Asian Sudoku Championship 2025
Sudoku Champs 2024

David Joseph Altizio

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Real name David Joseph Altizio
Puzzle Blog
Country United States
Date registered2021-01-24 10:45 PM
Last logon2024-12-06 3:38 AM
Total posts
LMI RatingsCurrent RankCurrent RatingsBest RankBest RatingsRatings History
LMI Puzzle Ratings 129 571.9728 70 709.3639 History
LMI Sudoku Ratings 488 258.5647 365 354.4116 History

Puzzle Ratings HistoryRatingsRank
2023R6 (Regions & Loops) 571.9728 129
2023R5 (Casual & Word) 584.4913 119
2023R4 (NP & OP) 589.7489 118
2023R3 (Shading & MII) 709.3639 70
2023R2 (Evergreens & Rule Pool) 624.5394 111
2023R1 (Classics) 452.0445 215
2022R5 (Loops & Shading) 170.8604 481
2022R4 (Numbers & 223.2123 424
2022R3 (Regions & Evergreens) 296.6474 360
2022R2 (Casual & Word) 340.5421 333
2022R1 (Classics) 336.4298 334
PANFOPCWHTTAPA 2 357.6097 311
MII & Evergreens (PR 2021) 356.151 226
Shading (PR 2021) 353.7105 232
Casual & Word (PR 2021) 354.543 231
OP (PR 2021) 347.1047 238
Regions (PR 2021) 368.089 215
Number Placement (PR 2021) 356.8374 229
Loops (PR 2021) 323.4548 235
Classics (PR 2021) 271.4067 258
Daily Contestsdjmathman's Rankdjmathman's ScoreTest Max Score
Nurimisaki Nomad 33 2481 3147
Yajilin Yacht 31 2548 3148
Kakuro Kart
Kurotto Kingdom 50 2237 3149
Voxas Vacation 41 2302 3089
Rassi Silai Race 52 2096 3085
Tapa Train 39 2354 3151
Puzzle Testdjmathman's Rankdjmathman's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2023R4 (NP & OP) 215 29.3 128.967 276 199 257 1
2023R3 (Shading & MII) 47 78.2 134.45 688 826 723 0.8
2023R2 (Evergreens & Rule Pool) 66 65.8 127.767 648 793 684 0.8
2023R1 (Classics) 75 80.6 131.483 699 787 721 0.7
Casual & Word (PR 2021) 123 53.9 135.95 400 371 393
OP (PR 2021) 192 38.8 157.5 277 209 260
Regions (PR 2021) 151 40.5 149.3 415 346 398
Number Placement (PR 2021) 192 44.8 155.017 345 265 325
Loops (PR 2021) 194 28 159.9 321 279 310
Classics (PR 2021) 145 56.8 160.633 461 450 458
Sudoku Testdjmathman's Rankdjmathman's ScoreTest Max ScorePSRSNSW
2023R1 (Standard & Odd Even) 261 34 140.617 500 504 501 0.8
Math (SM 2021) 192 38 146.983 413 383 405

PS = Prorated Score (Score based on players's score, median score and top score in the test)
RS = Rank Score (Score based on player's rank in the test)
NS = Normalized Score (.75 * PS + .25 * RS)
W = Weight of the test
Click here for detailed logic of LMI Player Rating System v2.0
WSPC 2021djmathman's Rankdjmathman's ScoreTest Max Score
01 - Welcome to WS + PC 164 200 0
02 - In Memory of Maki Kaji 171 215 0
TVCdjmathman's Rankdjmathman's ScoreTest Max Score
Kakuro Kart
Tapa Variations Contest - XXI 162 0 0