01-29 9:36 PM (#9607 - in reply to #9606) (#9607) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-01-29 9:36 PM

Realshaggy - 2013-01-29 9:09 PM

Is the hole monday included or only til noon? Or yet to be determined?
It will be open entire Monday (GMT time), like other LMI monthly tests.
@ 2013-01-29 10:55 PM (#9609 - in reply to #9607) (#9609) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-01-29 10:55 PM

The exact start and end times are now available at the submission site.

@ 2013-01-30 2:42 AM (#9610 - in reply to #9566) (#9610) Top


Posts: 139
Country : Estonia

TiiT posted @ 2013-01-30 2:42 AM

What does it mean that one of the Given 3x3 boxes is a magic square. Every 9 boxes are given... or does it mean that in the magic square box there has to be at least one given?
@ 2013-01-30 3:56 AM (#9611 - in reply to #9610) (#9611) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2013-01-30 3:56 AM

TiiT - 2013-01-30 2:42 AM

What does it mean that one of the Given 3x3 boxes is a magic square. Every 9 boxes are given... or does it mean that in the magic square box there has to be at least one given?

It's just to point out that only the marked 3x3 boxes count and not for example R2C4-R2C6-R4C6-R4C4. If they were to only say, somewhere in the grid there is a magic square, then this square could also be legal.
@ 2013-01-30 7:40 AM (#9612 - in reply to #9611) (#9612) Top


Posts: 164
Country : Slovakia

greenhorn posted @ 2013-01-30 7:40 AM

Para - 2013-01-30 3:56 AM

TiiT - 2013-01-30 2:42 AM

What does it mean that one of the Given 3x3 boxes is a magic square. Every 9 boxes are given... or does it mean that in the magic square box there has to be at least one given?

It's just to point out that only the marked 3x3 boxes count and not for example R2C4-R2C6-R4C6-R4C4. If they were to only say, somewhere in the grid there is a magic square, then this square could also be legal.

Maybe the word "outlined" should be there instead of "given"
@ 2013-01-30 4:53 PM (#9625 - in reply to #9566) (#9625) Top

Ours brun

Posts: 148
Country : France

Ours brun posted @ 2013-01-30 4:53 PM

To answer a question that was asked on http://sudokuvariante.forumactif.com, although I am quite sure of the answer: on this same puzzle, is it allowed that two or more regions each form a magic square? Also, is it allowed to find a magic square somewhere else in the grid, as far as the initial constraint is fulfilled?

Thank you.
@ 2013-01-30 10:19 PM (#9629 - in reply to #9625) (#9629) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-01-30 10:19 PM

Ours brun - 2013-01-30 4:53 PM

To answer a question that was asked on http://sudokuvariante.forumactif.com, although I am quite sure of the answer: on this same puzzle, is it allowed that two or more regions each form a magic square? Also, is it allowed to find a magic square somewhere else in the grid, as far as the initial constraint is fulfilled?

Thank you.
At least one 3X3 outlined box is a magic square. Once the initial constraint is fulfilled, there are no restrictions.
@ 2013-01-31 10:32 AM (#9632 - in reply to #9566) (#9632) Top


Posts: 114
Country : India

devarajand posted @ 2013-01-31 10:32 AM

Is it online solving
@ 2013-01-31 10:39 AM (#9633 - in reply to #9632) (#9633) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-01-31 10:39 AM

devarajand - 2013-01-31 10:32 AM

Is it online solving
Yes, online solving will be enabled.
However, please note that for some sudokus you might need external marking (e.g. Coded Pairs). You cannot do those kind of markings with online solving.
@ 2013-01-31 2:28 PM (#9635 - in reply to #9566) (#9635) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-01-31 2:28 PM

Rules in Chinese available here - http://www.sudokufans.org.cn/forums/topic/1070/
@ 2013-02-01 7:05 PM (#9647 - in reply to #9566) (#9647) Top


Posts: 9

Country : Singapore

meowme posted @ 2013-02-01 7:05 PM

May I ask how we will need to do external marking? Since the sudoku type in question has all necessary markings already given to us in the puzzle.
@ 2013-02-01 11:17 PM (#9651 - in reply to #9647) (#9651) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-01 11:17 PM

meowme - 2013-02-01 7:05 PM

May I ask how we will need to do external marking? Since the sudoku type in question has all necessary markings already given to us in the puzzle.
What I meant was :
In coded pair, you might want to write A = 23 somewhere. If you are solving on paper, taking these notes are obviously easy, but there is no facility to note such things in in online solving.
Similarly you might want to draw a line in Linked Classics between the duplicates rows across the grids.
@ 2013-02-02 1:26 PM (#9653 - in reply to #9566) (#9653) Top


Posts: 8

Country : Iran

Mahyar posted @ 2013-02-02 1:26 PM

I have problem with Puzzle "Coded Pair".
In letters C and B, number 1 is common. I want to know that in different letters, all the pair numbers should be different or one them can be equal like the example?
i.e. you mean that only pairs "should not be equal" and if one number in the pair become equal, it is possible.
@ 2013-02-02 3:00 PM (#9655 - in reply to #9653) (#9655) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-02 3:00 PM

Mahyar - 2013-02-02 1:26 PM

I have problem with Puzzle "Coded Pair".
In letters C and B, number 1 is common. I want to know that in different letters, all the pair numbers should be different or one them can be equal like the example?
i.e. you mean that only pairs "should not be equal" and if one number in the pair become equal, it is possible.
As replied in above post, 2 letters can have 1 common digit. But both the digits can not be same for 2 letters.

If letter D represents 56(or 65), letter C cannot be 56. Letter C can however be 15 or 26 (or 34) or whatever else.

@ 2013-02-02 3:04 PM (#9656 - in reply to #9655) (#9656) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-02 3:04 PM

Points table published

The IB has been updated to include Points table.

Download link : Here

Please note : two sudokus are removed. So the number of sudokus is 18 now.

@ 2013-02-02 3:25 PM (#9657 - in reply to #9566) (#9657) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-02 3:25 PM

Linking with WPF Sudoku GP registration

Here is how you can link you LMI registration and WPF Grand Prix registration (http://www.worldpuzzle.org/sudokugp/).

When you login in the submission page, you will get a pop up window as shown below.

3 options are listed. Choose one of the options and click on Save
Option 1 ) You can specify your email id for WPF registration. (By default your registered email address with LMI is shown. Edit it as needed.)
Option 2 ) You can specify your Nick name for WPF registration. (By default your username at LMI is shown. Edit it as needed.)
Option 3 ) Choose this option if you have not registered at WPF. In that case, we will keep showing the pop up every time you visit the submission page.

@ 2013-02-02 5:44 PM (#9658 - in reply to #9566) (#9658) Top


Posts: 8

Country : Iran

Mahyar posted @ 2013-02-02 5:44 PM

Sorry, Is the time 2 Hour's like before? Or it will decrease?
@ 2013-02-02 6:24 PM (#9659 - in reply to #9658) (#9659) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-02 6:24 PM

Mahyar - 2013-02-02 5:44 PM

Sorry, Is the time 2 Hour's like before? Or it will decrease?
It is still 2 hours.
@ 2013-02-03 8:54 AM (#9667 - in reply to #9566) (#9667) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-03 8:54 AM

Online Solving Enabled

We have now enabled online solving of all the examples. Check the submission page for details.

As noted earlier, the flash online solving will only allow you to mark / unmark 1-9 on the grids. There is no feature to mark anything else.
For Braille Sudoku, the left grid is disabled, and you can solve only on the right grid.

