Posts: 1849
       Country : India | |
Posts: 1849
       Country : India | Instruction Booklet is available, please note the date incongruency. |
Posts: 1
Country : India | How to. Participate |
Posts: 1849
       Country : India | We do not accept operators like _PLUS_ and - in the answer key so there is a change to the Coded Arithmetic answer key. The key will use A for Addition, S for Subtraction, M for Multiplication, D for Division and E for Equals. The change will be reflected on the IB and PB shortly.
A smaller note: The last puzzle's points were wrongly given as 61, they are actually 62. This will also reflect in the corrected PB when its uploaded. |
Posts: 3567
      Country : India | prasanna16391 - 2024-12-08 10:36 AM
We do not accept operators like _PLUS_ and - in the answer key so there is a change to the Coded Arithmetic answer key. The key will use A for Addition, S for Subtraction, M for Multiplication, D for Division and E for Equals. The change will be reflected on the IB and PB shortly.
A smaller note: The last puzzle's points were wrongly given as 61, they are actually 62. This will also reflect in the corrected PB when its uploaded.
Updated IB uploaded. |
Posts: 1849
       Country : India | Start has been postponed because Riad found an error on site. |
Posts: 1849
       Country : India | The password protected booklet is ready to download. The end of contest will be adjusted accordingly considering the delay. |
 Posts: 20
 Country : The Netherlands | In the instruction booklet, the answer for the Domination example is given as VHHHH, while I would have expected HVVVV. I would argue that [___] is horizontal and the other is vertical. And I assume that you would say the same, given the description of "the number of horizontal and vertical dominoes in some rows and columns...", and subsequently [___] is given first when looking outside the grid left to right, just like it is stated first in the quoted sentence. So, any clarification on the answer code? |
Riad Khanmagomedov
Posts: 238
   Country : Russia | The correct answer for the example is HVVVV. |
Posts: 1
Country : India | Jasmine posted @ 2024-12-11 9:33 PM Hii+vanakkam%F0%9F%99%8F%0D%0AIm+Jasmine+from+India%2E%2EI+wish+to+join+sudoku+competition%2E%2E%F0%9F%91%8D |
Posts: 1
Country : Italy | EEE posted @ 2024-12-12 9:29 PM Puzzle number 7 (illumination) has no solution. The solution accepted by the system is incorrect because of the last row (the illuminated area is <2). |
Posts: 17
Country : United Kingdom | Thank+you+Riad.+Your+puzzles+are+often+innovative%2c+yet+very+logical+and+this+did+not+disappoint.+Very+enjoyable |
Riad Khanmagomedov
Posts: 238
   Country : Russia | EEE - 2024-12-12 9:29 PM
Puzzle number 7 (illumination) has no solution. The solution accepted by the system is incorrect because of the last row (the illuminated area is <2).
I make and design puzzles manually, but this does not absolve me of guilt. Unfortunately, my attempt to avoid the inequality sign at the last moment led to an error. It couldn't be done without the devil (666 ).
We decided to publish the correct version after the end of the competition. |
Riad Khanmagomedov
Posts: 238
   Country : Russia | pinkagape - 2024-12-14 3:37 PM
Thank you Riad. Your puzzles are often innovative, yet very logical and this did not disappoint. Very enjoyable
Thank you Adam. |
Posts: 2
Country : United States | Wow%2C+the+Moscow+Puzzle+Cup+2024+sounds+like+an+incredible+event%21+%F0%9F%8E%89+With+Riad+Khanmagomedov+at+the+helm%2C+it%27s+bound+to+be+a+remarkable+competition+for+puzzle+enthusiasts%2E+%F0%9F%A7%A9%0D%0A%0D%0AI%27m+curious+to+know+more+about+the+challenges+and+categories+in+this+year%27s+event%2E+Are+there+specific+themes+or+types+of+puzzles+that+participants+can+expect%3F+Also%2C+will+there+be+opportunities+for+networking+with+other+puzzle+lovers+and+experts+during+the+event%3F%0D%0A%0D%0ALooking+forward+to+updates+and+perhaps+a+live+stream+or+highlights+for+those+who+can%27t+attend+in+person%2E+Best+of+luck+to+all+participants%E2%80%94it%E2%80%99s+time+to+flex+those+brain+muscles%21+%F0%9F%92%A1 |
Riad Khanmagomedov
Posts: 238
   Country : Russia | Congratulations to Ken, Soji and ysbg123!
Thanks to all the participants!
Posts: 1
| hii |