As organizers of WSPC 2017, we at Logic Masters India want to create an interactive atmosphere in the lead-up to the big event. To this end, we are conducting a Puzzle Innovation Contest from the 16th of February to the 31st of March. Everyone is welcome to participate in this contest.
Competition overview: The Puzzle Innovation Contest is being held with an aim to increase the pool of innovation for WSPC 2017, and also to recognize the best innovations and innovators. We are looking only for original ideas in puzzle types, and ideas of new variations in Sudoku, which have not been seen elsewhere to the best of the author's knowledge. Also, accepted submissions must not be used till WSPC 2017 is over. We may reject ideas immediately if we have seen something very similar elsewhere, but we will provide details of this reasoning if so. Multiple submissions by the same author are allowed.
1. Puzzle Ideas must be sent to They must follow a fixed format, i.e., a PDF with the name and rules of the puzzle, and a sample puzzle with solution below it. The deadline for submissions is 31st March, 2017.
2. The organizers will regularly post here in this forum topic confirming submissions by saying the respective author has made a submission.
3. The organizers will judge the submissions based on certain criteria. The considerations are mentioned below -
a. Idea: This is specifically to do with how interesting the innovation is. We will also consider that the type is not restrictive in terms of different logical implications and whether the puzzles can be built on in terms of variations. For e.g., Tapa/Sudoku/Fillomino were ideas with a lot of potential to build on. For Sudoku variations, only interest and restrictiveness will be considered in this section.
b. Rule Simplicity: The simpler the rules, the better.
c. The Puzzle itself: Though the Idea is the focus of the contest, a good quality puzzle will go a long way to showcasing the idea in a better light. In case of a tie, the sample puzzle submitted will act as a tie-breaker. Considerations here include logical path and theme, in that order of priority.
4. The ideas will be showcased on a portion of the WSPC website on the same date as the release of the WPC Instruction Booklet. LMI claims the right to publish the author's puzzles too along with due credits.
1. The best three innovations will receive special prizes at the WSPC in Bangalore.
2. Some puzzle ideas might be selected to be a part of the innovative rounds at the WSC and WPC respectively. The authors will be credited with the ideas in the Instruction booklet.