This is a restricted thread corresponding to an ongoing contest at LMI. This mainly means :
Comments posted in the thread after the contest started can only be viewed by players who have finished the contest. If you are not logged in to forum or if you have not finished the contest, you will see first few characters of the post.
The purpose is to encourage players to freely post comments while the contest is running.
Admins can make the post public before the contest is over, if it does not reveal anything about the puzzles. All the posts will be made public after the contest is over.
Please note that the key for Magnets does NOT have two options as an earlier version of the IB suggested. Due to technical constraints, only P, N or X will be accepted.
This post is restricted and you are seeing only the first few characters. You can view complete post after finishing the test and logging in to the forum. You can also view the complete post after the test is over.
This post is restricted and you are seeing only the first few characters. You can view complete post after finishing the test and logging in to the forum. You can also view the complete post after the test is over.
This post is restricted and you are seeing only the first few characters. You can view complete post after finishing the test and logging in to the forum. You can also view the complete post after the test is over.