Sudoku types for month

LMI Beginners' Sudoku Contest
There will be 4 Classic Sudokus in Round1.
The variations in Round2 in this month are Irregular Sudoku, Odd Even Sudoku, NonConsecutive Sudoku and Diagonal Sudoku.
Rules and examples are provided below.

Classic Sudoku

Place the digits 1 through 9 into the empty cells in the grid so that each digit appears exactly once in each of the rows, columns, and bold outlined 3X3 boxes.

Answer key for the above Sudoku is : 416978325, 327186459

Irregular Sudoku

Every digit from 1 through 7 has to appear exactly once in every row, every column, and outlined regions. Each outlined region has 7 cells and is marked by thick borders.

Answer key for the above Sudoku is : 6257413, 4371526

Odd Even Sudoku

Apply Classic Sudoku rules.
All shaded cells must contain even digits. All white cells must contain odd digits.

Answer key for the above Sudoku is : 243978156, 982765431

NonConsecutive Sudoku

Apply Classic Sudoku rules.
Horizontally or vertically adjacent cells cannot contain consecutive digits.

Answer key for the above Sudoku is : 427386951, 386951427

Diagonal Sudoku

Apply Classic Sudoku rules.
Additionally, digits may not repeat across the marked diagonal(s).

Answer key for the above Sudoku is : 243978156, 982765431