Country : India | |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-01-01 9:05 PM Here is one Gradient Fillomino puzzle. Posted in Fillomino |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-01-08 9:05 PM Here is one Loop Fillomino puzzle. Posted in Fillomino |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-01-15 9:05 PM Here is a pair of Fillomino puzzles. Posted in Fillomino |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-01-22 9:05 PM Here is one Loop Fillomino puzzle. Posted in Fillomino |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-01-29 9:05 PM This puzzle solves both as a Numberlink and a Nurikabe. Posted in Numberlink, Nurikabe |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-03-05 10:55 AM Here is one Checkered Pentominous puzzle. [Solution] Posted in Pentominous |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-03-09 9:05 PM Here is one Star Battle Pentominous puzzle. Posted in Pentominous |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-03-14 9:05 PM Link to original post : Masyu TwinsHere is a pair of Masyu puzzles. Posted in Masyu |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-03-19 9:05 PM Here is a pair of Cipher Shikaku puzzles. Posted in Shikaku |
Puzzled by Tiles
| Puzzled by Tiles posted @ 2015-03-24 9:05 PM Here is one innocent-looking 5 by 5 Masyu puzzle: Inflate it to twice its original size, though, and it turns into a full-blown 10 by 10 Semi-Liar Masyu: Posted in Masyu |