Based on previous LMI tests, we think most players will solve on paper and not use the online solving interface. However, if you are one of those who plan to use online solving, you must practice solving as many examples as you can using the online interface. And if you are already familiar with the flash interface, you should still check it out because the layout of the sudokus is different (and hopefully more friendly) than previous tests.

@ 2013-02-03 3:57 PM (#9669 - in reply to #9667) (#9669) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-03 3:57 PM

Instructions Booklet in Persian

Instructions Booklet in Persian can be downloaded here.

Many thanks to Mahyar Asadi of http://bia2sudoku.blogfa.com

@ 2013-02-03 6:06 PM (#9670 - in reply to #9566) (#9670) Top


Posts: 25
Country : India

dp_94 posted @ 2013-02-03 6:06 PM

hi, can anyone give me some links to practice 6x6 braille,coded pair sudokus
@ 2013-02-03 6:38 PM (#9671 - in reply to #9670) (#9671) Top


Posts: 5

Country : Luxembourg

dodine posted @ 2013-02-03 6:38 PM

I will be on holiday during the competition and if I want to participate I have to solve it online because I am not able to print the sudokus. Can anybody give me some hints for the online solving? How do you erase one number of the pencil marks?
@ 2013-02-03 6:49 PM (#9672 - in reply to #9671) (#9672) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-03 6:49 PM

Hi Claudine, Please check this post in the F.A.Q. page. Hope it helps.
@ 2013-02-03 7:50 PM (#9673 - in reply to #9566) (#9673) Top


Posts: 5

Country : Luxembourg

dodine posted @ 2013-02-03 7:50 PM

Thank you very much.
@ 2013-02-04 3:26 AM (#9677 - in reply to #9566) (#9677) Top

Karel Tesar

Posts: 28
Country : Czech Republic

Karel Tesar posted @ 2013-02-04 3:26 AM

Would you like to practice on LMI WPF GP? We are preparing for you these sudoku variants:
04.02.2013 - Renban Groups (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
05.02.2013 - Coded Pair (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
06.02.2013 - Repeated Neighbours (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
07.02.2013 - Thermo-sudoku (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
08.02.2013 - Odd Even Frame (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
09.02.2013 - Disjoint Groups (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
10.02.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)

@ 2013-02-04 5:50 AM (#9679 - in reply to #9677) (#9679) Top


Posts: 337
Country : Switzerland

Fred76 posted @ 2013-02-04 5:50 AM

Karel Tesar - 2013-02-04 3:26 AM

Would you like to practice on LMI WPF GP? We are preparing for you these sudoku variants:
04.02.2013 - Renban Groups (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
05.02.2013 - Coded Pair (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
06.02.2013 - Repeated Neighbours (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
07.02.2013 - Thermo-sudoku (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
08.02.2013 - Odd Even Frame (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
09.02.2013 - Disjoint Groups (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)
10.02.2013 - Diagonal Sudoku (practice on LMI WPF Sudoku GP)


It's the occasion to see Deb playing
@ 2013-02-07 11:44 PM (#9787 - in reply to #9566) (#9787) Top


Posts: 23
Country : India

zalak posted @ 2013-02-07 11:44 PM

In Braille Sudoku, I am not able to go beyond the two 7s. Can anyone please help me find the next step.


Attachments braille.png (6KB - 2 downloads)
@ 2013-02-08 12:10 AM (#9788 - in reply to #9787) (#9788) Top


Posts: 2

Country : Czech Republic

Nicky posted @ 2013-02-08 12:10 AM

Zalak, in this position you should already know which 6 numbers (out of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) are used in this sudoku 6x6. Have a look at the first row (there are 3 clear numbers - 7, 6 and 9). And then 5th rectangle (there is a quartet 4, 5, 7 and 8). Thus you know that you work only with these numbers in the whole sudoku and some your pencilmarks are needed to be erased :-)
@ 2013-02-08 10:09 AM (#9791 - in reply to #9566) (#9791) Top


Posts: 23
Country : India

zalak posted @ 2013-02-08 10:09 AM

Thanks a lot Nicky!! I was not interpreting the rules correctly. I wrongly assumed that each 2x3 box would have a different set of six numbers.
@ 2013-02-08 5:37 PM (#9795 - in reply to #9566) (#9795) Top


Posts: 33
Country : Japan

Kota posted @ 2013-02-08 5:37 PM

In Outside Or Skyscraper
Does the each digit outside the grid show the ONLY clue(outside or skyscraper)? Mustn't the each digit match BOTH clues?
@ 2013-02-08 5:58 PM (#9796 - in reply to #9566) (#9796) Top

Ours brun

Posts: 148
Country : France

Ours brun posted @ 2013-02-08 5:58 PM

Hi Kota,

Each clue must fulfill at least one of the rules. It may be that it fullfills both, but there is no obligation. Anyway, you don't need to worry about that anymore since this puzzle has been removed in the last version of the IB.
@ 2013-02-08 6:16 PM (#9797 - in reply to #9796) (#9797) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-08 6:16 PM

Clarification on Odd Even Frame

Outside/Skyscraper is out, but the same rule applies for Odd Even Frame as well. That is, each clue must fulfill at least one of the sums. It may fulfill both, but there is no obligation.
For example, if 4 is the clue outside, the first 3 digits could be 1,3,4 in any order.
This has been clarified earlier.

@ 2013-02-09 2:37 AM (#9801 - in reply to #9797) (#9801) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-09 2:37 AM


1) Password protected Sudoku booklet is uploaded. It has 10 pages. There is no cover page. It uses exactly the same format as the IB.
2) Paper only link : http://logicmastersindia.com/2013/02S/?paper=1 Use this link if you are not planning to use online solving at all. (Paper Only link will keep your browser less cluttered and less loaded)
3) Link to score page : http://logicmastersindia.com/2013/02S/score.asp
4) This thread will be made restricted so that players can freely discuss about the competition.

@ 2013-02-09 7:56 AM (#9805 - in reply to #9566) (#9805) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-09 7:56 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 8:10 AM (#9806 - in reply to #9566) (#9806) Top


Posts: 83
Country : Czech Republic

Gotroch posted @ 2013-02-09 8:10 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount

@ 2013-02-09 12:13 PM (#9807 - in reply to #9566) (#9807) Top


Posts: 542
Country : India

rajeshk posted @ 2013-02-09 12:13 PM

I am not able to completely understand rules of "Linked Classics". Can someone please explain it.

@ 2013-02-09 12:32 PM (#9808 - in reply to #9807) (#9808) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-09 12:32 PM

rajeshk - 2013-02-09 12:13 PM

I am not able to completely understand rules of "Linked Classics". Can someone please explain it.

There are 2 grids. The solution of the 2 grids are same, except that some rows have changed their positions.
If you look at solution of the example, R3 of left grid is same as R5 of right grid. Similarly R6 of left grid is same as R4 of right grid.
See image below.

Is it clear now?


