Posts: 3567
      Country : India | Instruction Booklet
Instruction Booklet is now available: http://logicmastersindia.com/2020/07P/
Authors/Test Solvers: boboquack, chaotic_iak, Craig Kasper, edderiofer, IHNN, Jamie Hargrove, lovemathboy, ManyPinkHats, wormsofcan
Posts: 6
Country : China | 2 solutions of Poison: Snake Pit in IB?
my another one:
--oh, sorry, this is wrong solution, because of the 10-length snake touch itself. Edited by xiao01wei 2020-07-12 7:32 AM
Posts: 3567
      Country : India | Updated Instruction Booklet
An updated Instruction Booklet has been published on 12th July 8:30 PM (3:00 PM GMT ) => http://logicmastersindia.com/2020/07P/
(1 ) Aquarium rules updated.
Posts: 54
  Country : United States | Request--for Castle Wall (Dragon), I didn't recognize that the white square that was in the grid was intentionally a white square, but rather thought of it as a hole in the grid. Maybe that's silly, but I would prefer a question mark in the space, with an arrow in any direction, so that I wouldn't overlook it in that way again.
Edit: Additionally, in Firefly (Bug), is it possible for a circle to connect to itself?
Edited by Timjamiller 2020-07-14 7:50 PM
 Posts: 241
    Country : Indonesia | Castle Wall: It is normally presented in this way, so we're reluctant to change it. The puzzle will not be ambiguous.
Fireflies: Yes, a circle can connect to itself. |
Posts: 3567
      Country : India | Updated Instruction Booklet
An updated Instruction Booklet has been published on 16th July 1:45 PM (8:15 AM GMT ) => http://logicmastersindia.com/2020/07P/
(1 ) Point values of Sudoku and Skyscrapers modified
Posts: 147
   Country : France | auroux posted @ 2020-07-17 8:06 AM Castle Wall: it says "Each clue tells the number of loop segments in that direction ...", but in the example the horizontal clue with a value of 2 only points to one loop segment. Should the instructions say "total length of the loop segments ..." instead of "number of loop segments" ? Or is the example wrong or am I somehow confused? |
Posts: 3567
      Country : India | Puzzle Booklet
The password protected Puzzle Booklet is now available at http://logicmastersindia.com/2020/07P/
Feedback should be entered directly in this thread. There shall be no separate Feedback page.
Posts: 3567
      Country : India | Updated Instruction and Puzzle Booklets
Updated versions of the IB and PB have been uploaded at 1:45 PM (8:15 AM GMT) on 17th July.
(1) Castle wall rules corrected to read "total sum of lengths of loop segments" instead of "number of loop segments"
Thanks auroux for noticing this error.
 Posts: 241
    Country : Indonesia | Ah, yes, it should be total length of loop segments. I was thinking each unit is one loop segment but I can see how it's ambiguous. The intended interpretation is the total length, or equivalently number of borders crossed by the loop in the direction. |
Posts: 25
 Country : United Kingdom | The feedback page is blank for me. Does anyone else have this issue? |
Posts: 3567
      Country : India | As mentioned earlier, Feedback should be entered directly in this thread. There shall be no separate Feedback page. |
Posts: 8
Country : South Korea | Nice puzzles overall! I enjoyed it even though I did not solve much of them :)
I definitely did not like fireflies, however. The 'path from a circle can loop back to the same circle' rule was not clear from the start, and only after when I finished the test I figured that it was the only way to make this puzzle solvable.
It probably should have been included in the IB(or would it be a bit too much of a giveaway on what the 'aha' moment is on the puzzle?), in my opinion.
Loved the rest of the easy(<50 pts) puzzles, though!
Edited by 3strikerz 2020-07-18 7:21 PM
 Posts: 67
   Country : United States | WA1729 posted @ 2020-07-19 2:40 AM Great test! I love the theme - I'm a longtime fan of Pokemon and the way the puzzles and types corresponded was neat. Very fun puzzles across the board!
My personal favorites:
Bug (Fireflies): The step at the bottom was particularly nice, and I liked how it set up the logic in the rest of the puzzle.
Ghost (Yajisan-Kazusan): The logic running down the center was really cool.
Fighting (RPS): I feel like I've solved this type before but I can't remember where. The logic was really good here, and I liked how the groups of same letters contributed to the logic.
Steel (Skyscrapers): Really nice flow overall. I liked how the 7 clues worked with the 5s - I think max clues have potential in Skyscrapers and don't see them too often in harder puzzles. (Also, Steel is my favorite Pokemon type.)
Rock (Stostone): Really nice logical theme! Everything worked out really nicely, especially along the edges.
Ice (Icebarn): My overall favorite. The breakin was really cool, and I loved the way everything worked out at the end.
Thanks for the puzzles!
Posts: 187
     Country : New Zealand | kiwijam posted @ 2020-07-21 9:18 AM I thought Magnets was lovely, enjoyed Aquarium and Castle Wall and Starry night and most of them really. Struggled with Yajisan-Kazusan, found the logic later.
