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All dates/times on this page are in your local timezone.
O |
Player |
Country |
Solve Time |
Pen |
E |
Finish Time |
Clicks |
Replay |
O = Official Rank
Solve Time = Time taken to solve the puzzle correctly
Pen = Penalty
E = Early Bird Rank
Finish Time = Time at which puzzle was submitted correctly
The numbers next to Replay link shows how many times the replay has been played (excludes self replaying). Only top 3 are shown.
Official Leaderboard | Earlybirds Leaderboard |
A | B | C |
A is determined by player's rank on that day. The table below demostrates the link between rank and A.
 | B is puzzle difficulty indicator. Players solving all 16 puzzles will always get 1600 points as B. B for each puzzle will be calculated based on the following formula after the official time for the puzzle is over. B for Nth puzzle = 1600 * (Avg of Top 10 players's time of Nth puzzle) / [ Sum of (Avg of Top 10 players's time of all puzzles) ] | First 100 players to submit the puzzle will get C as 100 to 1 |
Final Leaderboard considers cumulative of A + B for each day. | Final Leaderboard considers cumulative of C for each day. |
N = Number of puzzles solved within Official Period / Number of puzzles solved
A = SUM(Top 100 players get points from 100 to 1 based on their ranking for that day)
B = SUM(Puzzle Points calculated based on average solving time of top 10 players)
C = SUM(First 100 players get points from 100 to 1 based on their solving end time for that day)