Attachments path370.png (22KB - 1 downloads)
@ 2013-02-09 1:26 PM (#9810 - in reply to #9566) (#9810) Top


Posts: 542
Country : India

rajeshk posted @ 2013-02-09 1:26 PM

Thanks Deb for the quick reply. It is very much clear now.
@ 2013-02-09 4:06 PM (#9811 - in reply to #9566) (#9811) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-09 4:06 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 4:17 PM (#9812 - in reply to #9566) (#9812) Top


Posts: 139
Country : Estonia

TiiT posted @ 2013-02-09 4:17 PM

It was brilliant test until I got to Odd Even Big Small. I mean, why are you not describing the puzzle in a booklet? I still don't know, how to solve it. Do you except us to find out which symbol is which? Or is there other classification for these symbols? That is different puzzle as in booklet! You should have said in instructions_booklet that you must figure the symbols out by yourselves or describe the other symbols. I think that the one puzzle ruined the beautiful test - everything else was nice.
@ 2013-02-09 6:57 PM (#9813 - in reply to #9566) (#9813) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-09 6:57 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 9:30 PM (#9815 - in reply to #9566) (#9815) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-09 9:30 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 9:52 PM (#9816 - in reply to #9566) (#9816) Top


Posts: 9

Country : Finland

UllaE posted @ 2013-02-09 9:52 PM

I agree with Tiit that I would have liked to practice the same type of Odd Even Big Small before the competition. As such, at least I didn't have the capability to figure out how to go around solving it. IMHO, the whole point of publishing the instruction booklets in good time ahead of the competition is to give time to solvers to practice the correct types and their solving techniques, so that the time used for solving during the competition actually measures the solving capabilities and not that how fast can one read and understand the rules.

Otherwise, I also enjoyed the competition a lot. Thank you!
@ 2013-02-09 10:04 PM (#9817 - in reply to #9566) (#9817) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-09 10:04 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Average
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 10:44 PM (#9818 - in reply to #9566) (#9818) Top


Posts: 25
Country : United States

cnarrikkattu posted @ 2013-02-09 10:44 PM

The surprise in Odd Even Big Small evokes memories of the 2004 USPC Corral puzzle, where the instructions were subtly different, which allowed for the surprise of a hex grid rather than the standard rectangular grid. In retrospect, nothing said that you would be able to know right away which symbol corresponds to which property.

I personally liked the surprise, giving a fresh take on a well-known variant.
@ 2013-02-09 10:45 PM (#9819 - in reply to #9566) (#9819) Top


Posts: 25
Country : United States

cnarrikkattu posted @ 2013-02-09 10:45 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 10:54 PM (#9820 - in reply to #9566) (#9820) Top


Posts: 11

Country : Canada

standupcanada posted @ 2013-02-09 10:54 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 11:01 PM (#9821 - in reply to #9566) (#9821) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-09 11:01 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 11:14 PM (#9822 - in reply to #9812) (#9822) Top


Posts: 103
Country : Serbia

Nikola posted @ 2013-02-09 11:14 PM

TiiT - 2013-02-09 4:17 PM

It was brilliant test until I got to Odd Even Big Small. I mean, why are you not describing the puzzle in a booklet? I still don't know, how to solve it. Do you except us to find out which symbol is which? Or is there other classification for these symbols? That is different puzzle as in booklet! You should have said in instructions_booklet that you must figure the symbols out by yourselves or describe the other symbols. I think that the one puzzle ruined the beautiful test - everything else was nice.

Yes, that was unexpected surprise but if you read the instructions carefully, there is nothing mysterious. Rules are the same in IB and PB. I agree that we should think little more than usually.

I always remember 1st WSC in Lucca when I was angry because of "undefined" rules. There was one product killer sudoku with central cell divided in four cages. After that I realized that sudoku is a wonderful mind game. My understanding of sudoku today is not limited to simply fill the numbers like a machine.

Many excellent puzzles. Thanks Deb!

@ 2013-02-09 11:17 PM (#9823 - in reply to #9566) (#9823) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-09 11:17 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-09 11:47 PM (#9824 - in reply to #9566) (#9824) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-09 11:47 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Below Average
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

I was unable to solve the puzzles in logical steps. No easy or medium puzzles. No puzzles for non-experienced players.
@ 2013-02-10 12:02 AM (#9825 - in reply to #9824) (#9825) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-10 12:02 AM

An LMI player - 2013-02-09 11:47 PM

I was unable to solve the puzzles in logical steps. No easy or medium puzzles. No puzzles for non-experienced players.
Please post any specific puzzle that you need help in finding logical steps.
@ 2013-02-10 1:29 AM (#9826 - in reply to #9566) (#9826) Top


Posts: 43
Country : Japan

xevs posted @ 2013-02-10 1:29 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 2:17 AM (#9827 - in reply to #9818) (#9827) Top


Posts: 199
Country : United States

motris posted @ 2013-02-10 2:17 AM

cnarrikkattu - 2013-02-09 9:44 AM

The surprise in Odd Even Big Small evokes memories of the 2004 USPC Corral puzzle, where the instructions were subtly different, which allowed for the surprise of a hex grid rather than the standard rectangular grid. In retrospect, nothing said that you would be able to know right away which symbol corresponds to which property.

I personally liked the surprise, giving a fresh take on a well-known variant.

The 2004 USPC Corral used the same instructions before and after the test. That the word "cell" and not "square" was used meant the constructor had flexibility to be creative. The OEBS puzzle here follows the same mold, and as a tester I was not thrown for a second with what to do.

Surprise puzzles are always an interest consideration for competitions. The Sudoku Cup has consistently had one, with no instructions shown to competitors in advance. It takes great care to do this right. And some solvers, during the stress of competition, will be too focused on thinking one way to be able to see anything else.
@ 2013-02-10 2:52 AM (#9828 - in reply to #9566) (#9828) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 2:52 AM

 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 2:54 AM (#9829 - in reply to #9566) (#9829) Top


Posts: 1

Country : Czech Republic

Hana posted @ 2013-02-10 2:54 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 3:05 AM (#9830 - in reply to #9566) (#9830) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 3:05 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 3:40 AM (#9831 - in reply to #9566) (#9831) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 3:40 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? I have a different complaint

In the booklet the symbols for odd/even/big/small were missing, so I had to skip the Odd Even Big Small Sudoku.
@ 2013-02-10 3:42 AM (#9832 - in reply to #9566) (#9832) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 3:42 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 4:35 AM (#9833 - in reply to #9566) (#9833) Top


Posts: 1

Country : ITALY

yuma posted @ 2013-02-10 4:35 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice

@ 2013-02-10 8:01 AM (#9838 - in reply to #9812) (#9838) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2013-02-10 8:01 AM

TiiT - 2013-02-09 4:17 PM

It was brilliant test until I got to Odd Even Big Small. I mean, why are you not describing the puzzle in a booklet? I still don't know, how to solve it. Do you except us to find out which symbol is which? Or is there other classification for these symbols? That is different puzzle as in booklet! You should have said in instructions_booklet that you must figure the symbols out by yourselves or describe the other symbols. I think that the one puzzle ruined the beautiful test - everything else was nice.