@Walker, you probably saw the RPS type at GMPuzzles a while ago. https://www.gmpuzzles.com/blog/?s=rock+paper+scissors
What was the breakin for Icebarn?, I can't get anywhere with it. |
Posts: 25
 Country : United Kingdom | kiwijam - 2020-07-21 4:18 AM
What was the breakin for Icebarn?, I can't get anywhere with it.
Consider the four arrows pointing towards the bottom left and top right corners. None of these can join up, so they must 'emerge' from the border, and there are only four cells available for them to do so: R2C2, R9C9, R8C3, R3C8. |
Posts: 1
Country : India | ibiza posted @ 2020-07-21 10:23 PM How can I start the monthly puzzle? is that a paid puzzle or what? |
Posts: 3567
      Country : India | |
 Posts: 241
    Country : Indonesia | With the contest period over, we can now conclude this contest.
Congratulations for Endo Ken (EKBM), Walker Anderson (WA1729), and Freddie Hand (Puzzle_Maestro) for the podium finish, as well as Tomoya Kimura (Panista) and Taigo Ando (Tigereye) for also finishing the test! And congratulations for Prasanna Seshadri (Prasanna16391), Ashish Kumar (ashaash11ash), Kishore Kumar (kishy72), and Swaroop Guggilam (swaroop2011) as the top 4 Indian solvers! And of course, thank you for everyone taking this test; we at Puzzlers Club are happy to share our creations.
To be honest, I forgot how we came up with this theme idea. We were brainstorming of various possible theme ideas; one group of themes was purely thematic, the other was about rule gimmicks. I suppose this came up from the "purely thematic" group of themes and we liked it enough. There was a theme idea from the "rule gimmick" group as well, but it proved too ambitious. Maybe for another time.
Once we picked the theme, it was then finding the genres. Some types, like Water (Aquarium) and Grass (Tents), were easy. Others, like Psychic (Persistence of Memory) and Dragon (Castle Wall), were less clear. Fighting (Rock, Paper, Scissors) and Fairy (Starry Night) had to refer to much less known types. But all types were existing types; we didn't invent any, and we didn't use variants. (We wanted to use "PC-original" types, like Haisu and Detour that you might have first seen in WAPC, but we ended up not finding a good type to pair it to.)
As for the puzzles, we just let anyone pick any type they wished to construct. We didn't give any restriction on theme and size, although several puzzles ended up showing their type symbols as the aesthetic theme.
For my puzzle (Starry Night) specifically, it was constructed in an interesting way, and admittedly "cheat-y". It was very easy to program a solver for this genre: there are only 90 ways to place 6 symbols in a 6x6 grid such that each row/column has exactly one symbol and no two symbols touch diagonally. Therefore there are at most 90x90x90 = 729,000 valid solution grids (90 for each of star, sun, moon; this is further reduced because in some grids, symbols will overlap and thus do not form a valid solution). A computer can easily go through all these. So I constructed several potential puzzles based purely from the layout of givens, and tossed them to the solver. Once the solver reported a particular puzzle had a unique solution, only then I verified by hand that it had a solution path that I deemed logical enough. (As it turns out, some people complained to me it still felt brute-forcy. Oops.) Other authors can talk about their puzzles if they wish. Solution Booklet should be up soon, too.
Overall, I'm happy with the puzzle quality of this test, and this couldn't be done without all the people that helped. If you're interested in joining our community on Discord, let me know.
While contribution from Puzzlers Club as a whole to LMI has ended for this year (or I don't foresee any more, at least), I will have a puzzle test authored by myself, unrelated from Puzzlers Club, in early November. But even before that, we have a lot of other tests coming up, so keep puzzling! |
Posts: 1
Country : Japan | Kouta posted @ 2020-07-23 8:49 AM I think Persistence of Memory has multiple solutions.
-- I forgot to consider snake's movement, sorry.
Edited by Kouta 2020-07-23 8:57 AM
Posts: 3567
      Country : India | The Solution Booklet is now available here.
Thanks Puzzlers Club for this test. |
Posts: 3
Country : Taiwan | First of all, I really like these puzzles!
Out of all the ones I solved in time, I like Starry Night especially. (Even though I basically brute forced 4 possible scenarios)
I had a hard time solving the RPS in the Instruction Booklet, so I skipped it. And then I found out it's really not that hard.
Snake pit really cost me a lot, and I didn't even solve it! That's what I get for trying to use my intuition.
I was thinking how on earth does the circle next to the 4 connects to anything, then the aha moment hits me like a truck. (I agree that the rules could be clearer, though there isn't really that much possibility for that circle. I think it's fine.)
I was stuck on Icebarn for a long time. After the contest I went back to solve them, and realized the bottom right isn't what I thought it would be.
Stostone has a very interesting rule. I like how most of the stones is forced by the large 3s in the middle.
Overall great puzzles. Thank you Puzzlers Club!
P.S. Hmm... I wonder if this have something to do with this other thing you're currently running?
(Probably not. Please ignore me.) |
Posts: 55
  Country : India | https://youtu.be/T_5cQSWTZMw
Hi friends,
A video today covering a Yajisan Kazusan puzzle from the contest. It was a high pointer and a very tough puzzle which has almost all the tricks seen in this puzzle type. |