I actually liked the Odd Even Big Small a lot in the test. I mean, I had to glance over the rules once again, but it was all logically determined which is which. Unexpected surprises are part of puzzling. The "evergreens" round in the 2011 WPC was also full of these unexpected surprises that still followed the rules as written. I always like to be made to think a bit differently.
@ 2013-02-10 8:30 AM (#9839 - in reply to #9566) (#9839) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 8:30 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 11:37 AM (#9840 - in reply to #9566) (#9840) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 11:37 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 12:03 PM (#9841 - in reply to #9566) (#9841) Top


Posts: 3

Country : United States

ajselep posted @ 2013-02-10 12:03 PM

 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? I have a different complaint

IB was good but would appreciate having puxxles same grid size as those which would appear in actual test.
Am new to testing and many of the puzzles are new to me - and I have little experience with them.
@ 2013-02-10 12:40 PM (#9842 - in reply to #9566) (#9842) Top


Posts: 419
Country : India

kishy72 posted @ 2013-02-10 12:40 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

All excellent grids.Right from naked singles in the very first classic to pointing pairs the sudokus had everything.I really enjoyed the test.
In hindsight i could have avoided jumping from sudoku to sudoku in the last 30 mins and could have completed atleast one in that time.The big pointer ones scared me since even the 23 and 30 odd pointers managed to eat up a fair share of my time.
Thermo sudoku was too good!!!!!!with only the thermometers paving the way for numbers.35 mins of my time was totally worth for the 42 points.
I m finding it hard to complain about the difficulty level since this is the world sudoku Grand prix and one would expect the grids to be very challenging but a feedback is subjective.
In the end a maximum of 3 stars for this test *** :)
@ 2013-02-10 12:46 PM (#9843 - in reply to #9566) (#9843) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 12:46 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 2:24 PM (#9844 - in reply to #9566) (#9844) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 2:24 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 3:20 PM (#9845 - in reply to #9566) (#9845) Top


Posts: 774
Country : India

rakesh_rai posted @ 2013-02-10 3:20 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

(1) Odd Even Frame Sudoku was worth 50 points but I personally thought that the answer key could have been tougher/ better. I started solving and the first three rows were almost completely solved when I looked at the answer key and was a little surprised to see row 1 and row 3 there.

(2) This has been discussed already. But Odd Even Big Small deserved more points than what it shows up currently. I (and probably many others) had to open the IB again and look at the instructions. I thought I had not seen the latest IB so I checked for the symbols in the IB again. No luck. Then I understood that the author is Deb; so we obviously had to decipher the symbols as part of solving.
@ 2013-02-10 4:01 PM (#9846 - in reply to #9566) (#9846) Top


Posts: 22
Country : ITALY

Akuma21 posted @ 2013-02-10 4:01 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Entering comments is optional. However, comments entered in this box will be saved only if you post in forum. It is perfectly valid if you choose to post anonymously.
@ 2013-02-10 4:48 PM (#9847 - in reply to #9566) (#9847) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 4:48 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 5:00 PM (#9848 - in reply to #9566) (#9848) Top


Posts: 89
Country : India

utkaarsh posted @ 2013-02-10 5:00 PM

are symbols in odd even explained or need to be found out
@ 2013-02-10 5:03 PM (#9849 - in reply to #9566) (#9849) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-10 5:03 PM

@utkaarsh, see inbox
@ 2013-02-10 5:11 PM (#9850 - in reply to #9566) (#9850) Top


Posts: 7

Country : ITALY

riccared posted @ 2013-02-10 5:11 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 5:21 PM (#9851 - in reply to #9566) (#9851) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 5:21 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 5:41 PM (#9852 - in reply to #9566) (#9852) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-10 5:41 PM

Reminder - Linking with WPF Sudoku GP registration

There are few players who are yet to link their WPF registration. Please read this post on how to do it.

If you are seeing a star (*) next to your name under GP column in the score page, you must link your WPF registration so that your results will be considered for WPF GP.

@ 2013-02-10 6:24 PM (#9853 - in reply to #9566) (#9853) Top


Posts: 89
Country : India

utkaarsh posted @ 2013-02-10 6:24 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount

@ 2013-02-10 7:01 PM (#9854 - in reply to #9566) (#9854) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 7:01 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

The puzzles were very nice, although unusually I found there were a lot of medium difficulty puzzles, and not too many very easy (useful for filling time at the end) or very hard puzzles (useful for getting big points!).
@ 2013-02-10 7:14 PM (#9855 - in reply to #9566) (#9855) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 7:14 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 7:15 PM (#9856 - in reply to #9566) (#9856) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 7:15 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 7:41 PM (#9857 - in reply to #9566) (#9857) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 7:41 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 8:23 PM (#9858 - in reply to #9566) (#9858) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 8:23 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 8:24 PM (#9859 - in reply to #9566) (#9859) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 8:24 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 9:42 PM (#9860 - in reply to #9566) (#9860) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 9:42 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 9:52 PM (#9861 - in reply to #9566) (#9861) Top


Posts: 542
Country : India

rajeshk posted @ 2013-02-10 9:52 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-10 11:38 PM (#9862 - in reply to #9566) (#9862) Top


Posts: 8

Country : Hong Kong

edderiofer posted @ 2013-02-10 11:38 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount

Well done to the puzzles I solved. Like quite a few people, I was surprised that the OEBS Sudoku had symbols as opposed to the actual words. I was also quite surprised by the lack of given numbers in Thermo Sudoku. Finally, I spotted the breakin in the Diagonal Sudoku (with the 3s) about 5 minutes too late, leading to myself running out of time.
@ 2013-02-10 11:57 PM (#9863 - in reply to #9566) (#9863) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-10 11:57 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 12:54 AM (#9864 - in reply to #9566) (#9864) Top


Posts: 11

Country : Bulgaria

zorko posted @ 2013-02-11 12:54 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 12:59 AM (#9865 - in reply to #9566) (#9865) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 12:59 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little

@ 2013-02-11 12:59 AM (#9866 - in reply to #9566) (#9866) Top


Posts: 34
Country : Turkey

bskbri posted @ 2013-02-11 12:59 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

For odd even big small, the example in the instruction booklet doesn't have the twist of the unknown symbols. I checked the booklet, if there is a problem of printing. Then, I saw the rule. Anyway, it was one of the good puzzles in the test.
@ 2013-02-11 1:19 AM (#9867 - in reply to #9566) (#9867) Top


Posts: 10

Country : Canada

WaterlooMathie posted @ 2013-02-11 1:19 AM

I didn't see the symbols for the odd, even, big, small puzzle either. Were we supposed to figure out which symbol goes with rule?
@ 2013-02-11 1:27 AM (#9868 - in reply to #9566) (#9868) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 1:27 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 1:46 AM (#9869 - in reply to #9566) (#9869) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 1:46 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 2:40 AM (#9870 - in reply to #9566) (#9870) Top


Posts: 1

Country : ITALY

Cambiano posted @ 2013-02-11 2:40 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 2:41 AM (#9871 - in reply to #9566) (#9871) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 2:41 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little

@ 2013-02-11 2:57 AM (#9872 - in reply to #9566) (#9872) Top


Posts: 10

Country : Canada

WaterlooMathie posted @ 2013-02-11 2:57 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Too few pages / too small grids

@ 2013-02-11 3:03 AM (#9873 - in reply to #9566) (#9873) Top


Posts: 1802
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2013-02-11 3:03 AM

I was perfectly fine with the Odd Even Big Small surprise factor. I agree with the people saying surprises are part of puzzling. However, I did manage to make a mistake late on in this one. I also seem to have made a mistake in Renban late into the solve, so, not at all a good time of it for me. The quality of the puzzles was superb though and I thoroughly enjoyed the test (still have 2-3 left to solve). The only bad part of my solving experience, not related to my own goofing up of everything, is that there weren't that many easy grids to leave to quickly finish off at the end. But then I realize, I started with the classics so thats partly my fault too. I ended up jumping from grid to grid not getting much and had to settle for the Braille in the last 10 minutes or so.

My favorite was the Thermometer, but I have many other favorites from here.
@ 2013-02-11 3:23 AM (#9874 - in reply to #9872) (#9874) Top


Posts: 337
Country : Switzerland

Fred76 posted @ 2013-02-11 3:23 AM

Thank you for the wonderful test !

All sudokus were really great, congrats Deb. I had a lot of fun.
I would have liked to do a good result, but it was not the best weekend for me, I was busy and when I had some time to compete, I was tired after a short night... so I broke several puzzles (I broke thermo-sudoku several times, without any real reason)...

The harder puzzle was perhaps the "Disjoint group", but it was one of my favourite: when you start, you just have no idea how you'll reach the solution on this one !

My favourites were classic 2 (even if I broke it and had to solve it twice), Disjoint group, repeated neighbours, thermo (even if I broke it twice and could not solve it during the competition time), Odd sudoku, Renban, killer, toroidal, quad sum...

I'll do better next time !

@ 2013-02-11 4:18 AM (#9875 - in reply to #9566) (#9875) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 4:18 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 4:54 AM (#9876 - in reply to #9566) (#9876) Top


Posts: 28
Country : Austria

euklid posted @ 2013-02-11 4:54 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 10:09 AM (#9882 - in reply to #9874) (#9882) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-11 10:09 AM

Fred76 - 2013-02-11 3:23 AM

I'll do better next time !

You are having some kind of love-hate relationship with my sudoku tests. You ranks in last LMI sudoku tests that I authored : 26, 9, 3, 34, 8, 27+
@ 2013-02-11 10:17 AM (#9883 - in reply to #9566) (#9883) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 10:17 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 11:59 AM (#9884 - in reply to #9566) (#9884) Top


Posts: 42
Country : United States

Ziti posted @ 2013-02-11 11:59 AM

 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles

@ 2013-02-11 12:52 PM (#9886 - in reply to #9566) (#9886) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 12:52 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount

@ 2013-02-11 1:02 PM (#9887 - in reply to #9566) (#9887) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 1:02 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 2:14 PM (#9889 - in reply to #9566) (#9889) Top


Posts: 1

Country : ITALY

Eph2_8-10 posted @ 2013-02-11 2:14 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 2:51 PM (#9890 - in reply to #9566) (#9890) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 2:51 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 5:15 PM (#9891 - in reply to #9566) (#9891) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 5:15 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 5:27 PM (#9892 - in reply to #9566) (#9892) Top


Posts: 191
Country : The Netherlands

Richard posted @ 2013-02-11 5:27 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

You have proven again to be one of the best sudoku authors in the world!

Edited by Richard 2013-02-11 5:50 PM
@ 2013-02-11 5:42 PM (#9893 - in reply to #9566) (#9893) Top


Posts: 164
Country : Slovakia

greenhorn posted @ 2013-02-11 5:42 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 5:44 PM (#9894 - in reply to #9566) (#9894) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 5:44 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 5:45 PM (#9895 - in reply to #9566) (#9895) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 5:45 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Average
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 6:28 PM (#9896 - in reply to #9566) (#9896) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 6:28 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles

@ 2013-02-11 7:11 PM (#9898 - in reply to #9882) (#9898) Top


Posts: 337
Country : Switzerland

Fred76 posted @ 2013-02-11 7:11 PM

debmohanty - 2013-02-11 10:09 AM

Fred76 - 2013-02-11 3:23 AM

I'll do better next time !

You are having some kind of love-hate relationship with my sudoku tests. You ranks in last LMI sudoku tests that I authored : 26, 9, 3, 34, 8, 27+

Yes, but this one is in the "love" category, despite appearances. I really would have liked to play in better conditions.
@ 2013-02-11 7:16 PM (#9899 - in reply to #9566) (#9899) Top

Ours brun

Posts: 148
Country : France

Ours brun posted @ 2013-02-11 7:16 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 7:26 PM (#9900 - in reply to #9566) (#9900) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 7:26 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 7:40 PM (#9901 - in reply to #9566) (#9901) Top

Ours brun

Posts: 148
Country : France

Ours brun posted @ 2013-02-11 7:40 PM

This was a great set of puzzles. Not that it is a surprise, but it is always worth mentioning it. Every puzzle had something notable, and I would have a hard time saying which ones I liked the most.

My own performance is pretty disappointing, as I did well on many puzzles and played as bad as it is possible on the others; in particular, I spent my last 30 minutes screwing each and every puzzle I attempted, and ended solving none of them. Considering this, I think the test was well-timed: I could definitely have reached a perfect score, although I probably wouldn't have saved a lot of time.
Regarding points distribution, I must say that I was a bit surprised. The odd/even frame in particular went prettty well, I needed less time on this one than on several 30 to 40 pointers. Now, this is more an observation than a critic since I have known for a long time that Deb's puzzles often need some special thinking, which makes it hard to estimate their difficulty.

Great test once again, thanks Deb!
@ 2013-02-11 8:46 PM (#9902 - in reply to #9566) (#9902) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-11 8:46 PM

Restriction on score page - it can be refreshed once in 60 minutes.
@ 2013-02-11 10:03 PM (#9903 - in reply to #9566) (#9903) Top


Posts: 2

Country : India

yatin_joshi posted @ 2013-02-11 10:03 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Very skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 10:12 PM (#9904 - in reply to #9566) (#9904) Top


Posts: 45
Country : India

adityasaraf007 posted @ 2013-02-11 10:12 PM


I am having such a forgetful day today. Just want to confirm that I have claimed the points for Diagonal Sudoku (not sure if I pressed the correct buttons).
@ 2013-02-11 10:16 PM (#9905 - in reply to #9902) (#9905) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2013-02-11 10:16 PM

Administrator - 2013-02-11 8:46 PM

Restriction on score page - it can be refreshed once in 60 minutes.

I think there's an error now and there's no time mark noted anymore for my last visit as it won't let me revisit the score page. It also doesn't tell me when I can revisit it again. Pretty sure it's been over 60 minutes.
@ 2013-02-11 10:26 PM (#9906 - in reply to #9566) (#9906) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-11 10:26 PM

Yeah - there was an error. Fixed now.
@ 2013-02-11 10:28 PM (#9907 - in reply to #9904) (#9907) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-11 10:28 PM

adityasaraf007 - 2013-02-11 10:12 PM

I am having such a forgetful day today. Just want to confirm that I have claimed the points for Diagonal Sudoku (not sure if I pressed the correct buttons).
You have pressed the right button, but unfortunately no points for mistakes in online solving.

Edited by debmohanty 2013-02-11 10:28 PM
@ 2013-02-11 10:38 PM (#9908 - in reply to #9566) (#9908) Top


Posts: 145
Country : France

auroux posted @ 2013-02-11 10:38 PM

There's some very impressive (and suspicious) scores coming from certain competitors... Not sure which is more remarkable, finishing the whole test in just under 2 hours or finishing more than half in under 1 hour and then stopping...

Edited by debmohanty 2013-02-11 11:36 PM
@ 2013-02-11 10:49 PM (#9909 - in reply to #9907) (#9909) Top


Posts: 45
Country : India

adityasaraf007 posted @ 2013-02-11 10:49 PM

debmohanty - 2013-02-11 10:28 PM

You have pressed the right button, but unfortunately no points for mistakes in online solving.

Ah.. No problem ;)

Edited by adityasaraf007 2013-02-11 10:50 PM
@ 2013-02-11 11:11 PM (#9910 - in reply to #9566) (#9910) Top

B. Thananon

Posts: 12

Country : Thailand

B. Thananon posted @ 2013-02-11 11:11 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-11 11:33 PM (#9911 - in reply to #9566) (#9911) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-11 11:33 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 12:17 AM (#9916 - in reply to #9566) (#9916) Top


Posts: 31
Country : United States

joshuazucker posted @ 2013-02-12 12:17 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

That was a lot of fun! I thought the layout of the odd sudoku was very cute, and the renban was a lot of clever logic. The quad sum had a great layout too. The odd even frame fit together really well too; I spent way too much time thinking about how many odds or evens could add up to different totals, but now it makes me want to have some fun with a whole book of puzzles like this. I hope someone will write one someday!

This was one of the most interesting killers I've seen, too.

So many nice puzzles!
@ 2013-02-12 12:18 AM (#9917 - in reply to #9566) (#9917) Top

Black Tiger

Posts: 11

Country : Iran

Black Tiger posted @ 2013-02-12 12:18 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Very skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 12:27 AM (#9918 - in reply to #9566) (#9918) Top


Posts: 59
Country : United States

bob posted @ 2013-02-12 12:27 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Did not attempt even/odd/big/small because symbol list did not print. But I only had time to finish seven puzzles anyway. I'll never be a real speed solver, but the puzzles were very clever and I look forward to solving at my leisure. bob
@ 2013-02-12 1:12 AM (#9919 - in reply to #9566) (#9919) Top

Karel Tesar

Posts: 28
Country : Czech Republic

Karel Tesar posted @ 2013-02-12 1:12 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Almost each puzzle was about singles. I don't think it's a funny style and I don't like puzzles where I need so many singles.
Due to this it was very hard set for me. I wasn't able to solve it fluently but I needed to make small jumps from one single to another.
And because I'm not a beginner I was able to reach some points with guessing on those hard puzzles. Without that I will have 87 points less :(
Nice types of puzzles in this set but too hard I guess.

2 hours were well choosen. You can print it properly and there is enough time for sending answers. So time limit was just right.

But I know it's necessary to practice hard competitions too. So thank you for this competition!
@ 2013-02-12 1:36 AM (#9920 - in reply to #9901) (#9920) Top


Posts: 460
Country : India

purifire posted @ 2013-02-12 1:36 AM

Great set of puzzles....Each had its own beauty and hard to pick one as favorite... But I would venture to say that the Even Odd Big Small would be my pick purely based on the surprising twost to the puzzle... The Quad Sum and Repeated neighbors were tricky.... Overall not bad (performance wise).

Great Job Deb!!
@ 2013-02-12 1:39 AM (#9921 - in reply to #9566) (#9921) Top


Posts: 460
Country : India

purifire posted @ 2013-02-12 1:39 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 2:27 AM (#9922 - in reply to #9566) (#9922) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-12 2:27 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Very skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount

@ 2013-02-12 3:12 AM (#9923 - in reply to #9566) (#9923) Top


Posts: 69
Country : Germany

Realshaggy posted @ 2013-02-12 3:12 AM

Wow, I should think about doing every contest on monday evening. On weekends, I never get this "I'm on steam!"-feeling. Thank you for a really nice test.
@ 2013-02-12 3:13 AM (#9924 - in reply to #9566) (#9924) Top


Posts: 69
Country : Germany

Realshaggy posted @ 2013-02-12 3:13 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 4:05 AM (#9925 - in reply to #9566) (#9925) Top


Posts: 2

Country : Czech Republic

Nicky posted @ 2013-02-12 4:05 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Average
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 4:19 AM (#9926 - in reply to #9566) (#9926) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-12 4:19 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 4:20 AM (#9927 - in reply to #9566) (#9927) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-12 4:20 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Many puzzles were worth too much or too little
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 6:24 AM (#9928 - in reply to #9566) (#9928) Top


Posts: 1

Country : Ukraine

AlexKarpan posted @ 2013-02-12 6:24 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Way too many puzzles (too little time)
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 8:13 AM (#9929 - in reply to #9928) (#9929) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-12 8:13 AM

WPF Sudoku Grand Prix — Indian Round is now over. Password removed from booklet.

Following players are requested to fill in their WPF registration details ASAP. Please check this post on how to do it

1) kimking
2) Manu
3) mjaipal
4) lenzo
5) skrzypl1

@ 2013-02-12 8:23 AM (#9930 - in reply to #9566) (#9930) Top


Posts: 6

Country : Estonia

driv4r posted @ 2013-02-12 8:23 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 9:35 AM (#9931 - in reply to #9566) (#9931) Top


Posts: 6

Country : Estonia

driv4r posted @ 2013-02-12 9:35 AM

For some reason in Mozilla Firefox neither the puzzles or even the login part was displayed (not even the initializing bar), so I had to switch to Chromium and there it worked perfectly. Not sure why was that...
Otherwise no problems.

EDIT: Okay, it seems that it might have been because I didn't have the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player as now after updating it's working in Firefox as well. I had 11.5.502.something but not exactly the 149. But in Chromium it still worked using the slightly older version of Flash Player

Edited by driv4r 2013-02-12 9:43 AM
@ 2013-02-12 9:38 AM (#9932 - in reply to #9931) (#9932) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-12 9:38 AM

driv4r - 2013-02-12 9:35 AM

For some reason in Mozilla Firefox neither the puzzles or even the login part was displayed (not even the initializing bar), so I had to switch to Chromium and there it worked perfectly. Not sure why was that...
Otherwise no problems.
You need to have flash installed for Firefox. Use this link to check - http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.ht... if you have it installed.
@ 2013-02-12 1:13 PM (#9937 - in reply to #9566) (#9937) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-12 1:13 PM

First of all, I would like to thank WPF for starting this new initiative and Hana for coordinating these events. With online contests growing in last few years, it was a perfect decision for WPF to have its own online competition. The huge number of turnouts at Czech and Indian rounds is an ample proof of that. I sincerely hope the Sudoku Grand Prix is here to stay for a long long time. While the Sudoku Grand Prix was the most logical step to begin with, lets also hope that WPF starts Puzzle Grand Prix sooner than later.

Now in Round2, here are the top 10
Jan Mrozowski, POL 200
Seungjae Kwak, KOR 199
Kota Morinishi, JPN 198
Hideaki Jo, JPN 197
Nikola Zivanovic, SRB 196
Rishi Puri, IND 195
Ce Jin, CHN 194
Vincent Bertrand, BEL 193
Bastien Vial-Jaime, FRA 192
Rohan Rao, IND 191

Here are the top 3, both rounds combined
Jan Mrozowski (399)
Seungjae Kwak (396)
Nikola Zivanovic (392)

Congratulations to the top players and thank you everyone for participating. It is exremely satisfying to see two Indian in top 10 (and one more in top 20) in round 2. Good job Rishi, Rohan and PS. Keep it up.
@ 2013-02-12 1:32 PM (#9938 - in reply to #9566) (#9938) Top


Posts: 4

Country : United States

starmusic posted @ 2013-02-12 1:32 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? A bit hard
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

Well organized contest with clear forms and instructions; computer interface worked well.
@ 2013-02-12 2:10 PM (#9939 - in reply to #9566) (#9939) Top


Posts: 542
Country : India

rajeshk posted @ 2013-02-12 2:10 PM

Thanks Deb for the great puzzles.
Thanks to WPF Grand Prix after a long time I started taking part in online competitions. I really enjoyed solving these puzzles.

@ 2013-02-12 4:25 PM (#9941 - in reply to #9566) (#9941) Top


Posts: 1

Country : Iran

somaye posted @ 2013-02-12 4:25 PM

Hi . I dont know why my score is 0 . I solve some puzzles but in score doesn t any thing . plz help me
@ 2013-02-12 6:49 PM (#9942 - in reply to #9566) (#9942) Top


Posts: 45
Country : India

adityasaraf007 posted @ 2013-02-12 6:49 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 7:22 PM (#9943 - in reply to #9566) (#9943) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-12 7:22 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-12 10:55 PM (#9945 - in reply to #9566) (#9945) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2013-02-12 10:55 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

It was a really good puzzle set. Maybe it was a bit on the harder side, but that's more suited for me. I'm not much of a sprinter. My favourites were the Odd Even Frame and Odd Even Big Small. But there were a lot of others that I really liked like Renban Groups and Killer. I'd love to hear the logic behind the Linked Classics as the way I solved it involved an assumption, I'm not sure if it holds up.

I understand there's a lot of red ratings for difficulty and time constraint, but newer players have to realise that there's a lot of incredible Sudoku solvers in the world for whom these tests are the right amount of challenging. These tests are to reflect the level presented at World Puzzle Championships. A hard newspaper Sudoku is the basic level for a WSC and variants take practice to get used to. So when you've never really done variants or other logic puzzles running into a test like this might look like an impossible venture. Just keep in mind that the longer you do these the more skillful you'll get. So just try to improve in every subsequent test. It's all supposed to be for fun.
@ 2013-02-13 9:30 AM (#9949 - in reply to #9566) (#9949) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-13 9:30 AM

Time for a slightly longish post (after I have recovered from refreshing the score page infinite times)

First of all, thanks to Palmer Mebane and Thomas Snyder who agreed to pre-solve the sudokus in really short notice. Thomas' timings for some sudokus and for the whole set were incredible, but that is not new.

When Amit and me started planning about the test, we decided that the competition should reflect one round at a WSC. We did not want players to finish with huge amount of bonus (also partly because the WPF GP scoring system considers only ranks). The target was top players should finish with few minutes left. That did not happen, but we are happy to see 4 players getting 93% of total score, and several others coming close.

To ensure that it is challenging enough for top players to take around ~115 minutes, we considered two options
a) have as many sudokus as possible, with lot of easy ones
b) have a limited number of sudokus, but many medium tricky puzzles
We chose the later option. I still thought we had many easy sudokus (Classic 1, XV, Odd, Braille). But as voted by many, players were expecting more number of easy puzzles. We probably could not have achieved this without increasing the number of sudokus.

We also didn't want to have many new/unknown types. So many classic / well known types were added and we made sincere effort to make each of them as best as we could do. Really happy to see that those efforts have been noticed.

Before I go into specific sudokus (in next posts), I would like to share my views on the most discussed one - Odd Even Big Small :-)
As an author, I like to give surprises to the contestants. I like unannounced surprises even more. It is interesting that some players who really liked the surprise (at least those who posted in forum) are incredible authors themselves. It is important to note that we had modified the original rules to suit the twist. The only problem was that many players thought their printer is not working properly and is not printing the Japanese characters. I am not sure if that is a valid concern because there were more than one way to check that no Japanese characters were present (e.g. players could have just checked the online solving interface). In the end, only 59 players solved it correctly. That is little less than what I had expected.
Allow me to repeat what some others have mentioned : Players should be ready for surprises. And surprises do not happen all the time.

Nikola - 2013-02-09 11:14 PM
I realized that sudoku is a wonderful mind game.

Well said. Thank you.
@ 2013-02-13 4:15 PM (#9955 - in reply to #9945) (#9955) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-13 4:15 PM

Para - 2013-02-12 10:55 PM
I'd love to hear the logic behind the Linked Classics as the way I solved it involved an assumption, I'm not sure if it holds up.
I think you are referring to the assumption that a block of 3 rows will get swapped with each other. The puzzle is certainly logical without that assumption - or at least I would think so - but becomes lot easier with that assumption. But like you, I am not sure if that holds up.

So here is the puzzle, with rows of each grid marked for easy reference.

Step 1 :
2 rows can be identified without any solving.
d can only go at s, e can only go at t. Note that these 2 are independent deductions.
Spoiler: show

Step 2:
After transferring the digits, we can solve upto this stage. [Transferred digits are shaded. Solved digits in red]
Spoiler: show

Step 3:
Now f can be placed only at r.
[ Side note : so we see that at least one block of 3 rows is swapped among itself.]
Spoiler: show

Step 4:
Now lot of digits in these 3 rows and middle block of left grid can be determined.
Spoiler: show

Step 5:
We can now see c = y
Spoiler: show

Step 6:
Necessary transfers
Spoiler: show

Step 7:
In box 3 of left grid, we can solve few digits.
Although from the image it looks simple, while solving it is pretty easy to miss.
O stands for Odd, E stands for Even
Spoiler: show

Step 8:
Again focusing on box3 of left grid.
I will also note that b is either x or z
Spoiler: show

Step 9:
We also have i=v
Spoiler: show

That is pretty much a work-in puzzle, with no real cool stuff.
@ 2013-02-13 10:26 PM (#9959 - in reply to #9566) (#9959) Top


Posts: 6

Country : Estonia

driv4r posted @ 2013-02-13 10:26 PM

Hey, about step 1: how can e only go to t? Why not y?
@ 2013-02-13 10:42 PM (#9960 - in reply to #9959) (#9960) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2013-02-13 10:42 PM

driv4r - 2013-02-13 10:26 PM

Hey, about step 1: how can e only go to t? Why not y?

Because then R5C1 would have to be 9 in the left grid and you already have a 9 in R4C3 there (e could be in y but y can't be in e). I think that's a big part of what I missed, thinking in both directions.

Edited by Para 2013-02-13 10:44 PM
@ 2013-02-13 11:38 PM (#9963 - in reply to #9566) (#9963) Top


Posts: 315
Country : The Netherlands

Para posted @ 2013-02-13 11:38 PM

Thanks Deb. This helped a lot.
@ 2013-02-13 11:44 PM (#9964 - in reply to #9959) (#9964) Top


Posts: 9

Country : Finland

UllaE posted @ 2013-02-13 11:44 PM

driv4r - 2013-02-13 8:26 PM

Hey, about step 1: how can e only go to t? Why not y?

If you copy the digits from y to e, you will then have two 9s in same box.
@ 2013-02-14 12:39 AM (#9965 - in reply to #9566) (#9965) Top


Posts: 6

Country : United States

mahoned_91770 posted @ 2013-02-14 12:39 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Fairly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-14 3:51 AM (#9966 - in reply to #9566) (#9966) Top


Posts: 5

Country : United States

sbeck posted @ 2013-02-14 3:51 AM

Great job on running the tournament. Are there full scores combining Events #1 & 2?
@ 2013-02-14 4:05 AM (#9967 - in reply to #9566) (#9967) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-14 4:05 AM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? All puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-14 7:33 AM (#9969 - in reply to #9960) (#9969) Top


Posts: 6

Country : Estonia

driv4r posted @ 2013-02-14 7:33 AM

Para - 2013-02-13 4:42 PM

driv4r - 2013-02-13 10:26 PM

Hey, about step 1: how can e only go to t? Why not y?

Because then R5C1 would have to be 9 in the left grid and you already have a 9 in R4C3 there (e could be in y but y can't be in e). I think that's a big part of what I missed, thinking in both directions.

Oh, now I can see that y can't go to e indeed. But I didn't know that the rows need to be swapped with each other. For example in case of e and y I would think that y could go to any of the rows in the left grid (that it fits into) and doesn't necessarily need to replace e I guess I have misunderstood the rules

EDIT: Just checked the rules again and it doesn't say that the rows need to be swapped with each other! So how was I supposed to know?

Edited by driv4r 2013-02-14 7:44 AM
@ 2013-02-14 8:48 AM (#9970 - in reply to #9969) (#9970) Top


Country : United States

MellowMelon posted @ 2013-02-14 8:48 AM

If row e maps to y, and then row y maps to some other row like a, that means a and e are two identical rows in the same grid. Can that ever happen in Sudoku?
@ 2013-02-14 2:25 PM (#9972 - in reply to #9941) (#9972) Top


Posts: 3

Country : India

jitendradayma posted @ 2013-02-14 2:25 PM

may be u didn't submit yr answer of column abd rows which were marked A B
@ 2013-02-14 2:31 PM (#9973 - in reply to #9566) (#9973) Top


Posts: 24
Country : Poland

wgryciuk posted @ 2013-02-14 2:31 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? Perfectly balanced
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Just right
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Very nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? Just right
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-14 7:48 PM (#9975 - in reply to #9566) (#9975) Top


Posts: 7

Country : ITALY

riccared posted @ 2013-02-14 7:48 PM

Hello, and thumbs up for the game! Is it possible to have the complete solutions of the different sudokus? Thanks,
@ 2013-02-14 7:52 PM (#9976 - in reply to #9975) (#9976) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-14 7:52 PM

riccared - 2013-02-14 7:48 PM

Hello, and thumbs up for the game! Is it possible to have the complete solutions of the different sudokus? Thanks,
When we removed the password from the pdf, we also added the solutions at the end. Please download the pdf and check.

@ 2013-02-14 8:46 PM (#9977 - in reply to #9566) (#9977) Top


Posts: 7

Country : ITALY

riccared posted @ 2013-02-14 8:46 PM

Oh-ohh....... I suppose I'd have better to check before asking.... Many thanks, bye!
@ 2013-02-15 12:54 AM (#9983 - in reply to #9970) (#9983) Top


Posts: 6

Country : Estonia

driv4r posted @ 2013-02-15 12:54 AM

MellowMelon - 2013-02-14 2:48 AM

If row e maps to y, and then row y maps to some other row like a, that means a and e are two identical rows in the same grid. Can that ever happen in Sudoku?

Oh yea, that's a good logic but I couldn't figure it out I guess I didn't get the logic of duplicates needing to replace each other. But still it would have been better and more clear if it would have been mentioned in the instructions that 2 rows (duplicates) need to be swapped, no? That's the reason why I didn't get this one solved
I have never encountered a sudoku like this before, so for me it wasn't obvious.
@ 2013-02-15 1:46 AM (#9984 - in reply to #9983) (#9984) Top


Posts: 1802
Country : India

prasanna16391 posted @ 2013-02-15 1:46 AM

driv4r - 2013-02-15 12:54 AM

Oh yea, that's a good logic but I couldn't figure it out I guess I didn't get the logic of duplicates needing to replace each other. But still it would have been better and more clear if it would have been mentioned in the instructions that 2 rows (duplicates) need to be swapped, no? That's the reason why I didn't get this one solved
I have never encountered a sudoku like this before, so for me it wasn't obvious.

Well, a lot of solving skills depend on the solver's ability to figure out the implied restrictions in addition to the main lettered ones. The rules are just constraints on a puzzle, how they affect the solve is for the solver to see.

Figuring out the implied non-literal implications of rules is part of puzzling. For example, now, you'd think the sentence "Place 1-9 in every row, column and box" is enough to describe a classic, but I've come across beginners who still don't figure out for a while that that implies that a number can't repeat.
@ 2013-02-15 7:47 AM (#9986 - in reply to #9566) (#9986) Top


Posts: 6

Country : Estonia

driv4r posted @ 2013-02-15 7:47 AM

Well yea, you are probably right. Next time I encounter this linked classics sudoku I know better for sure ;)
@ 2013-02-15 1:52 PM (#9988 - in reply to #9566) (#9988) Top


Country : India

debmohanty posted @ 2013-02-15 1:52 PM

After linked Classics, Odd Even Big Small was the least submitted/solved puzzles.

Here are few steps to get you started.

Here is the puzzle.

Step 0 :
Figure out that there are no Japanese characters and it must be part of solving to figure out the symbol-property relationship.

Step 1 :
Note 2 key cells : R7C3 and R7C6. Both of them cannot contain 1 or 4 or 6. Because of that R8C1 and R8C8 cannot be 1 or 4 or 6. A lot of deduction will use this.

Step 2 :
See the cells in Red. They all belong to one outlined region. Also note that all four of them must satisfy the property of SQUARE.
Spoiler: show

So clearly SQUARE cannot be Odd or Small (1 is given in the region)
It also cannot be Even because 4 does not go anywhere in the Red cells.
So SQUARE = Big (5678)
You also get R4C1=6 and some more 6s.

Spoiler: show

Step 3 :
Because R6C8=6, you get the 4SQUARES as Even (2468).
Spoiler: show

Some more deductions (you can first find the red ones, and then the blue ones)
Spoiler: show

Because of the circle at bottom of C7, we can say circle = Small (1234) and Star = Odd (1357)
Spoiler: show

@ 2013-02-15 4:52 PM (#9989 - in reply to #9566) (#9989) Top

An LMI player

An LMI player posted @ 2013-02-15 4:52 PM

 How balanced do you think the puzzle types of this test were? A bit skewed
 What was your opinion of the distribution of easy/hard puzzles? Too many hard puzzles
 What did you think about the puzzle quality of the test? Fairly Nice
 How did you feel about the length / time limit for this test? A bit too many puzzles
 Of the puzzles you solved/attempted, how well did their point values reflect the difficulty/time spent? Most puzzles were worth the right amount
 What was your opinion of the booklet formatting and printing? Just right

@ 2013-02-17 10:14 PM (#10002 - in reply to #9566) (#10002) Top

Karel Tesar

Posts: 28
Country : Czech Republic

Karel Tesar posted @ 2013-02-17 10:14 PM

Are you going to participate in 3rd tournament of WPF GP?
Try to practice on DSM WPF Sudoku Grand Prix!

In our Daily League we are preparing for you these sudoku variants:
18.02.2013 - Between 1 and 9 (practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
19.02.2013 - Equal Sudoku (practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
20.02.2013 - Search Nine Sudoku (practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
21.02.2013 - Arrow Sudoku (practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
22.02.2013 - X-Sums Sudoku (practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
23.02.2013 - Little Killer Killer Sudoku (practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)
24.02.2013 - Skyscrapers (practice on DSM WPF Sudoku GP)

@ 2013-02-18 9:02 AM (#10008 - in reply to #10002) (#10008) Top


Country : India

Administrator posted @ 2013-02-18 9:02 AM

Cumulative results after first 2 rounds available here - http://www.worldpuzzle.org/sudokugp/results/
@ 2013-02-18 4:25 PM (#10010 - in reply to #9566) (#10010) Top


Posts: 542
Country : India

rajeshk posted @ 2013-02-18 4:25 PM

For me the first round points are not added in the commulative result. Any idea how I can get it corrected?

@ 2013-02-19 2:26 AM (#10015 - in reply to #9566) (#10015) Top

Karel Tesar

Posts: 28
Country : Czech Republic

Karel Tesar posted @ 2013-02-19 2:26 AM

rajeshk: Can you contact me via email please? Write your name and surname on my email at info@sudokucup.com. I was preparing all result lists of WPF GP.
@ 2013-02-19 11:25 AM (#10020 - in reply to #9566) (#10020) Top


Posts: 542
Country : India

rajeshk posted @ 2013-02-19 11:25 AM

Thanks Karel,
I have send you email.